Friday 3-24-23
Verse(s) for today:
And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
Galatians 5:24 KJV
Iron sharpeneth iron; So, a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27:17 KJV
Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.
3 John 1:11 KJV
Thought(s) for the Day:
Morning Update:
Ottawa decided transcript of MP provided no ‘actionable evidence’:
The Trudeau government determined that there was no “actionable evidence” after it received a CSIS transcript of an early 2021 conversation between Liberal MP Han Dong and China’s top diplomat in Toronto, according to a senior government source – saying conclusions could not be drawn that Mr. Dong asked Beijing to keep two Canadians in prison for political reasons.
But when the allegations against Dong surfaced in a Global News report on Wednesday, the MP left the Liberal caucus to sit as an Independent.
On Thursday, he told The Globe and Mail that he intends to launch a defamation lawsuit against Global News, which, citing two unnamed national-security sources, reported the assertions related to Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig. Dong said he would never advocate that the two Canadians should be kept in jail to benefit the Liberals.
The Prime Minister’s Office and its National Security Office reached out to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service to provide a copy of the transcript after the PMO was first approached by The Globe on the matter 2½ weeks ago, the source said.
Details following:
Government learned of allegations against Dong weeks ago, but he stepped down on Wednesday
The Trudeau government determined that there was no “actionable evidence” after it received a CSIS transcript of an early 2021 conversation between Liberal MP Han Dong and China’s top diplomat in Toronto, according to a senior government source – saying conclusions could not be drawn that Mr. Dong asked Beijing to keep two Canadians in prison for political reasons.
But when the allegations against Mr. Dong surfaced in a Global News report on Wednesday, the MP left the Liberal caucus to sit as an Independent.
On Thursday, he told The Globe and Mail that he intends to launch a defamation lawsuit against Global News, which, citing two unnamed national-security sources, reported the assertions related to Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig.
Mr. Dong said he would never advocate that the two Canadians should be kept in a Chinese jail in order to benefit the Liberals.
The Prime Minister’s Office and its National Security Office reached out to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service to provide a copy of the transcript after the PMO was first approached by The Globe on the matter 21⁄2 weeks ago, the source said. The Globe is not identifying the source because they were not authorized to publicly discuss national-security matters.
The Globe contacted the PMO on March 3 to ask whether CSIS had alerted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about a February, 2021 conversation where Mr. Dong allegedly made the suggestion about the fate of Mr. Spavor and Mr. Kovrig.
The Globe did not report on the alleged contents of this conversation because it was unable to obtain transcripts or a tape recording to authenticate what actually transpired.
Mr. Dong said Thursday that he left the caucus on his own accord to “clear my name and I see no other path.”
He said he is suing Global because, “This is for my family’s honour. The allegations are very serious. They are untrue,” he said of the media outlet. “That is not something that I would say.”
Global News did not specifically respond to the threat of a lawsuit when contacted by The Globe. “Global News is governed by a rigorous set of Journalistic Principles and Practices and we are very mindful of the public interest and legal responsibility of this important accountability reporting,” said Sonia Verma, editor in chief and VP of Global national news, in an e-mail.
Mr. Dong confirmed to The Globe on March 3 that he had a phone conversation with China’s then-top diplomat in Toronto, Han Tao, in February, 2021, that included discussion of Mr. Kovrig and Mr. Spavor but denied he advised Beijing to delay releasing the men.
“I was one of the two participants in the call,” Mr. Dong said in an e-mail. “On that call, I raised the status of Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig and called for their immediate release. At every opportunity before they returned home, I adamantly demanded their release to Canada without delay.”
Mr. Trudeau’s press secretary Ann-Clara Vaillancourt told The Globe on March 3 that the PMO only became aware of Mr. Dong’s conversation with the Chinese consul-general after The Globe reached out for comment. Ms. Vaillancourt said Mr. Dong was not acting as a government back channel.
On Thursday, The Globe asked the PMO why Mr. Dong only quit the Liberal caucus Wednesday rather than weeks earlier after the newspaper first brought the matter to the government.
Ms. Vaillancourt said: “Mr. Dong decided to step aside and sit as an Independent as he works to respond to these allegations. As the Prime Minister underscored last week, whenever he is briefed on intelligence matters, he asks what can be done and what steps need to be followed. Whenever there is action to be taken, we do so.”
The Globe first approached Mr. Dong on Feb. 10 to ask him about the consul-general conversation. At that time, he said he had no recollection of the discussion but said he always called for the release of Mr. Kovrig and Mr. Spavor in any interaction with Chinese diplomats.
He explained that any outreach to the counsel-general was either as part of his role as vicechair of the Canada-China Legislative Association or because of the Chinese New Year.
Mr. Kovrig and Mr. Spavor had been locked up by Beijing in late 2018 in apparent retaliation for Canada’s arrest of senior Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou on an extradition request by the U.S. government. By February, 2021, the pair had already been jailed more than two years.
The two Canadians were released on September 24, 2021, after 1,019 days. They were freed shortly after Ms. Meng was released from house arrest in Canada as part of a plea deal with the U.S. Justice Department.
A national-security source told The Globe in February that Mr. Dong at the time of the conversation with the consul-general was also under surveillance by CSIS because China’s Toronto consulate considered him one of Beijing’s strongest allies and lines of access into Parliament. CSIS’s code name for Mr. Dong is “Scarecrow,” according to the source. The Globe is not identifying the source because they risk prosecution under the Security of Information Act.
“I don’t know what that means,” Mr. Dong said of the code name. “Not for a second do I not consider myself a Canadian.”
In the House of Commons Thursday, opposition MPs united to pass an NDP motion to call for a full-scale public inquiry into Chinese interference in the 2019 and 2021 elections. Liberal MPs opposed the motion and Mr. Dong, now an Independent, voted for it.
In Beijing, meanwhile, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry says “China opposes interference in other countries’ internal affairs.”
“We have no interest in and will not interfere in Canada’s internal affairs,” Wang Wenbin said.
In the House of Commons Thursday, opposition MPs united to pass an NDP motion to call for a full-scale public inquiry into Chinese interference in the 2019 and 2021 elections.
[Globe & Mail]
Ottawa close to deal with U.S. on irregular border crossings:
U.S. President Joe Biden stands next to Governor-General Mary Simon, as he and first lady Jill Biden are greeted upon arrival at Ottawa International Airport on March 23.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is expected to finalize a landmark deal with President Joe Biden in Ottawa on Friday, which would close a loophole in the Safe Third Country Agreement and bring thousands more Central American migrants to Canada through legal pathways.
Government sources cautioned that while the two countries are on track to finalize the deal during Biden’s trip to Ottawa, the fine print is still being hammered out and confirmation will only come Friday.
As it stands, they said the two countries expect to extend the agreement to cover the entire border, including land and waterways. The change will mean that each country can turn away asylum seekers no matter where they cross on the border. Currently, migrants crossing at unofficial points are allowed to make refugee claims.
Read more:
· Campbell Clark: Three things that would make Biden’s visit a success for Justin Trudeau
[Globe & Mail]
"THOUSANDS Will Be JAILED For This..." on YouTube:
I was shocked to hear the new law against Christianity in Israel. With John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, and JohnHenry.
Is Jesus the only way?John MacArthur
Voddie Baucham, is Jesus the only way to God?
[Debbie Mattson]
Ukraine, Covid, and Biologic Warfare: A Russian perspective:
American, Canadian, and other World Economic Forum run governments coerced millions of people to be injected with what they called "safe and effective covid-19 vaccines". Those injections actually increased people's risk of covid infection, facilitated the evolution of numerous variants of the SARS C0V2 virus, ravaged human immune systems, and have already caused unprecedented death and disease by a myriad of pathophysiologic pathways from blood clots to cancer.
Should we trust these same WEF occupied governments to inform us regarding Ukraine and the war with Russia? It seems necessary for us to at least consider other sources of information, including those on the other side of the gun fight.
Here, for your consideration, is a January 20th, 2023 briefing by Russian Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov regarding U.S. military and biological activity. Kirillov is the Chief of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection of Troops. There are both the 14 minute video of the briefing with English translation, and the English written transcript.
[The Trozzi Team]
Sunday, at Notre Dame Cathedral, about 50 faithful souls raised Flags and stood tall:
This past Sunday, at Notre Dame Cathedral, about 50 faithful souls (mostly hip young adult Catholics and a few old fogies like myself) endured chilly but bearable weather to honour St. Joseph and call on his intercession for Canada and for the Church. More than ever, we need St. Joseph’s very powerful intercession because we in Canada are in a very bad way. I had four strapping young lads carry the statue of St. Joseph at the front of the processional line and everyone filed in right behind them with yours truly bringing up the rear with the megaphone. With the brisk wind and the flags firmly stretched in the wind, it was a pretty impressive sight to see all of those flags representing Christendom.
We Catholics have been losing ground in the public square for decades now. And that’s because we’ve let it happen. We need to reclaim the land for Our Lord and Our Lady. Yes, that’s right. We need to be physically present in public, making public profession of our Faith. It is necessary for many reasons, not the least of which is spiritual blessings that fall upon a nation when its people make a public profession. It points to a greater allegiance than the one we owe to the State, and that message is going to be more and more necessary as the months and years go by.
Yes, indeed it was a glorious sight to see all those flags.
Flags represent your identity. Flags represent what you believe. Flags reject what you are not. Flags represent your side in the battle. Flags represent your claim when you stake the land for the Lord.
So let the flags fly! To war! For the Lord has brought us to this point of a decisive battle to usher in a new age of the Immaculate Heart with a great victory.
Below you can read my opening reflection and mediations before each of the Joyful mysteries we prayed, as well as the video of the procession.
[John Pacheco] St. Joan of Arc Community
[Patrick Bestall]
One response to “Rosary for Revival – Report”
Brian and Maria
Praise the Lord! Our little band of prayer warriors – Holy is His Name Warriors – continue to discern through prophetic intercession what the Lord wants us to prayer for as we sing, pray the Rosary, proclaim the long version St. Michael prayer over the world (using a map) and end with the Divine Mercy Chaplet in song. The Lord is truly moving through Our Blessed Mother, St. Joseph and all the Saints. Thank you for your faithfulness and determination. Thank you for taking the whole armor of God and standing firm! Blessings Brian and Maria
The Fed's emergency bank lending has soared to new record levels. Remember what happened to the stock market the last 2 times it spiked like this?
That is, one jacked up chart you see below. I tried to make it as pretty as possible with the lovely gradient background and the frame that subtly disappears in the upper left corner, but the truth is that that is one ugly freaking chart.
The amount of emergency cash the Fed has loaned to banks has BLOWN PAST the previous record high, which occurred during the Great Recession. Which is a harbinger of bad news if history is any indicator.
Remember what happened to the stock market the last two times discount window lending spiked like this in the past 20 years? If not, here's a Reminder:
Big Pharma’s DRUG CARTEL: Exposed:
As a member of the VR23 community, I know that you’re already aware that Big Pharma has done some pretty terrible things over the years. So, while what I’m about to share might come as a complete surprise to some people, it probably won’t shock you…
But it WILL make you mad.
If you ever needed proof that they’re not in this for the “good of humanity,” then this is it:
1. Big Pharma has been lying to you…
2. Holding back cheaper, natural alternatives…
3. Like Monacolin K, which is an all natural statin that’s chemically identical to Lovastatin.
4. The reason why you haven’t heard of these all natural cures yet…
5. Is simply because they’ve got a strong influence on what doctors can and CANNOT research.
6. Which means that the best, most breakthrough natural cures, can never make it to you.
This changes today.
GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK) paid for their own ‘phony research’ for their diabetes drug Avandia…
Each of the ‘research authors’ had been personally funded out of their pockets.
And just a few years later… GSK took it off the market as Avandia RAISED the risk of heart disease.
What else could they be hiding from you?
[The VR23 Team]
These suppressed medical remedies…
· Have reduced tinnitus² and the incessant ringing in your ears
· Reduced joint discomfort and supported a healthy inflammation response without NSAIDs or painkillers…
· And they can even trigger your body’s feel good hormone³ known as GABA… which acts as an all-natural painkiller and mood booster that works naturally (without side effects).
The reason why you’ve never heard of these remedies…
· Is because doctors, physicians, and even pharmacies have been BOUGHT over by big pharma.
· The hippocratic oath that doctors swear by… has NEVER protected you.
· Nazis even used the hippocratic oath to justify their cruel experiments… simply because they thought it was ‘right’... and that it would ‘help’ their patients.
· Now big pharma is using the exact same hippocratic oath - to hold pharmacists and doctors at ‘gunpoint’, so that they can raise their drug prices while you pay the price.
· More than ever, doctors and pharmacists are being used as ‘distributors’ in the big pharma cartel…
· Exploiting you when you need medical care the most.
One pharmacist in New York in 2019, was forced by a ‘Gag Order⁴’ Contract that legally silenced him from showing patients cheaper and more affordable drug options in the market.
· For example, the standard diabetes drug metformin, would normally be sold at $4…
· But with big pharma’s Gag Order contract⁵… they were forced to artificially raise prices to $10 a bottle.
Why could they do this?
· It’s simply because they control the entire pharmaceutical supply…
· And if pharmacists and distributors don’t listen and play nice… big pharma will take away their rights to sell their product… and pass it on to the next pharmacy that’s willing to raise their price.
This short presentation is my confession to being part of the Big Pharma Scam. [The VR23 Team]
Help Defend the Allens' Free Speech Rights:
Travis Allen and his daughter, Blake, were suspended for speaking up.
When Blake Allen, a 14-year-old female high school student at Randolph Union High School in Vermont, had her privacy violated by a male student who identified as a female, she was understandably horrified and embarrassed. The male student entered the girls’ locker room where she and her volleyball teammates were changing.
But when Blake raised her discomfort and concerns to school officials, they not only did nothing to protect the girls, they also suspended Blake and her father for speaking up.
After Blake had expressed concerns to classmates that the male student was “literally a dude,” the school accused her of harassment and bullying, launched an investigation, and eventually suspended her.
As further punishment—and as a condition for avoiding further suspensions—the school demanded she submit a “reflective essay” and take part in a “restorative circle” with the “Equity Coordinator” and other students “to understand the rights of students to access public accommodations . . . in a manner consistent with their gender identity.”
If that sounds like “re-education” to you, that’s because it is.
All this—because she called a male student a male, and because she asked the school to provide her with a basic level of safety and privacy.
Her father, Travis, a middle school coach, was also frustrated at the school’s shocking response. He expressed those concerns in a community Facebook post, again noting that the male student was, in fact, male. And that he had no business being in the girls’ locker room.
For that, school district officials determined that Travis had “misgendered” the male student and suspended him from his job as the middle school girls’ soccer coach for the rest of the season—without pay.
Thankfully, once Travis and Blake reached out to Alliance Defending Freedom, the school lifted Blake’s suspension and punishment. But Travis remains suspended, and ADF will continue to demand the school district respect his right to free speech.
No school or government has the right to punish someone for exercising their free speech. ADF is committed to defending individuals from radical policies and officials that deny biological realities and threaten those who stand for truth.
Right now, you can help fuel our ability to defend Blake, Travis, and others who face threats to their fundamental freedoms. Will you make a gift right now to help ensure they can speak freely? Your generous gifts will truly make a difference—thank you for standing with us! [Alliance Defending Freedom]
David YEO:
GL0B3$: 4 D3C0r@T!0n 0NLy (4 Min)
1Yr Ago: L@rry $p!LL3d th3 B3@N$ (4 Min)
ALL 3 F@!L3d B@NK$ w3re B!g !n+o Cryp+o (4 Min)
My$T3r!0u$ CDN G0v'T V@N$: S@$Ka+ch3w@n (16 Min)
CDN M@N @ TD B@NK w/ g00d Qu3$T!0ns ab0u+ CBDC (21 Min)
$0nG: M@ry D!D U Kn0W? (5 Min)
R3@LLy H@ppen!Ng 0r D!$tr@CT!0n? (37 Min)
Pr00F Th3 P0!$0N h@$ Gr@ph3n3 0X!d3 (15 Min)
$h@K!Ng: Pr0j3CT PuPP3T M@$T3R: M!nD C0nTr0L 0f Th# M@$$es (49 Min)
R3-P0$T: D0n@Ld & Ap0LL0 P3nTh0u$e (15 Min)
K!M: CH0k3 P0!NT**CRyPTO Was Th3 T@rg3T (13 Min)
[David YEO]
Tulsi Gabbard just dropped a truth bomb all over one of the Democrat Party’s central tenets:
For decades, the Left treated women as a monolithic bloc they could lean on to advance Democrats’ political agenda.
Democrat Party elites’ true colors began to get exposed in the light and now there’s no putting the cat back in the bag.
And now Tulsi Gabbard has just dropped a truth bomb all over one of the Democrat Party’s central tenets.
As perhaps the most high-profile woman to ever wash her hands of the Democrats, former Hawaii Congresswoman and 2020 Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard is leading the way in exposing how they’re playing with fire in the “woke” new Democrat world.
Democrats have commanded an outsized share of American women’s votes for decades.
But after insisting to be the enlightened Party of women, puppies, and the environment, Democrats are showing their true colors—and it’s not pretty.
Gabbard says her former party has adopted a platform of “hatred and hostility towards women.”
[Tulsi Gabbard]
Read the full details… Here:
Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors:
This is just ‘Informational’ and YOU
must make up YOUR OWN MIND!
Cabal Central Bank Failures:
· Wed. 22 March UBS To Terminate Deal to Acquire Credit Suisse, Hal Turner: The UBS is reportedly engaged in meetings right now seeking to terminate it’s deal to acquire Credit Suisse. If UBS backs out, then Credit Swiss will fail, enter Bankruptcy, and that will mean a Bulge-Bracket-Bank (a.k.a. “too big to fail”) has gone under. The effects on the Global Financial System are, right now, incalculable. A Credit Suisse Default would trigger Credit Default Swaps, and would put the bank in default on all its Derivative Contracts. This could be a “Black Swan Event” that sets in motion a Domino effect, taking out big banks all over the world.
· Credit Suisse Deal, Chairman Powell:
· FDIC Delays Bid to Buy Silicon Valley Bank:
· JUST IN: Dutch central bank (DNB) suffered a loss of almost half a billion euros last year – the first loss since 1931. Substantial losses are also expected for the coming years. The Central Bank does not expect to be able to make a profit again until 2028.
· The Cabal’s Central Banks were shutting down worldwide. In the US, Congress, White House, IRS and Federal Reserve all have been shut down because the U.S. Corporation has been bankrupted.
· Since Friday 10 March 2023,over 200 US banks and 1,400 banks worldwide have collapsed, plus the Federal Reserve was bankrupt. Feds Announce Emergency Measures To Save US Banks | Conservative Insider
· Since that same Friday 10 March, banking systems have been using the new Unified Payment Interface (UPI) on the Quantum Financial System (QFS) for foreign currency swaps.
· The QFS Destroys the Central Banking System: QFS Destroys Central Banking System – QFS Stops the Deep State in Their Track – Global Currency Reset – Trust The Plan! – American Media Group (
· With activation of the Quantum Financial System, the world will be flooded with gold-backed currencies designed to eliminate the old Cabal financial system where Central Banksters were in control over all financial transactions. The Alliance will have completely destroyed the Rothschild Central Banking system that has been designed by Meyer Amschel Rothschild (1744 – 1812) to control the world economy and put the world population into debt slavery.
· Feds Quietly Testing a Possible US Dollar Replacement:
· Feds Proposes Social Control Money Function: