Summary as I am able:
Interesting Articles…
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs’s is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:10 KJV
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
Romans 1:16 KJV
Why did the legacy media smear the Freedom Convoy? (Ft. Jonathan Kay):
Why did this happen?
On today’s episode of The Candice Malcolm Show, Candice is joined by author and journalist Jonathan Kay. Kay is no conservative, he has progressive sensibilities and even worked with Justin Trudeau to help launch his career as Prime Minister.
But Kay is a contrarian who is incredibly critical of the legacy media and the insidious cancel culture-driven ‘woke’ left. They discuss the truckers, the dishonest media, vaccine mandates and lockdowns, Justin Trudeau and the way he’s changed since becoming Prime Minister, and how to reform the political left. [True North]

The convoy is making a difference, even if Politicians don’t want to admit it
Since the freedom convoy has rolled into Ottawa, the Conservatives have ousted their leader, Saskatchewan has announced an end to all Covid restrictions, Alberta has ditched its vaccine passport, and Quebec has abandoned its tax on the unvaccinated and started to phase out its restrictions.
Whenever any of the politicians behind these moves have been asked, they’ve said the convoy has nothing to do with it, but that honking you hear in the distance begs to differ. What do you think?
In this first ever live edition of The Andrew Lawton Show, Andrew talks about the convoy effect and the political response and takes your comments and questions live.
We’re asking readers, like you, to make a contribution in support of True North’s fact-based, independent journalism.
Unlike the mainstream media, True North isn’t getting a government bailout. Instead, we depend on the generosity of Canadians like you.
How can a media outlet be trusted to remain neutral and fair if they’re beneficiaries of a government handout? We don’t think they can.
This is why independent media in Canada is more important than ever. If you’re able, please make a tax-deductible donation to True North today. Thank you so much. [True North]

Covid/Vax Hoax:
· 26 International Network of Lawyers Say CV19 Crisis is a Fraud and those Responsible Will Be Sued:
· Prof. Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize recipient for the discovery of HIV and believer that HIV exists in the spike protein of the vaccines, has died.
More and more people were testing positive for HIV. Vaccine linked to HIV (Aids) infection.
· “The DMED database shows that after the introduction of vaccines against Covid-19, the incidence of cancer has tripled.
Thanks to the “vaccines”, the incidence of cancer among military personnel has more than tripled.
· Angelique Coetzee, the doctor who discovered Omicron in South Africa was reportedly pressured by European governments not to say the variant causes mostly mild symptoms.
· 1,000 different studies that show extensive evidence of side effects of Covid-19 vaccines. A list of “peer-reviewed” medical articles submitted to various medical journals that provide extensive evidence of side effects of Covid-19 vaccines. The list includes studies conducted before January 20 concerning adverse reactions to Covid-19 vaccines, such as myocarditis, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, heart disease, Bell’s palsy, immune-mediated diseases and many others.
The first 15 studies:
1. Myocarditis after mRNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, a series of cases:
2. Myocarditis after immunization with Covid-19 mRNA vaccines in US military personnel. This article reports that “23 male patients, including 22 previously healthy servicemen, had myocarditis detected within 4 days after receiving the vaccine.”
3. Association of myocarditis with the BNT162b2 messenger RNA vaccine COVID-19 in a series of cases in children.
4. Acute symptomatic myocarditis in seven adolescents after vaccination by Pfizer-BioNTech against Covid-19.
5. Myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination with Covid-19 mRNA: practical considerations for medical professionals.
6. Myocarditis, pericarditis and cardiomyopathy after vaccination against Covid-19:
7. Myocarditis after vaccination with Covid-19 mRNA.
8. Myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination against Covid-19.
9. Myocarditis temporarily associated with vaccination against Covid-19.
10. Vaccination against Covid-19 associated with myocarditis in adolescents.
11. Acute myocarditis after administration of the BNT162b2 vaccine against Covid-19:
12. The temporal relationship between the vaccine against Covid-19 Ad26.COV2.S and acute myocarditis: clinical case and literature review
13. Myocarditis caused by the Covid-19 vaccine: a clinical case with a literature review.
14. Possible link between Covid-19 vaccine and myocarditis: clinical data and MRI data.
15. Relapse of acute myocarditis temporarily associated with the receipt of the vaccine against mRNA coronavirus 2019 (Covid-19) a male teenager.
[REPORT received early this Morning]
Interpretation of Prophecy in a nutshell:
I don't expect any attacks from Russia where Christianity is in full bloom, nor from China where there are more Christians than Communists, nor from North Korea where Billy and Franklin Graham spent years with the leaders, nor from Iran where there is an explosion of Christians, now in the millions. Our media isn't telling you much about all this, eh?
CCP Is ‘Terminally Ill’:
Author Says China’s Domestic Troubles Could Trigger Leadership Coup
I do expect trouble from Turkey supporting rebels in Europe. Then Putin will send in a Christian army to stop it.
Since North America will be too broken up to be important to anyone, the globalists will put all their money down on that new futuristic country in Saudi Arabia called Neom (see earlier BLOG). They think that the underground mega-city will be their stronghold and place of safety, even from celestial events like the giant asteroid Apophis which skims our stratosphere in 2029 producing all kinds of electric effects on earth.
Enough for now? More coming after Don and I record our video presentation based on what we wrote in 2014. [Patrick Bestall]

Tracking every case of COVID-19 in Canada
Jan. 14, 2022 update: Our COVID-19 tracker is now highlighting hospitalizations and ICU admissions across Canada, with an interactive map that includes a province-by-province breakdown. Our original tracker which has been keeping count of cases since March 2020 hasn't gone anywhere, it's right below the hospitalizations.
Numbers on map reflect total hospitalizations including ICU admissions. Line graph below breaks down hospitalization and ICUadmissions for each province and territory

NOTE: As of Feb. 7, 2022 Saskatchewan will only provide COVID-19 case updates on a weekly basis.
NOTE: As of December, 2021 several provinces will only provide PCR tests to symptomatic, high-risk individuals. Fewer tests may result in a lower amount of daily cases than previously reported.
NOTE: British Columbia currently has 997 cases they have stopped tracking as they either live somewhere else or have moved back to their home jurisdiction. The province is neither counting those cases as active nor resolved currently, so we are not including them in our total active cases tally.
MORE: A detailed look at Ontario's data, including an interactive map of local regions and age/gender breakdowns.
For complete COVID-19 coverage, visit
[CTV News]
Ontario Premier Doug Ford considering speeding up reopening timeline, sources say:
Ontario Premier Doug Ford is set to consider new regulations this week to speed up the economic reopening timeline amid pressure from local and provincial politicians.
Multiple sources say the premier personally asked for new regulations to be drawn up to fast-track reopening schedules. While sources also said cabinet could consider the new measures as early as Friday, a spokesperson for the premier clarified that no official meeting is scheduled for this week.
The spokesperson did not deny the premier is considering ramping up Ontario's reopening.
It’s unclear whether proof of vaccination or mandatory masking policies would be dropped as well — the province has yet to provide a timeframe for when those measures would come to an end.
Ontario would become the latest province to speed up the COVID-19 exit plan — a direct result of the Ottawa occupation and bridge blockades by groups vehemently opposed to pandemic related restrictions.
The government of Alberta and Saskatchewan both announced an almost immediate end to all COVID-19 measures, including masking, and called on other levels of government to follow suit.
On Wednesday, Health Minister Christine Elliott indicated that while her government wants to “remove the restrictions as soon as we can” the province will continue to take a cautious approach which has bred success in the past.
“We've already set out our opening timelines we started on January 31. The next phase is as of February 21, and then March 14,” Elliott said at a news conference. “We have no plans currently to drop the passport vaccination situation or masking.”
Behind closed doors. however, sources say Ford has been expressing to Progressive Conservatives a desire to make a decision soon to move on from the pandemic measures.
Dr. Peter Juni, the scientific Director at the Ontario Science advisory table said on Wednesday that unless the proof of vaccination program is changed to reflect the booster shot, the requirement could be “reconsidered relatively soon, and then lifted.”
“If we don't change to a three-dose-certificate, and this unlikely to happen, the less rationale we will have for a certificate anyway,” Juni told CTV News Toronto. [CTV News]

Fake sports: NFL
I hate to rain on anybody's parade, but I think we have too many parades in our society, too many entertainments and distractions today.
So, I'm sending these two links posted by David Yeo which pretty much prove in just a few minutes that the NFL games, including the Super Bowl this Sunday, are rigged. The players themselves admit it. Sorry.
News isn't all that's fake.
1 minute
6 minutes
· [Patrick Bestall]
2022-02-10 Ottawa | Quick Collage from the Front Line Today, we have five short bits of news to share with you.
Today we have a quick collage of reports from the from line in Ottawa. Today's post includes: · 1. >India’s Ambassador to Canada, Deepak Vohra, calls out Trudeau’s betrayal · 2. >Dr Paul Alexander and Dr Roger Hodkinson, continue serving Canadians at the front line of Canada’s Freedom Movement · 3. >Quebec Liberal MP Joel Lightbound as he breaks rank and joins voices of truth calling for an end to the covid abuse · 4. >Drs Bridle, Alexander, and Hodkinson invite Federal Health Officials Drs Tam, Njoo, and Deeks to a constructive open air debate Friday Feb 11, 2022 · 5. >And one of the “domestic terrorists”Justin Trudeau warned us about… Here's the link for today: [The Trozzi Team] P.s.We'd like to thank everyone for the overwhelming support for yesterday's video, and hope that Dr. Trozzi's message continues to be heard far and wide. Let us pray for the strength to endure the hard times we are facing, so that our future and the future of our children may be enriched with dignity and freedom. If you haven't seen yesterday's 8 minute video yet, you can watch it here:
What the Truckers Want
I’ve spoken to 100 of the protestors gathered in the Canadian capital. What's happening is far bigger than the vaccine mandates.
For two weeks, the 18-wheelers, the semis, the tractors and the pick-up trucks streamed through the snow and ice into the center of Ottawa, the Canadian capital.
They came from across the country. Vaxxed, unvaxxed, white, black, Chinese, Sikh, Indian, alone or with their wives and kids. They huddled around campfires. They set up pop-up kitchens and tents with block captains doling out coffee and blankets. They honked (and honked and honked). They blasted “We Are the World.” And everywhere you looked, someone was waving the Maple Leaf.
It dipped to 4 degrees. The mayor declared a state of emergency. And they didn’t budge.
The truckers were scared of running out of gas—freezing to death in their little truck beds in the middle of the night. The city threatened to arrest anyone who brought it to them. In response, hundreds of Ottawans did just that. The truckers stayed put.
They are a city inside a city whose inhabitants—there are an estimated 8,000 to 10,000—were outraged with a country that seemed to have forgotten they existed. This past Sunday, as if to confirm that suspicion, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has yet to meet with Freedom Convoy leaders, took a personal day. On Monday, during an emergency debate at the House ofCommons, he called them “a few people shouting and waving swastikas.”
I live in downtown Ottawa, within view of Parliament Hill, and have spent the past 10 days or so bundled up and walking around the protests. I have spoken to close to 100 protesters, truckers and other folks, and not one of them sounded like an insurrectionist, white supremacist, racist or misogynist. [Lisa Tocker]

Maricopa County under audit again as the state Senate awaits an answer on chain of custody questions
FEBRUARY 9, 2022
An investigation into the Maricopa County, Arizona has shown evidence of massive violations of voting law in the 2020 presidential election, according to Revival News.
According to the report, including data from Verity Vote, there were 740,000 ballots that were accepted and counted without the proper chain of custody documentation intact.
The chain of custody documentation violation puts the results in jeopardy of being outside of the acceptability of Arizona Law.
“Maricopa County failed to record the number of ballots on 1,514 out of 1,895 unique chain of custody documents and failed to record signatures on 48 of these documents. There is no way of knowing how many ballots these invalid documents accounted for or inserted into the system,” Revival News reported.
The Arizona Senate’s full forensic audit report has been delivered to the Arizona Attorney General, and we are awaiting the results of his criminal investigation.
According to a report by The Gateway Pundit, there have been auditors tasked with analyzing the logs for the ballots used in the 2020 election and looking to find answers for the Senate inquiries.
“The violations identified are important because failure to maintain chain of custody and properly document ballot retrieval and transport makes it impossible to verify the origin of the ballots counted in an election,” the publication reported.
“Arizona Law outlines specific requirements for secure ballot retrieval and chain of custody procedures for the transfer of voted ballots from drop boxes and vote centers. Maricopa County officials violated Arizona law and do not have the required chain of custody for at least 740,000 ballots.”
The answers could confirm accusations by former President Donald Trump’s assertion that the election was not accurately awarded in the 2020 presidential election. [Main Street Gazette]
The globalists have lost - Humanity withdraws consent from the tyrants:
The Canadian truckers and freedom protesters deserve huge credit for bringing humanity to a tipping point against tyranny. Thanks to the courage, determination and dedication to peace that’s demonstrated by Canada’s protesters, humanity is withdrawing its consent from government tyrants all over the world. Read more at
Thanks to the courage, determination and dedication to peace that's demonstrated by Canada's protesters, humanity is withdrawing its consent from government tyrants all over the world.
Globalism is crashing, and centralization of power is being ripped to shreds. The entire model of globalism is dead, and no human being that's aware and alive right now wants to return to a society structured as a top-down, totalitarian, centralized control system of global enslavement.
What I'm trying to explain here is that this is about much more than covid vaccines or lockdowns. This is about humanity rising up against the very idea of centralized government, corporations, media and tech giants. The era of centralization has come to an end.
