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Already it is TUESDAY!

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

5-25-21 Tuesday -


The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material from the “Restored Republic” report issued by Judy Byington. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.

Delight thyself also in the LORD; And he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

Psalm 37:4 KJV

Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.

John 20:21 KJV


For your ease in getting to Information that you are interested in… I have divided the following Material into three Groups: It is not necessary that you read every Article… scroll down and pick what interests you! Little to none of these are found in the Main-Stream media {MSM}…

Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted in this BLOG – site, are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed in this BLOG and we do not support, represent, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted herein.

Sections divide Material into meaningful Groups:

First… PRAISE:


#2. COVID-19



💥 💥💥💥💥


💥 Alberta bans China from major universities:

Dr. Theresa Tam’s Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has been caught red handed working with the Chinese military on deadly pathogens.

The news comes days after it was revealed that seven Trudeau funded researchers have been sharing experiments on Ebola and other deadly pathogens with the Chinese, and only one day after it was revealed that the Wuhan Institute of Virology almost certainly holds responsibility for the inception of COVID-19.

The move will be a popular one among Albertans, with Nicolaides adding that even the universities have demonstrated a “strong openness and willingness” to take on the Chinese threat to our provincial and national security, according to a Globe report.

Please Send to Your Family and Friends >


A Series of QUESTIONS that need to be addressed!!![Tony Gosgnach & Patrick Bestall]

💥 Do you know the ANSWERS??

💥 No? Then you are NOTINFORMED! 💥 Why are you letting ‘them’ inject you???

Explain how the flu disappeared but has been replaced with something which has the EXACT same symptoms.

Explain why they downgraded "Covid-19" from a high consequential infectious disease days before they declared a pandemic. March 2020 gov website.

Explain how they pulled the coronavirus Act 2020 legislation together in a matter of days, despite the act being several hundred pages long.

Explain why they have completely changed normal practice and used criteria like "deaths for ANY reason within 28 days of a positive test" to classify a Covid-19 death

Explain why they banned autopsies of anyone dying from/with Covid-19.

Explain why they changed the law to allow any practitioner to diagnose Covid through observation alone, even if it is done through video consultation.

Explain how all-cause mortality is at an all-time low.

Explain how millions of protesters across the globe aren't getting sick with "Covid."

Explain how this is the only crisis that needs an advertising campaign paired with a constant barrage of repetitive brainwashing propaganda on the TV and in the streets.

Explain how hundreds of thousands of people marched through the streets of London for an afternoon last month but it wasn't once shown on ANY TV channel or reported in the mainstream press.

Explain how thousands were yelling "shame on you" outside the BBC HQ in both London, Manchester and Cardiff last Saturday but it wasn't shown on the TV?

Explain how the people who are wearing the masks and following the rules are the only ones who are catching "COVID".

Explain how the creator of the PCR amplification tool is on record for stating that the PCR was not designed as a test for infectious diseases.

Explain why they are using the PCR to diagnose an infectious disease.

Explain why the concern has been changed from Covid deaths, to hospitalisations to Covid infections to Covid "cases" .

Explain how the "anti-vaxxers" are being blamed for the rise in "cases" when the only people who could possibly be contributing to the statistics are the people who are getting the "test" in the first place.

Explain why the hospitals were emptier than normal during the height of the "pandemic."

Explain why whistleblowers are reporting that the hospitals are now filling up with vaccine adverse reactions but the MSM aren't reporting it.

Explain why kids need to be vaccinated when, by your own definitions, Covid isn't dangerous to children.

Explain why, if all the vulnerable people have already been vaccinated, do all the healthy people need to get vaccinated if you're already protected by your own vaccine and the recovery rate was already 99.96% without the vaccine.

Explain why the average age of death with "Covid" (82.4 years) is higher than the average age of death without (81.5 years).

Explain how you can get banned from Facebook and Twitter for sharing official government links.

Explain why there are several class actions in progress, taking governments across the globe to court for crimes against humanity, but there is zero MSM coverage.

Explain why most government leaders are reading from the same script.

Explain how all the things that you were laughing at us for talking about last year are now becoming a reality this year e.g. vaccine passports and mass surveillance.


Evolution of Worship Music:

💥 ----- note the dates of each song.

A cappella medley filled with songsstill in use today, but with connections to almost 1500 years of Christian worship. It is all crammed into 7.5 minutes, so strap yourselves in and enjoy the ride!A Cappella Medley

💥 David Wesley [all parts are done by David himself]


💥 Church of Glad Tidings:

#1. CLICK on “Media”

#2. Scroll down to Video {Free & Brave Part 2, Session #8 - Q&A w/ Carrie Madej & Judy Mikovits}

#3. Play!

enJOY! 'Other VIDEOs' [Lynne Mullen]


Trump Issues Blistering Response to NY AG's Criminal Investigation Announcement:

💥 'Something That Happens in Failed Third World Countries':

The implacable vindictiveness of the political establishment against Donald Trump beggars belief. Though the man is now out of office, those who attempted to obstruct, sabotage, derail and spread lies about him while he was president just cannot seem to let matters rest. It never ends!

Epstein guards to skirt jail time in deal with prosecutors.

💥 The prison workers, Tova Noel and Michael Thomas, were accused of sleeping and browsing the internet instead of monitoring Epstein:


May 22, 2021

Editor’s Note: This looks like a deal to get them out of the public eye. The underfunding and understaffing seem to have gone on for ages, so we must ask if funding is being diverted to other areas where it is easier to steal.

We see a climate below of guards subject to being shanghied for double shifts on short notice, something that a short search on Google will reveal the disruptions that causes with the circaidian clock and extensive long term health damage.

Something very ‘fishy’ transpired here’:

If losing someone like Epstein and taking his secrets to the grave will not trigger a reevaluation of Rikers Island I do not know what will if state authorities refuse to make the appropriate changes. [Patrick Bestall]

Arizona Election Audit:

💥 Media Falsely Reports Arizona Election Auditors 'Walked Back' Deleted Election Databases Claim

To do a full audit of the 2020 election in Arizona,auditors need to be able to inspect a great of data that are found on the voting machines made by Dominion Voting Systems.


💥 Georgia judge allows unsealing,

Examination of 2020 Fulton County absentee ballots:

Amid persistent doubts about the validity of the 2020 election results, former President Donald Trump and his supporters will surely feel a sense of vindication from the news that Georgia judge has ruled that absentee ballots cast in Fulton County can be unsealed and examined for potential fraud, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.


💥 Georgia Ballots Under Investigation:

“A Georgia judge is allowing officials to audit roughly 145,000 absentee ballots cast in Fulton County in the 2020 election, attempting to ensure the integrity and security of the state’s elections,” according to Breitbart.

“The audit will allow for the examination of signatures on the ballots to ensure that they are legitimate, according to a Georgia Star News report.


The Network has already denied access to this Site!!!

There is something that they just do not want you to SEE!


💥 Georgia judge says yes to signature examination of Fulton County absentee ballots:

💥 Lingering concerns about the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election results have prompted calls for recounts and audits in jurisdictions across the country, and a judge in Georgia has just permitted the unsealing and examination of the signatures on roughly 145,000 absentee ballots in Fulton County amid a push to ensure election integrity and safety, as Breitbart reports.


💥 Death Notice Rocks Biden Family – White House Shocked:

President Biden and his family got some shocking news as new estimates have determined that roughly 190,000 Americans have died during the first four months of Biden’s presidency.

Statistics collected by Johns Hopkins University show that when Biden took office, 397,611 Americans died due to coronavirus complications. Now that number is sitting at 588,401.

Despite all the boasting and promises made,Biden has learned the hard way that there is not much that can really be done to stop the death toll from climbing.Mayhaps Biden owes former President Trump an apology.

Biden has been consistently wrong when it comes to the coronavirus. When Republican states like Texas removed social distancing measures, Biden slammed them for their “Neanderthal thinking.”

Harris wipes hand…

💥 After greeting South Korean president in diplomatic faux pas:

Vice President Kamala Harris has played an unusually high-profile role in the Biden administration’s dealings with foreign leaders, but while greeting South Korean President Moon Jae-in at the White House on Friday, she was caught wiping her hand following a handshake with the Asian dignitary, in a gaffe some say would have sparked a media firestorm if committed by a Republican.

#2. COVID-19

The censorship of Canadian Doctors:

💥 Questioning the mainstream COVID narrative is anti-science and an ethical sham:

The fact that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, a licensing body wielding the power of the state, has taken such an aggressive move to silence dissent even on lockdown policies is especially disturbing given that they are preventing doctors from voicing their expertise on such important matters.

Mon May 24, 2021 - 11:16 am EST

RELOCATION to avoid ‘Vaccination PASSPORTS’?

"If you want to escape mandatory vaccines, go to Russia," says Iben Thranholm, one of western Europe's top journalists. In her home country of Denmark, the Draconian government has already passed a law to force vaccinations on unwilling citizens.

In this video, Thranholm interviews Fr. Joseph Gleason, an American priest who moved to Russia with his family over three years ago. They discuss Russia's widespread mistrust of vaccines, and the reasons why mandatory vaccinations are unlikely to occur there.


Others find a parish in their hometown that is determined to preserve and strengthen faith in their parish and school.

One parish, Our Lady of the Rosary (OLR) in Greenville, South Carolina, draws Catholic families from around the area and across the country, and has even coined a word to describe what’s been happening there: “Relocatiō.” Relocatiōis, a neologism that is supposed to sound like Latin.

The created term describes the phenomenon of Catholic families relocating for reasons of faith and culture.

'Not Convinced' Of Natural Origin

Earlier this month, just hours after Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) dragged Anthony Fauci over pandemic misinformation - and the fact that Fauci's NIH funded risky collaborations at the Wuhan Institute of Virology - the nation's top virologist…

She says No to the 2nd One (1 Min)


💥 Giving out 'Shaking Hands Ticket' (1 Min)

Bill Cooper:

💥 Left vs Right is all a Game controlled by the Elite (9 Min)

Fauci flip-flops again:

💥 Says he now supports investigation into Chinese origins of COVID-19:

But according to the Washington Examiner, even experts like chief medical adviser to the president — and the left’s science hero — Dr. Anthony Fauci, are beginning to slowly backtrack on their positions, with Fauci dropping a bombshell in a recent report in which he suggested that COVID-19’s potential Chinese origins should absolutely be investigated.



Fox News published an exclusive report late Wednesday in which Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee said there is “significant circumstantial evidence” that the COVID-19 outbreak emanated from a Wuhan Institute of Virology leak.

The committee Republicans pushed for the federal government to put “more pressure on China” to carry out a “full, credible investigation” into the origin of the global coronavirus pandemic.

The “lab leak hypothesis” is gaining more attention, despite being labeled as “debunked” or a “conspiracy theory” in the past by fact-checkers. More on that…

Michigan Gov. Whitmer

Apologizes for Violating Her Own Social Distancing Rules:

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer issued an apology on Sunday after a photo showed her apparently violating state-mandated social distancing guidelines at an East Lansing restaurant.





💥 💥 Vaccinated Individuals Purposely Attending Anti-Lockdown Events to 'Shed' Upon the Unvaccinated: 💥 💥

Intentionally giving the Virus to the “Non-Vaccinated”!

John Whitehead's Commentary

Drivers Beware: The Deadly Perils of Blank Check Traffic Stops

💥 By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead

May 24, 2021

Former Kansas City-based FBI analyst indicted:

💥 After allegedly taking classified documents home:

A veteran former employee at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is facing jail time.

President Joe Biden’s U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on Tuesday the indictment of former FBI analyst Kendra Kingsbury for allegedly removing and retaining highly sensitive government documents and storing them in her home, according to the Daily Caller.

Bill Barr blasts ‘secular progressive orthodoxy’

💥 Permeating America’s public schools:

In a scathing critique of trends in education as well as in society as a whole, former Attorney General William Barr this week posed the question of whether it is advisable – or even constitutional – to continue funding public schools with tax dollars, as the Washington Examiner reports.

"In Human History”

💥 “No Single Asset Has Come Under Such Coordinated Assault by Global Institutions":

“The growth of the Internet will slow drastically, as the flaw in ‘Metcalfe’s law’ becomes apparent: most people have nothing to say to each other! By 2005, it will become clear that the Internet’s impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine,”

Biden Tax Hikes

💥 Hitting Democratic Resistance:

Weeks after President Joe Bidenpitched the first major set of tax increases since 1993, signs are mounting that anxiety among congressional Democrats will significantly temper any increases that manage to pass Congress.


Depopulation Agenda –

💥 Sperm Counts Have Dropped by Nearly Half and a Doctor Hypothesizes Men Will No Longer Produce Sperm by 2045:


Brink of a fertility crisis:

Scientist says plummeting sperm counts caused by everyday products.

A 40-year-long study showed sperm counts have dropped by nearly half. Dr. Shanna Swan hypothesizes men will no longer produce sperm by 2045.

Author: Liz Crawford

Published: 6:35 PM CDT May 18, 2021

Updated: 6:40 PM CDT May 18, 2021

TAMPA, Fla. — You’ve probably heard of someone who struggled with infertility. Maybe you even know a couple who had treatment to help them have a baby.

Fertility issues are pretty common, and new research shows we could actually be on the brink of a fertility crisis.

Dr. Shanna Swan, an environmental and reproductive epidemiologist at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, found sperm counts have plummeted over the last four decades.

Faces of infertility

The journey into parenthood has been long and tedious for Cyndel and Chris Surdovel.

They started trying to have a baby four years ago when they were both in their late twenties. They struggled to try to conceive and resorted to in-vitro fertilization. They experienced several failed treatments and a miscarriage.

"When you decide you’re ready to start a family and it doesn’t happen, it starts to become this obsession, and then you just kind of lose the joy of your everyday life," Cyndel Surdovel said.

The Surdovels were diagnosed with “unexplained infertility,” when doctors can't determine the specific reason a couple is struggling to conceive.

"Twenty percent of the couples we see on average have what we call unexplained infertility," said Dr. Celso Silva, the Medical Director at Shady Grove Fertility and Surdovels' doctor.

Infertility is on the rise with at least one in 10 couples struggling to get pregnant in the United States.

"Age is a major factor as far as the reproductive potential of any couple, the age of the female partner," Silva said.

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, advanced maternal age refers to women age 35 and older. The term is intended to highlight the increased risk of complications that can occur such as difficulty conceiving, miscarriage and birth defects.

The age factor is pretty well known, especially among women who seem to be reminded of their "ticking clock" from relatives, friends, or strangers at some point in their lives.

However, new research shows infertility rates could be rising because sperm counts are dropping.

"All we can say is it has significantly declined with no indication that the rate is slowing down," said Swan, a reproductive epidemiologist who spent years studying male sperm counts.

Her research found sperm counts have dropped by half in the last four decades. In 1973, the average ejaculate had 99 million sperm per milliliter. By 2011, the average ejaculate had 47 million sperm per milliliter.

"It’s not just the number of sperm. They have to be shaped well," explained Swan, who described the upstream swim sperm have to travel for conception to occur.

In her new book, "Count Down," Swan says based on the current curve, sperm counts could be down to zero by 2045.

The lifestyle factor

There are already a number of habits researchers have long established that deplete one's sperm count.

Swan says certain occupations, like people who manufacture pesticides, have been shown to have zero sperm along with men who work with lead.

Other factors contributing to low sperm counts include smoking, binge drinking, obesity and stress.

"The number of stressful events you’ve had in just the last couple months lower sperm count," Swan said.

The unknown variables

Here's where things get a little doomsday on us.

Swan hypothesizes other factors that we aren't tracking are leading to an eventual fertility crisis.

She said, "While you can ask people how much they smoke or what drugs they take, you can’t do that with environmental exposures."

Swan believes chemicals from plastics are getting into our bodies, impacting our hormones and ultimately interfering with our reproductive functions. Phthalates are the culprit. Remember that word. Phthalates are chemicals in plastics that lower the bodies’ testosterone.

So how do phthalates get in our bodies?

Swan says they're everywhere. Any food product that is passed through a soft tube in the manufacturing process has likely absorbed harmful chemicals that could creep into our bodies.

"If you eat unprocessed food, particularly, if you can afford it, organic food, then you are avoiding a lot of exposure," Swan said.

However, it's not just food. Swan said creams, nail polishes, fragrances and other health, beauty and cleaning products are oozing with phthalates.

In regard to sperm counts, much of the damage is done when a male is forming inside the mother's uterus.

Swan said the chemicals get into a woman's body, then into the testicles of the fetus and change development.

"When that child becomes old enough to have sperm, they’ll have a low sperm count and be infertile," she said.

Slow the curve.

While changing our eating habits and being intentional about what products we use might help slow the curve, Swan says it's not enough.

She said we need entirely new products made of safer materials. It will take government intervention.

"They have to be made of different chemicals. Chemicals that can’t interfere with our hormones," she said.

It is a call to action many couples, like the Surdovels, who spent years trying to conceive, can get behind.



The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material from the “Restored Republic” report issued by Judy Byington. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.

On Tues. 25 May some networks would no longer be available due to a satellite change.

The STORM begins with FINANCE/Money. The 24 Nuclear Reactors that must be removed under the 3GD for GESARA to be Activated. Y is the EVENT BIG? The answers are all here.

Project Odin ^^^^QFS, QUANTUM Systems. Knocking down of Internet & Media Sats bringing Odin Online.

Yes the Stock Market will CRASH. It will be PRECISION CYBER on certain CABAL Companies. I have shown you what Industries/resources we are moving away from. Executive Order 1221. How many times did POTUS tell you that the Stock Market will crash THE LIKES NEVER SEEN BEFORE under BIDAN. = CASTLE ROCK Chess Move.The Old Systems must crash before you introduce New Systems.

BREAKING: Roughly 4 months after the deployment began, the National Guard’s mission to secure the U.S. Capitol will come to a close Sunday night, with its mission officially ending Monday morning at midnight. Thousands of National Guard troops that have been stationed in Washington DC since January 6 will finally be able to leave the nation’s capital after 137 days. The move comes after the Department of Defense declined to extend the deployment of the remaining 2,149 troops beyond today. (The Military will stay in DC until after the new election.)

WAIT WAIT WAIT! (Thanks Sherry Nunya for sharing this!!) The National Guard Deployment ends today!! ON PENTECOST!!! (Pentecost/Shavuot is 2 days… completing on Monday 5/24.) And check out what happens at THE END OF THE OCCUPATION!! ARRESTS!!!!!!!!! HAPPY PENTECOST INDEED!!!!!!11.11.8 Disposition of Accused and Convicted Protected Persons Upon the Close of Occupation. Protected persons who have been accused of offenses or convicted by courts in occupied territory shall be handed over at the close of occupation, with the relevant records, to the authorities of the liberated territory.

Fasten your seatbelt, Mark Zuckerberg. TOMORROW: Multiple whistleblowers inside Facebook set to come forward with leaked internal docs.

NEW – James O’Keefe of Project Veritas says multiple whistleblowers inside Facebook set to come forward today with leaked internal documents.

CASTLE ROCK Everything Bad to go down on Biden Admin (Including Cryptos) You know which one stay (USA Wins) Election Flip – The Hero/King Saves The Day/World.

Just in: Dr. Charles Lieber – CCP – Arrested. 50K a month plus living expenses and 1.5 million dollars in payment. US scientist who worked for the Gates-Rockefeller-Foundation and Wuhan laboratory. A year ago Dr. Charles Lieber of Harvard University, an American chemist and pioneer in nano-science and nanotechnology was charged with two federal counts of making a materially false, fictitious and fraudulent statement about his links to a WUHAN University. On June 9, 2020 the Department of Justice indicted Lieber on false statement charges alleging that, unbeknownst to Harvard University and beginning in 2011, Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist” at Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) in China. He later became a contractual participant in China’s Thousand Talents Plan from at least 2012 through 2015.

Big Pharma Labs is owned by? The 2 Wuhan Labs are owned by? Really Simple. The Same People are behind Bitcoin. The Same People who are Big Pharma. The Same People who have the Wuhan Labs. The labs where Viruses are Man Made just like AIDS & many others. ISRAEL IS LAST. The Bolshevic/Khazarian/Zionist Rothschilds put Israel on the Map. Rothschilds arteficially inseminated the UK Royals. Future Proves Past. You must understand the past. The Reversal Of The Act of 1871 has major ramifications for PLANET EARTH. No more Crown, Commonwealth, Constitutions, Balfour Declaration, Big Pharma, Big Tech etc. The World As You Know it is leaving…

Whiplash347: Yes the Stock Market will CRASH. It will be PRECISION CYBER on certain CABAL Companies. I have shown you what Industries/resources we are moving away from. Executive Order 1221. How many times did POTUS tell you that the Stock Market will crash THE LIKES NEVER SEEN BEFORE under BIDAN. = CASTLE ROCK Chess Move. The Old Systems must crash before you introduce New Systems.

Rudy Giuliani: “It’s the Biden crime family. 30 years of shaking people down and selling his office. They accumulated millions. It’s disgusting.”

“The China Biological Laboratory in Wuhan is part of Glaxosmithkline, which (incidentally) belongs to Pfizer!” Someone who makes a viral vaccine that was (accidentally) released in a biological laboratory in Wuhan and (accidentally) funded by Dr. Fauci. who (by accident) advertises the vaccine!

“GlaxoSmithKline is (accidentally) run by the Black Rock finance department, which (by accident) runs the finances of the Open Foundation, which (accidentally) runs the French AXA!

Coincidentally, Soros owns the German company Winterthur, which (accidentally) built a Chinese laboratory in Wuhan and was bought by the German alliance, which (by chance) has a shareholder Vanguard, who is (accidentally) a shareholder in Black Rock, which (accidentally) controls the central banks and manages about a third of the world’s investment capital.

Black Rock is also (coincidentally) the main shareholder of MICROSOFT, owned by Bill Gates, who (by the way) is a shareholder in Pfizer (who – remember? He sells the miracle vaccine) and (it happened) is now the first sponsor of WHO!

Now you understand how a dead bat sold on a wet market in China has infected the WHOLE PLANET! “” …. copy and fast forward …. FB will be removed soon.

For Vendetta Full Movie 2005 – Globalist Plandemic 1984 Prophecy. You’ll see Q is the V in this movie. Time to wake up the people out there. Please share:

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