Monday BLOG 12-11-23
Verse(s) for today:
Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
Matthew 6:25 KJV
The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
Isaiah 40:3 KJV
And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
1 Corinthians 13:13 KJV
Church Lockdowns proven Harmful:
The closure of Catholic churches during the 2020 lockdown contributed to widespread mental and physical suffering, according to the results of a new study.
The survey carried out by the Catholic Union found 62 per cent of people reporting that their mental and physical wellbeing were adversely effected directly as a result of not being able to go to church.
The poll of 1,000 Catholics also found that 90 per cent believe places of worship should be treated as “essential” services alongside food shops and healthcare facilities in any future pandemic, meaning they would not be forced to close.
Catholic Union president Baroness Hollins of Wimbledon, a former president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, described the results as “shocking”.
Read much more details at the above LINK... [Patrick Bestall]
Rand Paul's War Vote Showdown:
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) forces the U.S. Senate to vote on his War Powers Resolution (S.J. Res. 51)
Read much more details at the above LINK... [Patrick Bestall]
Best Mental Health Students have... [Conservative Parents]:
Now we should have some serious Canadian research into this. I asked the woman in charge of mental health research at London Psych about similar studies they did in the 20th century, and she said they don't (won't) do studies that break out results by religion or culture because it could be discriminatory.
Read much more details at the above LINK... [Patrick Bestall]
Instant Fossils:
Could fossilization be a rapid process?
In the high desert atop the Colorado Plateau, titanic trees haphazardly litter the ground as if scattered by giants. Some of the chunks and splinters of the forest still harbor the beetles and larvae that left their tunnels in the bark. This shattered forest scene is preserved forever not in wood, but in gleaming colored stones of agate, opal, and chalcedony.
A field of stony oyster shells in the Kansas plains, some as large as two feet across, lie open and lifelike, as if all “gaping in a moment of collective disorder and distress.” Other larger varieties of fossilized clams bear the imprints on their inner shells of tiny fishes that found refuge inside of them in some ancient symbiotic agreement.
In North Central Oregon, mounds of leaves, supposedly dating from the Tertiary Epoch, are so plentiful that early paleontologists shipped them out by the train car load. Though not fossilized, the delicate leaves left their forms in colorful layers of ash; most show no sign of decay, drying or curling along the edges as one would expect of fallen leaves.
Read much more details at the above LINK... [Patrick Bestall]
The Body's Electrical System:
Dr. Tennant explains that in addition to our circulatory, respiratory, skeletal, muscular, digestive systems etc. we have a 12th system most electrical system.
Read much more details at the above LINK... [Patrick Bestall]
"Colonialism" vs "Neocolonialism"
On this episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon explains how the left is guilty of neocolonialism by pushing the sexual revolution on African countries, while the media falsely accuses the political right of doing the same.
(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon explains how the left is guilty of neocolonialism by pushing the sexual revolution on African countries, while the media falsely accuses the political right of doing the same.
Jonathon begins the program by exploring the mainstream media’s relationship with leftist ideology.
Read much more details at the above LINK... [Patrick Bestall]
Congress investigating media outlets that had reporters 'embedded' with Hamas:
December 9, 2023
By [World Net Daily]
This story was originally published by the WND News Center.
Congress has begun investigating various media outlets that had reporters "embedded" with Hamas during the terror organization's attack on Israel on Oct. 7.
That was when terrorists, likely drugged up and with instructions to commit atrocities against Israeli civilians, did just that, beheading babies and burning entire families alive.
[World Net Daily]
Texas police arrest illegal immigrant in teen cheerleader's murder, mother 'praying for justice' for her slain child:
An illegal immigrant was arrested on Saturday in connection with the murder of a teen cheerleader at Edna High School in Texas, according to police.
The Edna Police Department and the Texas Rangers arrested Rafael Govea Romero in Schulenburg, Texas. The Edna Police Department said in a statement that the arrest was done through the coordination of several agencies, including nearby police departments, Texas Rangers, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Romero was taken to the Jackson County Jail and charged with the capital murder of 16-year-old Lizbeth Medina.
The Edna Police Department noted that Romero is an "undocumented male."
"Although Romero is apprehended, we recognize Lizbeth's family and friends are grieving and will still need support from the community," Edna Police Chief Rick Boone stated.
Lizbeth Medina was found dead in her apartment on Dec. 5. Medina's dead body was discovered in a bathtub by her mother.
Jacqueline Medina, Lizbeth's mother, got worried after she hadn't heard from her for several hours.
"I decided to go look for her. And I kept calling her phone nonstop, and it would take me straight to voicemail… I called a bunch of people and nobody knew anything. It wasn't until I walked into the restroom that I was on the phone with my friend asking him to come help me look for her – is when I [saw] her foot, and it was in the bathtub. And so I opened the curtains. There she was," Medina told Fox News.
As Blaze News previously reported, "Medina says their apartment was broken into a few weeks prior to the death of her daughter, and she believes it might be related."
The distraught mother asked, “I don’t understand why. My God, why would they do this to her? She’s such a beautiful, smart, and amazing girl. There’s moments where I just can’t take it. And then there’s moments where I feel like I need to be strong for her.”
“I just want everybody to know that that was an amazing child,” Medina said. “She wasn’t a normal teenager getting in trouble for doing crazy stuff. She was very mature for her age. She was a caring and loving person who, as far as I know, and from the messages I received, she changed a lot of people’s lives. I just want everybody to remember her that way and not the way that she was taken from me.”
"I lost it. She was my world, my everything. ... Everything I do was for her," Medina said.
"It should have been a great day because she was involved in the Christmas parade. She was going to be with the cheer squad," Jacquelin noted.
Medina said her daughter was "murdered in cold blood."
She is "praying for justice" for her slain child.
"Someone dared to go in and just rip my daughter away from me, it just kills me," the grieving mother stated. "I just want answers to why they would do this to an amazing little girl who would never hurt anyone, wouldn't dare to hurt anyone."
[The BLAZE News]
Morning Update:
Two IT staffing companies that worked on the ArriveCan app and received more than $400-million in federal contract work over the past decade, including frequent use of a set-aside program for Indigenous business, have never been audited to determine whether they delivered on the program’s requirements to support Indigenous entrepreneurs.
After receiving questions from The Globe and Mail on the issue late last month, federal procurement officials asked Indigenous Services Canada to audit the two companies.
Coradix and Dalian regularly work together and are connected to contracting misconduct allegations that are under investigation by the RCMP. They, along with a third company called GCStrategies, are temporarily suspended from working for the Canada Border Services Agency while reviews are under way.
[Globe & Mail]
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Special treatment for SOME races in schools resurrected in court:
December 10, 2023
By [World Net Daily]
This story was originally published by the WND News Center.
A lawsuit challenging a teachers' contract in a Minnesota school district that provides special privileges and protections for members of SOME races, but not others, has been resurrected.
A district court earlier attempted to kill the dispute raised by Judicial Watch, but the organization now is reporting that a state Court of Appeals ruling means the controversy will be heard.
The government watchdog organization had filed a lawsuit on behalf of a Minneapolis taxpayer "over a teachers' contract that provides discriminatory job protections to certain racial minorities."
It now will proceed, the organization said, after the appeals judges blocked an attempt by a Hennepin County district judge to get rid of the dispute without hearing evidence.
"The Minnesota Court of Appeals overturned the lower court’s decision, ruling that Judicial Watch’s client does have standing as a taxpayer who helps fund Minneapolis Public Schools through property taxes, and her claims are ripe because the lawsuit alleges an actual future controversy using public funds," the report said.
The case against the Minneapolis scheme came after it provided special privileges for minorities not given to others, in violation of the Equal Protection Guarantee of the Minnesota Constitution.
The racism was instituted formally after a 2022 teachers' strike.
But it's being challenged because, "the contract provides preferences, protections, and privileges for MPS teachers of certain races and ethnicities under a section entitled 'ARTICLE 15. PROTECTIONS FOR EDUCATORS OF COLOR.' There is no similar provision covering educators who are not 'of color.'"
The report said it exempts "teachers of color" from the district's "seniority-based layoffs and reassignments."
It means a senior teacher who is not of the right race would be laid off while a junior teacher who is of the right race would be kept on staff during layoffs.
The report noted, "Upon information and belief, before the contract, teachers were laid off or reassigned in order of seniority, with the least senior teachers laid off or reassigned first, without regard to race or ethnicity. Similarly, teachers were reinstated in order of seniority, with the more senior teachers reinstated first, without regard to race or ethnicity."
But the state constitution requires, "no member of this state shall be disenfranchised or deprived of any of the rights or privileges secured to any citizen thereof, unless by the law of the land or the judgment of his peers."
The case now returns to the district court and seeks a judicial determination that actions taken under the racist policy are illegal.
"This is a big court victory for taxpayers who are outraged that Minneapolis’ school system would engage in blatant racial discrimination in employing teachers," stated Judicial Watch chief Tom Fitton. "Judicial Watch will move with all due speed to gather evidence in discovery. This lawsuit aims to shut down this extreme leftist attack on the bedrock constitutional principle that no one can be denied equal treatment under the law on account of race."
[World Net Daily]
Israel is still at War: Can we really Celebrate?
My mom throws a Hanukkah party every year where my siblings and I and our families all gather to light candles together, swap gifts, and enjoy fresh homemade latkes and sufganiot. It’s a really important event for her, where she can get her family together for one night and celebrate with her grandkids. This year, though, she asked: “Immanuel,” (she hates when people call me Imu) “how are we supposed to celebrate Hanukkah this year with everything going on in Israel?”I’ve been thinking about my mom’s question a lot in recent weeks.
I could’ve told her that we aren’t the first generation to celebrate holidays in difficult times. Or I could’ve argued that it’s okay to make space for moments of joy during times of tragedy. But something didn’t feel right to me about that answer. Are we meant to turn off the parts of ourselves that are in pain, to numb ourselves so that we can engage in Hanukkah festivities? Is there a way we can celebrate Hanukkah without having to do that? Then I remembered that one of the courses here at Aleph Beta actually grapples with this question.
It’s a video series that made me feel that actually, it’s strangely appropriate for the first holiday following the tragic events of October 7th to be Hanukkah. In the course, Rabbi Fohrman argues that the event this holiday commemorates ended up being sort of inconsequential in Jewish history. True, the Maccabean victory staved off the Greeks, but the Hasmonean dynasty it ushered in was corrupt. And just a few generations later, the Romans destroyed the Second Temple. This may explain why the sages, in establishing Hanukkah as a holiday, chose to emphasize the miracle of the lights and downplay the war.
In their view, Hanukkah isn’t primarily about Jewish victory – it’s about something far more profound. Something that speaks to moments of tragedy and despair and to moments of darkness. So if you’re feeling some dissonance this Hanukkah, if you don’t want to have to choose between being festive on the one hand, and opening your heart to the tragedies of the moment on the other, I encourage you to check out this video series. I hope it gives you a path to celebrate authentically this year.
[Imu Shalev]
Trozzi Report: 2023-12-11
Let Food Be Thy Medicine
Dr Tess Lawrie, Christof Plothe DO, and Matthew Anderson
The advice of the Godfather of Medicine is eternally valid. I mean the Godfather of real medicine, honest medicine, before-the-Rockefellers-and-without-them medicine: Hippocrates.
Pharmaceutical drugs are almost all poisons, by definition.
Nutrients are not. They are the opposite. Food contains the keys, the molecules needed to maintain healthy functions of all our cellular processes.
There is no one I would like more to consult with on this subject, than my friend Christof Plothe DO, here with Dr Tess Lawrie and veteran herbalist and nutritionist Matthew Anderson.
Dr Tess Lawrie, Christof Plothe DO, and Matthew Anderson
The advice of the Godfather of Medicine is eternally valid. I mean the Godfather of real medicine, honest medicine, before-the-Rockefellers-and-without-them medicine: Hippocrates.
Pharmaceutical drugs are almost all poisons, by definition. Nutrients are not. They are the opposite. Food contains the keys, the molecules needed to maintain healthy functions of all our cellular processes.
More than two and one half thousand years ago, the great physician Hippocrates walked tall among the Greeks. He led many people out of dis-ease and into health. He is one of the first to articulate the essence of “ Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food”. This has remained a mantra of all credible physicians and health guides since.
There is no one I would like more to consult with on this subject, than my friend Christof Plothe DO, here with Dr Tess Lawrie and veteran herbalist and nutritionist Matthew Anderson.
Livestreamed today at 1 PM EST today 2023/12/11; and soon the recorded video will also be found in today’s post:
[Dr Mark Trozzi]
Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors:
This is just ‘Informational’ and YOU
must make up YOUR OWN MIND
Note: The US Inc. government was a mafia masquerading as a Civil Rights organization. Their fiat Petrodollar was now dead and as their Global Banking System collapsed, it was expected that they would retaliate with Worldwide Terrorist Cyber Attacks.
An RV of currencies in 209 countries aided by the White Hat Global Alliance Military would very soon be victorious over this Deep State Cabal.
On Fri. 8 Dec. the US Embassy in Iraq was bombed - attacking US Sovereignty in the Middle East. Or, was it the Cabal’s own US Inc. push to create another war?
While there was a massive flood of Military-aged men breaking the US Border from Mexico, groups of mostly Chinese men were crossing illegally into the US at the border in California. All were offered air flights to the city of their choice, ID’s and wages by Biden’s US Inc.
At the same time Biden’s Department of Defense was threatening Congress that if Ukraine was not financed, US troops would be sent to fight. What do you bet they plan on using those illegals to fight a World War that they started.
Will the Biden impeachment be soon enough to save the country, or will it require Military Intervention?
· Biden Impeachment Inquiry Begins Without Mainstream Media Coverage.
· Petrodollar Endgame Moves Even Closer: The UAE just stopped transaction oil in U.S. dollars. BRICS now controls most of the world's nuclear arsenals, oil and precious metals & rare earth minerals.
· Mcafee Software was a Trojan Horse that obtained data from Governments, Elites and World Military. The Data showed corruption, hidden agendas, Human Trafficking, planned Military Coups and World Money Laundering Operations connected to the Democratic National Committee, CIA and Deep State Operations around the World.
· Mcafee Data was stored in three locations in the US including with the USSF in Cheyenne Mountain.
· That data was being released to Congress, which will expose the Mcafee Data of Epstein, Hunter Biden Laptop and Julian Assange.
· Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones and Rogan were part of the Truth Movement exposing the Epstein Island Saga of Child Sex and Human Trafficking and Money Laundering of the CIA, Hollywood, Mossad and M16 Operations.
· Five Months before his Assassination, President John F. Kennedy issued this executive order that would give the American currency back to the People by printing Money based on a Silver Standard, Taking away the power of the Federal Reserve Banking cartel. Many argue this is the Reason that JFK was assassinated.
Rumored Timing:
· Fri. 15 Dec. Worldwide Banking Crash, Media Blackout and Ten Days of Darkness begin. The World Bank is expected to collapse on Friday December 15, 00:01 ET
· Before Christmas Dec. 2023 Med Beds will be announced.
· On Mon. 1 Jan. all gold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with each other; in the US Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments would start on a monthly basis.
· Tues. 30 Jan. 2024 deadline for implementation of Protocol 20 by major corporations around the world that have interfaced their networks on the QFS.
· In three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.
· The GESARA Blockchain Election takes place in 120 days or by Mon. 1 April 2024. Everything will be ready by 30 Jan. 2024
Global Currency Reset:
· Sun. 10 Dec. Frank26: There is no more guessing. The World Bank has just told the whole world Iraq is about to raise the value of its currency.
· Sun. 10 Dec. Wolverine: “I just received a call and Zurich has gone liquid. A lot of things are happening, especially with the Admiral. … It started Fri. night 8 Dec. and it’s rolling out. A huge platform that has more than 1 MIL members will start on Mon. 11 Dec. and be paid by the end of this year. The big meeting in Dubai is finished now – everything is ready. Iraq is ready. They should be ready to celebrate. Then so should we. My Whale said it all looks good, everything is moving. By Mon. 11 Dec. they will be celebrating in Iraq and it is my opinion that so should we.”
· Sat. 9 Dec. Texas Snake: Be alert for email notification late Sun. 10 Dec. into Mon. 11 Dec, with the earliest time to schedule appointments being Tues. 12 Dec. They are trying to get this completed before Christmas.
· Fri. 8 Dec. TNT: After a meeting earlier today Fri. 8 Dec, contacts said it will happen by Mon. 11 Dec. Sun. 10 Dec. is Iraq’s Victory Day, so Tony thinks it might happen then.
· Fri. 8 Dec. MarkZ: China’s gold backed Yuan is now the new reserve currency for OPEC and oil producing nations. This happened very quietly and the news is refusing to report this. They are doing their best to hide this fact. This is enormous. The petro dollar died this week. This is an enormous blow to the US hegemony. We are going to watch this play out quickly. I side with Bruce's Intel, but am guessing it will be the 16th or 17th of this month.
· Fri. 8 Dec. Kenneth Kingery: The Admiral in Reno gave the green light. Whales are being paid. Everyone else Mon. 11 Dec. and Tues. 12 Dec.
· Fri. 8 Dec. Tomas: “It's rolling. All Tiers started but Tier4.”
· Fri. 8 Dec. Blue Ray: Whales are being paid!!! They are the tier right before us! The Admiral gave the green light in Reno! That’s why all the millionaires are being announced over the weekend on the US debt clock!
· Wednesday December 6, 2023 Bob: The four test deliveries finished Tues. 5 Dec. night and Reno will begin Wed. Dec. 6 night. EU and Zurich tomorrow Thurs. 7 Dec. Reno payments start Thursday 7 Dec. and EU and Zurich payments start Monday the 11th. I pray they allow Billion Sow to start Thursday 7 Dec.
· Wed. 6 Dec. Listener Sean Kenney: Heard from a finance guy that on New Years Eve the ATMs will be loaded with the new currencies.