Thursday 9 - [19] - 24...
Verses for today:
He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; And that which he hath given will he pay him again.
Proverbs 19:17 KJV
Be careful about nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
Philippians 4:6 KJV
He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.
Luke 16:10 KJV
URGENT! Please watch and share if don’t want our freedoms to be ruled by the UN and the WHO instead of our own constitution!
Donna Warren

MAGA must see this... Kamala EXPOSED!
Wow! Wow! Wow!
Daniel Brooks

As of 10:56 AM EDT on 18 September, numerous reports are flooding-in, saying electronic devices are AGAIN exploding in Beirut, and throughout other areas of Lebanon. It appears this may be a "Round 2" of Israeli attack.
What makes these reports different from yesterday is that they are saying "electronic DEVICES”“(not necessarily just pocket-pagers) are exploding all over the city.
More info as I get it.
UPDATE 11:03 AM EDT --
Apparently, many of the devices exploding were left at home and in cars. Buildings and cars throughout Beirut are now erupting in fires after the devices explode:
It is important to make clear the following:
The pagers that exploded in Lebanon were not solely used by Hezbollah resistance fighters; employees of Hezbollah's institutions, which include civilians, also used them.

It's important to note that Hezbollah is a political party (part of the Lebanese government) and it operates various civilian institutions, such as schools, hospitals, and media outlets.
Consequently, this attack did not target soldiers exclusively, but civilians as well.
Moreover, there are reports that some individuals purchased and used these pagers, USED, from the market, further highlighting that this was an indiscriminate attack, not limited to military personnel.

UPDATE 11:49 AM EDT --
So widespread and indiscriminate are these Israeli attacks, that even CELL PHONE STORES are seeing their phones blowing up and setting the stores on fire!

***** BULLETIN *****
UPDATE 12:08 PM EDT --
Over a Dozen of the Wounded from today’s Pager Attack are reported to be Lawmakers in the Lebanese Parliament, specifically Members of the Hezbollah Party.
-- The Israeli Air Force is currently bombing Hezbollah cells throughout southern Lebanon.
-- Israeli Army Radio: Explosions in Lebanon involved cell phones, lithium batteries, biometric identification devices. and another wireless device.
UPDATE 12:27 PM EDT --
The Lebanese Civil Defense Agency has stated that at over 60 Buildings as well as 15 Cars and Motorcycles caught Fire today (SO FAR) across the Country, as a result of the Explosion of Hundreds of Two-Way Walkie-Talkies and Fingerprint Devices used by Hezbollah.
The HAL Turner RADIO Show
Harold C. Turner
1906 Paterson Plank Road
Post Office Box 421
North Bergen, NJ 07047

Ukrainian drone strike destroys "Indestructible" arms Depot in Russia:
RT's version is quite different.
Falling fragments caused a fire in Toropets, officials have said
FILE PHOTO: A Russian police officer. © Sergey Bobylev / Sputnik

A partial evacuation has been ordered in Toropets, a town of 11,000 to the northwest of Moscow, where “fragments” of a downed Ukrainian drone started a fire, Tver Region Governor Igor Rudenya said in the early hours of Wednesday.
Local air defenses were activated to intercept an enemy UAV, Rudenya said, adding that emergency services are responding to the blaze caused by “falling drone fragments.”
The governor has ordered “partial evacuation of residents from the territory where the air defenses are active and responders are working to contain the fire,” according to a statement from his office. There are no reports of casualties.
A total of 54 Ukrainian drones were destroyed overnight in five Russian regions, the Defense Ministry said, as quoted by the TASS news agency.
As one might expect... Ukraine REPORTS a much DIFFERENT Picture... Only ONE is telling the TRUTH!
I think this shows how determined Putin is to not get drawn into fullscale war until after the US election. And it also shows how our predictions of war coming to Europe must follow uprisings in France. Putin remains in control of the agenda, regardless of how nasty the Ukrainians and US behave.
Bestall & Brooks - revealing God's puzzle - watch now:
[Byzantium looks forward to DEALING with The OTTOMAN TURKS FINALLY]
Ukrainian drone strike destroys "Indestructible" arms depot in Russia
Acolossal mushroom cloud was sighted soaring above Russian soil after a key missile and ammunition depot was blasted by Ukraine using a hefty drone strike earlier today.

Dramatic snapshots have captured the enormous inferno taking place just 235 miles west of Moscow in the heartland of Russia. The relentless chain of blasts led to evacuations in Toropets and surrounding hamlets, prompted by the blaze-consuming facilities suspected of housing roughly 30,000 tons of munitions.
Despite shooting down 54 Ukrainian drones as per reports from Wednesday morning, Russia has maintained silence on any possible losses resulting from the assault. Continuing detonations are being reported locally, reports the Express.
Patrick Bestall
RETURN Ministries:
What Mark Twain Saw When He Visited Israe

Sima Bochner's Aliyah Story
Hi! My name is Sima Bochner. Since officially pursuing Aliyah, people have asked me why I am making such a move. I had trouble putting my finger on why I really want to live in Israel until recently God gave me the words and simple clarity. Although I have family in Israel and am incredibly grateful for that connection, my decision to move is not solely based on being closer to them.
It’s not just about the shorter winters, the delicious pita, or the stunning landscapes (though I look forward to all of these). Ultimately, I feel that the Land of Israel is where I’m meant to build my life, for the sake of my future family and the Jewish community as a whole. God declared Israel as the Jewish homeland, and as a Jew, I am committed to making my home there — it’s as simple as that. I feel it’s my spiritual duty.
My future goals include helping to heal my people, whether through therapy, artistic expression, or both. With God’s help, I also aspire to raise a healthy, resilient, spiritual, and fun-loving family that will contribute positively to the world.
Aliyah Action
Help Sima Bochner Make Her Aliyah in 2024!
Aliyah Fund
Give a free-will love offering into the Aliyah fund of any amount for Sima Bochner which will be accumulated to sponsor her Aliyah.
Project Return Sponsorship Program
We connect you with your family/individual so you can love and encourage them during their journey. You raise funds to help them with the cost of their move. There may be more than one sponsor.
Contact Peg at or call her at 519-860-1599
Questions? We would love to hear from you:
Phone: 519 684 7198

David YEO:
TH3$3 DR!NK$**C@NC3R (1 Min)
TRUMP $UPP0RT3R$ G0N3 W!LD (3 Min)
1 Yr AG0**LUC!F3R'$ CH!LL!NG !NT3RV!3W (17 Min)
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L3B@N0N**9 K!LL3D--2,750 !NJUR3D !n P@G3R BL@$T ATT@CK (8 Min)
TH3 $o-C@LL3D 'EMPTY H0R!Z0N'**A CL0$3R L00K**$H!P$ are $33N (11 Min)
R@!$3D FR0M TH3 D3@D (1 Min)
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B!G EV3NT$ are H@PP3N!NG W0RLD-W!D3 (12 Min)
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D3C0D!NG TH3 0CCULT!$T$**D0N@LD's 2nd ATT3MPT (12 Min)
David YEO

Yeshua's Return:
Denise Duncan
Dear sons and daughter's of God,
Dearest daughter's of Zion and sons of Abraham,
In the Gospel of Matthew chapter 24, the disciples of Yeshua the Messiah of Israel asked Him, "What will be the sign of Your RETURN?"
He answered, "DO NOT BE DECEIVED !!!" HE proceeded to enumerate a list of end time phenomena that would occur BEFORE His RETURN.
Lately the LORD has been giving me greater and greater revelation about verse 37,
"As in the days of Noah so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." Emmanuel-'God with us.' has been revealing the meaning of this phrase more and more from His perspective.
No one can argue that today's unbelieving culture is TOTALLY indifferent to the will of God as described in the following verses 38 &39a. Then He repeats, "so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man" No one can argue this same ANTI-CHRIST spirit is dominating the minds of the unbeliever today.
What my LORD is showing me is HIS HEART in regards to the disgusting rebellion of those possessed with 1 agenda to, 'STEAL, KILL, AND DESTROY'
In the past, before the rise of every DELIVERER there has been this same ANTI-CHRIST spirit rise up to kill the most innocent and defenseless human beings: our babies. This killing frensy occurred when Moses was born and when Yeshua was born! It is occurring today, Millions of unborn babies have been aborted in the name of convenience.
Even worse, half of those who are the professing to be followers of Yeshua have absolutely NO deep intimate relationship with Him. HE IS RETURNING FOR A BRIDE WITHOUT SPOT (IDOLATRY) OR WRINKLE (UNBELIEF-which causes anxiety, worry and most especially fear)
THE QUESTION IS, how does our God of love feel about the condition of the church today??? No need for guess work, He Himself tells us in Revelation 3 verse 16 what He will do with the lukewarm church and why. "He will VOMIT her from His mouth because she is neither hot or cold."
If you are professing to be a follower of Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel and you are NOT passionately in love with the LOVER of your soul= the PRINCE of SHALOM= the PRINCE of total PEACE, COMPLETENESS, WHOLENESS,PEACE, WELFARE,SAFETY, HEALTH,SOUNDNESS,TRANQUILITY, PROSPERITY, PERFECTNESS, FULLNESS,REST, HARMONY=THE ABSENCE OF AGITATION OR DISCORD!!! then you ARE lukewarm.
Read what YOU need to do right now in verses 14 to 22 of Revelation 3.
Because He is coming back SOON for His BRIDE.
The question to ask is WHY will the Father of Glory say to Yeshua, "Son go get your Bride."
The answer is, BEFORE THE WRATH. The perfect Bride is not appointed to wrath.
{The sons of God who are led by the spirit of God will occupy until He returns. The Body of Christ-Messiah will shine the LIGHT of the Gospel of SHALOM and keep being the salt-the preservation of society, until He returns.}
Now for a more precise understanding of God's timing.
IF WE UNDERSTOOD OUR JEWISH ROOTS, WE WOULD KNOW that we are ALL called to continue celebrating the FEASTS OF THE LORD.
Because they are a rehearsal of the real prophetic events.
1. Yeshua died exactly on the Feast of Passover,
2. He was buried exactly on the Feast of unleavened bread
3. He rose from the dead exactly on the Feast of First fruits
4. The end time Church was born and empowered by the Ruach Hachodesh-Breath of God- HOLY SPIRIT, exactly on the Feast of Pentecost.
Now do you understand why the early ecclesia-church was so excited about His return???
In Matthew 24:14 Yeshua gives us another important clue about the timing of His RETURN, "This Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to ALL the nations. And then the END will come.
According to Dr. David Hocking, the Gospel of the Kingdom was preached to all the KNOWN world by the Apostles and disciples of Messiah Yeshua, by the end of the first century.
Now do you understand why the Apostle Paul was so zealous???
He received the mystery of the Gospel of Grace, but he was never told that there was a continent across the vast ocean that had yet to be discovered. There were thousands of native people yet to be evangelized in North and South America and the Islands. Yes EVERY CHILD MATTERS!!
Our heavenly Father waited until you, the first nation people of the Americas were told about the Good News, that "God so loved the WORLD that He sent His only begotten Son (to that world) so that WHOSOVER BELIEVES in HIM, will NOT perish (GO to hell for eternity) but have ETERNAL LIFE, (NOW and FOREVER) John 3:16 {PS. The GOSPEL of John was written AFTER Revelation. Check the dates.)
As in the days of Noah... God poured out His wrath on the entire planet, WHEN the human race turned a deaf ear to NOAH's warning. He took about 120 years to build the Ark to God's specifications while the rest of the world mocked him, and ridiculed him etc.
They were NOT mocking Noah anymore when "the FLOOD came and took them ALL away."
Again I ask you' "Are you rapture ready?" In verse 40 and 41 of Matthew 24, Yeshua explains what the rapture will be like. The Apostle Paul tells us that it will happen in the twinkling of an eye. What does that tell you?
IF YOU WAIT, until then, IT'S TOO LATE!"
By the way, the next FEAST OF TRUMPETS is October 2nd and 3rd, 2024.
In exactly 2 weeks, it is October 3rd. TISHREI 1,5785
AHHH Are YOU rapture ready?
The reason why no one knew the day was that without computers 3000+ years ago, the chief priest could not predict when the new moon would occur.
The reason no one knew the hour was that their are 24 time zones around the globe.
Well if the LORD hasn't convinced you by now, you will be convinced when you see for yourself and hear that BILLIONS of people (including all children below the age of accountability) have just disappeared from this sin filled planet.
Are you rapture ready???
If you are claiming to be a follower of Messiah Yeshua, are you passionately in love with HIM, occupying until He comes??? then share this Good News, ASAP with everyone you love, everyone on your contact list, until you are taken up to meet Him in the air! Remember Emmanuel-God with us is with you 24/7/365-366
If you have been an unbeliever, REPENT-turn from your wicked ways and SEEK His Face-a deep intimate relationship with Him. How? Knowing Him by reading His Word and listening to His still small voice- His promptings. He is the GOOD SHEPHERD who leads you on the right path for His name's sake- for the honor of His name -the name which is above ALL names in heaven and on Earth.
Every knee will bow before the Savior of the world on the day that we all see Him face to face. He promised NOT to Leave us as orphans. That's why when you believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and confess publicly with your mouth that He is the LORD and YOUR LORD and Master. YOU will be saved!! The angels in heaven throw the biggest party ever when a sinner escapes hell by deciding to follow Yeshua no matter what the cost!!!

I think it's T.W. Tozer who said, " He is no fool who leaves what he cannot keep (we leave it all behind when we die) to gain what he cannot lose.
{Now it's that DIVINE kind of LOVE that overcomes the enemy of our souls.}
HE DIED IMMEDIATELY. The centurion who oversaw hundreds of crucifixions per year, declared: "Surely, this man was the Son of God."
He ordered a Roman soldier to pierce His side rather then break His legs because He was already dead. Blood and water pour out of his side. Medical doctors agree that that is proof that His heart had burst open. HE DIED OF A BROKEN HEART FOR YOU AND ME. NOW THAT IS LOVE!!!
God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. It's not too late for you to fulfill your own calling. At the push of a button, you can reach hundreds of people. Our job is to be messengers of the Good News and leave the rest to Him.
It aired last Saturday, September 14, 2024
Denise Duncan

Rumors – Rumors - Rumors – Rumors – Rumors
RUMOURS Circulating out there...:
You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!
The latest news:
On Wed. 18 Sept. 2024
3rd Trump Assassination Attempt
Operation Stormbreaker Activated
National Guard Deployed Coast to Coast
Alliance Military Arresting Globalists Worldwide
While NATO Struck Back: Nuclear Missile Fired On Russia
Leading To Fears of A Nuclear World War III & Near Death of Civilization Event
Expect Emergency Broadcast System Activated & Military Law Installed Worldwide Soon
It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.
“The highest form of ignorance is when you reject something you don’t know anything about.”…Wayne Dyer
Note: In a World full of lies, Truth will be called a conspiracy. And, if you’re told the lie enough times, it becomes part of your reality. If enough people are taught that lie, it becomes part of the culture.
This is how easy it is to manipulate people to believe things that aren’t true. It’s called the Mass Media’s Mind Control of the Masses – what the CIA Cabal Deep State Globalists do to maintain control over People of the World.
That’s why they are so afraid of Patriots who speak out. The more who expose the truth, the less control they have. Like President Trump said, Together We Are Unstoppable!
On Wed. 17 Sept. when NATO struck a massive Russian ammunition depot in Toropets, rumors began to spread of a nuclear explosion. If true, such could easily ignite a Nuclear World War III and Near Death of Civilization Event.
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In addition having secret command of the Global Military Alliance, Trump was also responsible for over 50,000 deputized Federal Marshals. The Marshals were now stationed in 360 US Cities to quell problems caused by illegal immigration and the activities of foreign gangs sent to the US to cause chaos.
This secret Trump Military, along with DC Police, were preparing to evacuate Washington DC in anticipation of a Supreme Court announcement on the Brunson Brothers Voter Fraud Case. An Announcement in favor of Brunsons would dissolve Congress & the Biden Administration, giving reason to ignite that planned gang violence across the nation.
Trump’s command of the Global Military Alliance has resulted in arresting & holding Military Tribunals on over half a million Deep State Cabal Political & Global Elites.
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Another Trump goal soon to be addressed: Congress needed to overturn Crown Maritime Law in order to return the US to concepts of the original Constitution. By Congress passing the 1871 Act of England, Maritime Law was illegally and unconstitutionally forced onto the American people to keep us in Cabal debt slavery. Now 153 years later, the Cabal’s Mass Arrests would insure that the US would finally return to Constitutional Law.
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The Bible’s Book of Revelation 2:9 said it all: “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of S***n.”
The fake Jew Z******s Bankers have created a legacy system that thrives on centralized control and it’s this system that must be dismantled if we’re ever to see a new era of financial freedom. That’s happening right now with the Global Currency Reset (GCR), where gold/asset-backed currencies of 130 Sovereign nations (so far), will function without the control of Rothschild Central Bankers.
With Trump heading US participation in the GCR, the Banker/Rothschild privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS would soon close and give US Taxpayer monies back to The People.
“Draining the Swamp” isn’t a simple catch phrase, it’s a live Military Operation. With all the goings on, we were awaiting a Global Blackout and Worldwide Activation of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). Normal communication would cease for ten days while the live Alliance Military Operation completed those Mass Arrests.
Be Prepared.
Judy Note: President Trump said that both President Biden and Vice President Harris were “so nice” in their calls following Trump’s second apparent assassination attempt. I wonder how they will react after their third attempt failed in New York today? Just sayin.
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024: BREAKING: NATO Bombs Russian Ammo Depot in Toropets—Nuclear Explosion Feared, Evacuations Underway! VIDEO – – American Media Group
Reports are flooding in from across the country of a massive deployment of National Guard Troops over the past 24 hours. From coast to coast, major cities are seeing an unusual presence of armed military personnel patrolling streets, government buildings, and critical infrastructure.
On Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 NATO struck a massive Russian ammunition depot in Toropets. Evacuation was ordered as rumors of a nuclear explosion spread. Could this ignite World War III as tensions reach a critical point? BREAKING: NATO Bombs Russian Ammo Depot in Toropets—Nuclear Explosion Feared, Evacuations Underway! VIDEO – – American Media Group
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024: EXPOSED: Jesuits Control the Vatican and Are the Real Religious Controllers of the New World Order! – – American Media Group
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On 9/11: If you still don’t know this – the planes were digitally inserted into the videos. The buildings – all three, were rigged to blow. Pentagon was hit by a missile. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Wed. 18 Sept. 2024
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Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of September 18, 2024 – The US Military News
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 Situation Update: Judy Byington: Un-Redacted: Global Military Strike Designed to Obliterate the Globalist Power Structure Underway! Special Intel Report 9/18/24 (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
Tues. 17 Sept. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SITUATION UPDATE 9/17/24 “ARMAGEDDON AVERTED” (
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 National Guard Deployed Coast to Coast …Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy on Telegram
Reports are flooding in from across the country of a massive deployment of National Guard Troops over the past 24 hours. From coast to coast, major cities are seeing an unusual presence of armed military personnel patrolling streets, government buildings, and critical infrastructure. The sudden influx of these troops has ignited a frenzy of speculation: Is Martial Law on the horizon?
Residents from New York to Los Angeles, Houston to Chicago, are on edge as these highly visible deployments raise red flags. There’s no clear reason for this surge—no major disaster, no widespread protests, no external threats. Yet, the troops are here. Why now? The coordination, the scale, and the timing suggest something bigger is brewing. Something they don’t want us to know about.
MARTIAL LAW RUMORS EXPLODE ACROSS SOCIAL MEDIA! As more footage of troops floods social media, one word is on everyone’s lips: Martial Law. This isn’t just a paranoid fantasy. Martial law means the suspension of our rights, where the military takes control of civilian life. Curfews, checkpoints, property seizures, and arrests without trial are all on the table. And now, it feels like we’re just one step away from that terrifying reality.
HAZMAT TROOPS? WHY NOW? The situation becomes even more alarming with reports of HAZMAT teams—military personnel in hazardous material suits—being spotted alongside these National Guard units. What are they preparing for? Is there an imminent bio-terrorism threat? Or is something more insidious at play? The government is silent, offering only vague statements about “preparedness exercises”, leaving the public in the dark.
UNPRECEDENTED MILITARY ACTIVITY, ZERO EXPLANATIONS Despite the overwhelming presence of military units in our streets, officials aren’t talking. The Department of Defense and local authorities have given the public no clear answers, only further stoking suspicion. If everything was under control, why the secrecy?
The lack of transparency is only fueling more speculation. Could this be preparation for mass arrests? A response to an unseen threat? Or is it the final push toward a totalitarian regime where our freedoms vanish overnight?
PANIC AND PREPARE You need to be ready. With the looming possibility of martial law, it’s time to stock up on essentials—food, water, medical supplies. Create a plan to communicate with loved ones. Stay alert and question everything you hear.
This isn’t just a drill. Something big is coming, and they’re not telling us the whole story.
Possible Timing:
Tue. 17 Sept. 2024 John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram: “In one week everything will change. The channels everyone has been waiting for will publish devastating information that is kept secret from the public. A big scandal happened this week, so we have it all. Donald Trump has promised.”
Absolutely no time frame has been given for EBS Activation. No one knows when it will happen, other than it will occur at the top of the hour. It was designed this way for a reason.
When it happens you are to follow EBS instructions to the letter.
Be ready for 3-6 weeks where everyone will be home.
There is no reason to panic as everything has been factored in.
Sun. 15 Sept. 2024 EBS: The Moment We’ve Been Waiting For …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram
U.S. Military Alert: All military forces worldwide are preparing to suspend all media, internet, phone, and TV services. Emergency services will stay active, but everything else is about to go dark.
During this time, no internet, no ATMs, and phones only working for 911 calls. This is the Global Martial Law we’ve been talking about, and it comes with a 10-day communication blackout.
But here’s the kicker: the Emergency Broadcast System will be activated worldwide. Nonstop, 24/7, 8-hour documentaries exposing the darkest secrets of the elite—fraud, corruption, p********a, and their arrests—will play three times a day. The truth will be unleashed.
The military is taking down Cabal-controlled governments worldwide, executing mass arrests based on 500,000 sealed indictments. This is the moment we’ve been fighting for.
After the 10 days of darkness, we will reconnect to a new Quantum Internet. The old systems of government, education, finance, health, and commerce? Gone. A new age is coming.
GESARA/NESARA activated.
Global Currency Reset:
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 TNT Update: “Banks got memos yesterday Tues. 17 Sept. telling them to get ready and be there this morning because it was scheduled between now and Fri. 20 Sept. The RV announcement should be by tomorrow Thurs. 19 Sept. There is a scheduled time but no one wanted to put it out. We are now waiting for the big announcement on the Fed rate. The Market will change with the Fed announcement. They want things to settle down and then will let the RV go. The rates are out. The Banks are ready. This should be our final call.”
Judy Note: The Federal Reserve announcement was that they cut interest rates by 50bps for the first time in 4 years.
Tues. 17 Sept. 2024 Wolverine: Rubem Baz said, “At 15:30 Brazilian time on Tues. 17 Sept. was the last procedure between Brazil and Reno (USA). Tomorrow Wed. 18 Sept, after 11:00am invitations to go to the bank will be sent. In 48 hours (Fri. 20 Sept.) we will go liquid. This portion is 1%. Finally there is nothing left to do. Payments will now begin.” …“Things are defiantly happening behind the scenes. We are going to be celebrating this week. There are things that I can’t say, but I wanted you to know that things are defiantly moving.” … “I agree with Mr Salvage report on German Bastidas who is one of the leaders of the Pentecostal Group. They have now finished all the contracts with the Call Centers which are located in Brazil. On Mon. 16 Sept. 2024 notifications began to be delivered. On Tues. 17 Sept. 2024 they closed the platforms and were ready to begin start the blessing. They will begin sending the transactions from the 1st to the 2nd of October to each member.”
Tues. 17 Sept. 2024 Bruce: Bond Holders are getting funds into their accounts right now and will have access to those funds Thurs. or Friday. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) will be notified at the same time as Tier 3.
On Mon. 16 Sept. 2024 Trump unveiled a new crypto venture World Liberty Financial – suspected to be a precursor to the Global Currency Reset:
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 A NEW ERA IN FINANCE …Secret Files Exposed on TelegramBold Steps for Those Who Are Awake The financial landscape is evolving rapidly, and for those who are “AWAKE” to the changes, the future is both exhilarating and daunting. We are on the brink of a new era, where traditional financial systems are being replaced by a revolutionary new paradigm. This article explores the key components of this emerging financial system—GESARA, QFS, GCR/RV, ISO 20022, BASEL III, Protocol QFS 20, and the Iraqi Dinar. This journey is not for the faint-hearted; it’s for those ready to take charge of their financial destiny.
Current State of Affairs: We are living in uncertain times marked by erratic weather, pandemics, and political turmoil. Amidst this chaos, a financial transformation is quietly unfolding—a transformation that promises stability and security for those who are prepared to embrace it.
Key Components of the New Financial System:● GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act): A worldwide initiative aimed at overhauling the global financial system and ushering in an era of prosperity. GESARA seeks to eliminate debt-based currencies and replace them with asset-backed systems.
● QFS (Quantum Financial System): A digital platform leveraging blockchain technology and quantum computing to bring transparency, security, and efficiency to financial transactions, rendering traditional banking systems obsolete.
● GCR/RV (Global Currency Reset/Revaluation): This initiative involves recalibrating global currencies, aligning them with tangible assets like gold and silver to level the playing field and reduce the dominance of a few reserve currencies.
● ISO 20022: A global standard for financial messaging that streamlines communication between financial institutions, enabling faster, more accurate cross-border transactions.
● BASEL III: A set of international banking regulations requiring financial institutions to maintain higher capital reserves, enhancing stability within the global banking system and reducing financial crises.
● Protocol QFS 20: A protocol within the Quantum Financial System designed to further secure and streamline financial operations, ensuring that transactions are conducted with the utmost integrity.
● Iraqi Dinar: A currency of significant interest among investors due to its potential for revaluation, which could be part of the broader Global Currency Reset.
Seize Your Financial Future: Now is the time to take control of your financial destiny. The era of saving others is over; those who are aware of the new financial system’s opportunities have reached a higher level of financial consciousness.
If you’ve been hesitant, it’s time to act. Convert your assets into digital gold and silver-backed coins, and secure them in the QFS ledger. The digital realm provides a level of transparency and security that traditional banking cannot match.
Additionally, invest in ISO 20022 compliant assets like XLM and XRP, which are set to play crucial roles in the new financial system. Even if you feel like a latecomer, remember that revolutions always have late arrivals who can still make an impact.GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!
Global Financial Crisis:
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024: US Debt Clock: “It’s Going to be Biblical!” – – American Media Group
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 Financial Collapse Imminent …Q Victory, Q Leaked, Michael Jackson on Telegram
Rumor: Biden to be Arrested
Quantum Computer Has Been Activated.
We are Go.
Restored Republic:
The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States ( How To Save America | Republic for USA (
Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic?
Wars and Rumors of Wars:
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024: The Iraqi Iranian-Backed Paramilitary Group, Kata’ib Hezbollah has announced that they are willing to send Fighters, Equipment, and Support to Hezbollah in Lebanon, following today’s Pager Attack by Israel which resulted in 4,000 Hezbollah Members to be Injured.
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024: BREAKING: NATO Bombs Russian Ammo Depot in Toropets—Nuclear Explosion Feared, Evacuations Underway! VIDEO – – American Media Group
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024:
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024: In a rather cryptic and unsettling statement the Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe hinted at a terrifying event surrounding Donald Trump! His warning is leaving many wondering what he really meant and what exactly does he know that we do not. Something’s Up! Secret Service Director Issues Bizarre Cryptic Warning of ‘Upcoming Event!’ | Politics | Before It’s News (
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The Real News for Wed. 18 Sept. 2024:
What’s in store for Free Speech in America if Kamala wins: Kamala: “If you don’t police your social media platform we will hold you accountable.” Walz: “There’s no guarantee to free speech.” Hillary: “Americans should be criminally charged for misinformation.”
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 Explosions in Lebanon again: this time motorcycles, cars, walkie-talkies and radios of Hezbollah members are detonated, k*****g 12 people. All this happened during the funeral of the son of one of the leaders of the Shiite paramilitary organization, Ali Ammar. The media also reported on explosions of devices in Syria, where 19 IRGC soldiers have already been k****d. Israel has transferred the elite 98th division from Gaza to the border with Lebanon. According to preliminary data, Mossad placed explosives in 5,000 Taiwan-made pagers ordered by Hezbollah in February, and at least 4,000 exploded yesterday.
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 Creator of Matrix Movie Shares Details of Hollywood Elites:
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Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 Warning to the Corrupt Elite: The Military Is Unleashing Medbeds Now, Regenerating Limbs and Curing Diseases—Your Days of Control Are Over! – Gazetteller
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024: Important Alert from Medeea Greere: Beware of Fake Accounts – – American Media Group
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024: WARNING: Not for the Faint of Heart! Declas & Disclosure in Full Swing – Watch Now! – – American Media Group
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024: BREAKING: Military Occupation Ends Before November 5th! – – American Media Group
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024: Breaking – Third Attempt on Trump as NATO Hits Russia With a Nuke — OMG | Politics | Before It’s News (
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Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:
Reformed ex-climate alarmist, Tom Harris: “Wind turbines require a backup fossil fuel plant that continues burning 90% of the time, making the wind turbine largely unnecessary and, in essence, just for show. This is a far cry from the environmentally friendly image that is presented to the public.
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024: EXPOSED: Jesuits Control the Vatican and Are the Real Religious Controllers of the New World Order! – – American Media Group
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 Israel at Heart of Global Storm, Rothschild Dominion Exposed …Ben Fulford on Telegram
The World is shifting, and those with eyes to see are recognizing the signs. Israel isn’t just a nation; it’s the command center of a global scheme that threatens to topple everything we hold dear. The Rothschild dynasty, with Israel as its headquarters, manipulates the world’s financial and political landscapes. This isn’t just another conspiracy—it’s the truth they’ve tried to bury.
WHY ISRAEL? Israel’s strategic location isn’t coincidental. It’s the nerve center for the Rothschild banking empire, controlling everything from the Federal Reserve to Washington, D.C. They’ve created a legacy system that thrives on centralized control, and it’s this system that must be dismantled if we’re ever to see a new era of financial freedom.
CHAIN REACTION: THE TIDE TURNS: Iran’s retaliation could be the spark that sets off a chain reaction, unraveling the entire Rothschild-Z*****t agenda. Picture this:
Political and Economic Chaos: Conflicts in the Middle East aren’t just regional—they’re designed to cause global instability, shaking the very foundations of international markets and alliances.
Collapse of Centralized Power: As Israel’s influence crumbles, so will the centralized systems it upholds, paving the way for decentralized technologies like blockchain and crypto-currencies.
Global Ripple Effect: The downfall of Israel’s control will send shockwaves across the globe, affecting governments, economies, and the very fabric of society. But from this chaos, a new system will emerge—one free from the stranglehold of Rothschild banking.
BIBLICAL PROPHECY UNVEILED: Ancient prophecies have always pointed to Israel as the epicenter of world-altering events. But here’s what they didn’t tell you: those in power have twisted these prophecies to fit their narrative. Israel isn’t just a player—it’s the stage for the final act of a global drama orchestrated by Z******s and the Khazarian Mafia.
THE TRUE AGENDA: The world you see is an illusion, a grand deception orchestrated by Israel and its Z*****t handlers. They control the media, manipulate political outcomes, and engineer economic crises—all to bring about a New World Order where they hold all the power.
The conflict with Iran? It’s a set up, a calculated move to plunge the world into chaos, where out of the ashes, a new, more controlled world will rise. And it’s all by design.
THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW: They think you’re blind. They think you’ll accept their lies, their chaos, without question. But the signs are clear for those willing to see. Israel, the Rothschilds, the Z******s—they’re not just planning; they’re executing a plan that could enslave the world.
But we’re not powerless. We must expose the truth, resist their control, and fight for our sovereignty. This isn’t just about survival; it’s about reclaiming our world from those who would see it burn just to rise from the ashes with absolute power.
The time is now. Stand vigilant, stay informed, and above all, stand ready to fight against the darkness that seeks to consume us. Israel may be the epicenter, but the resistance starts with us.
Tues. 17 Sept. 2024 BREAKING! White Hats Lead the Greatest Sting Operation Ever—Military Units Mobilize Worldwide to Wipe Out the Globalists! …Gitmo TV on Telegram
This is it. The final showdown. The deep state and globalists are on the ropes, and the White Hats are about to deliver the knockout punch that will change everything.
The military is on the brink of executing an unprecedented operation to take back control from the shadow government. Forget what the mainstream media tells you—they’re just puppets. The real action is happening behind the scenes, and the gears are already in motion.
GESARA’s promised wealth transfer—the biggest in history—is here. This isn’t just money; it’s the liberation of trillions of dollars from the secret vaults of the elites. The old financial system, built to enslave humanity, is crumbling. Wealth will be returned to the people where it belongs. Prepare now—secure your assets and align yourself with the truth. This is the moment we’ve been waiting for!
Elite military units are on high alert, mobilizing across strategic locations worldwide. This isn’t a drill. It’s Operation Stormbreaker—a coordinated military strike to obliterate the globalist power structure. The deep state is about to lose its grip on power. Leaked satellite intel shows unusual military activity in the Nevada desert—this is the staging ground for a massive crackdown on deep state facilities used for illegal operations.
As of today, September 17, 2024, military transports have been spotted landing at Nellis Air Force Base and Fort Bragg. Insiders report this is Phase One of a larger operation targeting key deep state strongholds in Washington, D.C., New York, Los Angeles, and beyond.
The Pentagon is done waiting for compromised bureaucrats. Orders are coming directly from a clandestine command center deep within Cheyenne Mountain. And it’s not just the U.S.—forces overseas are joining the fight. Bases in Germany and Italy are preparing for joint operations with loyal NATO factions. The global purge is about to begin.
The elites are panicking. Private jets have been tracked flying into remote hideouts—they’re running scared. CEOs are stepping down, politicians are “retiring,” but there’s no escape. The storm is here, and it will show no mercy.
The time for change is now. The White Hats are moving, and the people are rising. The deep state is crumbling. We are taking back our world, and there’s no turning back.
This is war. The reckoning is upon us. Stay strong, patriots. We will win.
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Wed. 18 Sept. 2024: The Storm Is Here: Hidden Bunkers Raided, Children Rescued, and the Deep State Exposed …Michael Jackson on Telegram
The Deep State’s grip on our nation is weakening as their secrets come to light. The truth, long concealed, is now emerging, and the powerful are scrambling to maintain control. Brave actions are peeling back the layers of deception, revealing the sinister operations that have kept the American people in the dark for too long.
February 18, 2024: The Georgetown Raid: Tension filled the air in Georgetown, Washington, DC, as Unit X, a group of elite military personnel with trained Belgian Malinois, stormed a hidden bunker beneath the city’s streets. Inside, they uncovered horrors orchestrated by the Deep State—47 children were rescued, and high-profile arrests followed, including a sitting congressman. The mainstream media remained silent, complicit in covering up this monumental event.
Operation Eclipse Exposed: March 15, 2024, marked another victory against the Deep State. Leaked documents from a private intelligence firm in Langley, Virginia, exposed “Operation Eclipse,” a plan to fracture the nation through media manipulation and engineered social unrest. The deep state aimed to bring America to its knees, paving the way for martial law. However, Trump’s executive orders from 2020 thwarted this sinister plot just in time.
FEMA Camps Revealed: On June 22, 2024, a whistleblower from the Department of Homeland Security risked everything to reveal that FEMA camps, supposedly for natural disasters, were being used as holding facilities for political dissidents and t********d children. Satellite imagery and intercepted communications confirmed these camps’ existence in remote areas of Nevada and Montana, exposing the deep state’s depravity.
The Silicon Valley “S*****e”: August 8, 2024, saw the mysterious death of a tech billionaire in his Silicon Valley mansion. The official story—s*****e—was a lie. This billionaire, a key financial architect of the deep state, had been funding operations to undermine Trump’s efforts to drain the swamp. Unit X had been monitoring him, and when they struck, they ensured he could no longer threaten the nation. This was not a s*****e but an execution in the war against those who seek to destroy America.
The Deep State’s Final Struggle: The Deep State is in full retreat, but the battle is far from over. Every day, new revelations expose the extent of their crimes and influence. The fight for the soul of America is entering its most critical phase. The deep state’s reach extends into every facet of society—government, media, corporations, and institutions once trusted to protect us. They have manipulated and controlled us through fear and division for years, but 2024 marks the turning point.
The Mainstream Media’s Role: The mainstream media continues to distract and deceive, burying stories that matter and pushing narratives designed to keep the public docile and divided. They want us to believe everything is normal, but we know better. We see through their lies and understand their complicity in the deep state’s crimes.
The Tide Is Turning: The Storm is here, and the deep state is running scared. They are not invincible, and the tide is turning. The hunters have become the hunted. Every action they take is monitored, every plot countered, and every secret exposed. The deep state’s time is running out, and the final, decisive blow is coming.
Conclusion: The Dawn of a New America: The American people are waking up, and the deep state’s days are numbered. The storm is here, bringing with it the dawn of a new America. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and together, we will reclaim our country from those who would see it destroyed. The light of truth is breaking through, and with it comes the end of the deep state’s reign. Their time is almost up, and a new era is on the horizon.
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 The entire board of 23andMe Just Resigned. Why is this important? …MJTruth on Telegram
Wojcicki is mentioned in the Qdrops as Being Associated with creating a Mass Surveillance State in a Collaborated effort between Silicon Valley and the CIA & NSA
Sergey Brin (born in Madcow), the founder of Google, was married to… Anne Wojcicki, the founder of 23andme, whose sister is Susan Wojcicki, the CEO of YouTube [DARPA] (she died recently though). Funny how they’re all connected, eh?
The drops also elude that [DARPA] aka Google played a role in the spy campaign against Trump… same with Twitter 1.0… which was believed to be used in an assassination attempt, where they tried to shoot AF1 out of the sky.
The End Goal: The research arms of the CIA and NSA hoped that the best computer-science minds in academia could identify what they called “birds of a feather:” Just as geese fly together in large V shapes, or flocks of sparrows make sudden movements together in harmony, they predicted that like-minded groups of humans would move together online. The intelligence community named their first unclassified briefing for scientists the “birds of a feather” briefing, and the “Birds of a Feather Session on the Intelligence Community Initiative in Massive Digital Data Systems” took place at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose in the spring of 1995.!topic/mail.cypherpunks/4CDiW59hS88
At this point, Iris scanners are now on our phones screening our eyes to “confirm our identity”… Q eluded to how long before that becomes a drop of blood?
In addition to all of this, there’s also the threat of biological warfare against specific genealogy (specific races)… as RFK JR talked about
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 BQQQM!!! MH370: The Secret Battle for Humanity’s Future …Source unknown
Unveiling the staggering reality behind Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: this was no ordinary crash. It marked the beginning of a covert war between White Hat forces and the Deep State. What the world saw as a tragic disappearance was, in fact, an intricate military operation that changed everything. This isn’t just another conspiracy—this is the truth they don’t want you to know.
Superconductivity Microchips: The Deep State’s Power Source: MH370 was carrying more than passengers—it held 20 elite semiconductor engineers transporting technology worth trillions. These superconductivity microchips were a game-changer. We’re talking antigravity propulsion, military weapons that could rewrite the rules of warfare, and even cloaking tech that could hide entire planets. That’s right—this was no simple accident. The Deep State had plans to deliver this tech to China, using the flight as cover. But White Hat forces were already two steps ahead.
A Global Operation to Expose Corruption: The U.S., China, Russia, Mossad, MI6—they all knew what was really happening with MH370. The stakes were monumental. The Rothschild-affiliated globalists and CCP elites were about to receive tech that could shift global power in their favor forever. But White Hat forces, including patriots like Admiral Rogers and General Flynn, were ready to counter this global scheme. The plane didn’t just vanish; it was a military operation to strike at the heart of the Deep State’s corrupt empire.
The Space Force and the Truth Hidden from Us: MH370 didn’t go down without leaving a trail. Advanced surveillance systems like the Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) had their eyes on the flight the entire time. They know everything that happened—but the truth has been kept from the public. Over 3,000 satellites tracked MH370, yet we’re told it simply “disappeared.” The Deep State worked overtime to bury the truth, but the White Hats had already
Wed. 18 Sept. 2024 Raise your hand if you’re a undefeated conspiracy theorist. …Ben Fulford on TelegramWe told the truth about C***D.We told the truth about masks.We told the truth about lockdowns.We told the truth about IvermectinWe told the truth about the jabs.We told the truth about the boosters.We told the truth about fudged death numbers.We told the truth about deadly hospital protocol.We told the truth about 2020 rigged election.We told the truth about January 6th.We told the truth about Trump’s assignation attempt.We told the truth about Big Tech censorship.We told the truth about Big Tech election rigging.We told the truth about Democrats cheating.We told the truth about the corrupt FBI.We told the truth about the corrupt CDC.We told the truth about the corrupt DOJ.We told the truth about the corrupt FDA.We told the truth about vaccine severe side effects.We told the truth about the Who and the NWO.We told you the truth about fake news.We told the truth about everything.
