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MONDAY... the beginning of a very BIG WEEK!

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

Monday 11 - [4] - 24... 


Verses for today:


Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Philippians 4:8 KJV


Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

1 Corinthians 1:10 KJV


but if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

1 John 1:7 KJV


For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

Galatians 1:10 KJV






Statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream:

The Legs of Iron:

I am thrilled to the bone to discover hundreds of videos by Sonia Azam7.  She believes everything I do about what's going on in the world and what's about to happen!  For starters, there are not many out there on the internet who understand the Statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream like I do.  See the email below. 

You could count us on one hand; Walid Shoebat, Joel Richardson, and a few others.  I first wrote about it five years ago after Don Brooks and I published our booklet; Church - Coming of Age and posted the video below about the 6 God-made Cycles of History.  I thought I was the only one to identify Freemasonry and Islam (which are definitely related) evolving out of the Roman Empire.

For those who watch the Secret Oaths video, let me know and I'll send you some screenshots I captured from it.

Much more coming (Neom, Turkey, Gog et al).  For now, one step at a time (or should I say, "one leg at a time"?)


Patrick Bestall



True prophecy is wisdom from God.  False prophecy is Old Testament language for today's fake news, misinformation and misdirection.  Today they use the magic of technology (Wag The Dog movie anyone?) and mind control.  Back then they used the magic of smoke and mirrors with a little hypnotism thrown in. The difference is that back then the city-state gods were held responsible; today it's deep-state governments.  Back then they would throw stones at a false prophet. 


Today we hurl accusations.  Back then they might leave you for dead.  Today they usually kill your future. 

OK, here's three good concepts which I say don't apply to us.  Yet we accept them because news writers, historians and churchmen have been so brainwashed.


#1  Q-Dreams - they belong to the past

Someone who called to talk to Alex Jones had a less kind word for Q..

10 minutes.


 #2  Ezekiel 38 War - it belongs to the future

Just because Israel is on the rampage fighting with every nation in sight, pundits are jumping on the Ezekiel 38 war-wagon, saying it's a prophecy coming true today of all the bad kings coming to poke the apple of God's eye.  This brings up war cries like "Gog and Magog, Russia and Iran" and other leftover mantras from the days Hal Lindsay wrote the Late Great Planet Earth.  Wrong! 

    First of all, have you not noticed that Russia, Iran and China are where Christianity is flourishing?  (Don't be deceived by the minority in Iran desperately clinging to power.)


    Second of all, read Ezekiel 38 and you'll see that the nations there descend like a storm on a nation that lives in safety.  Israel's enemies will say "I will invade a land of unwalled villages; I will attack a peaceful and unsuspecting people".  Does that sound like Israel today? No, Israel is no victim nation today.  Israel is an aggressor nation fulfilling God's plan to take the whole Promised Land, and then there will come the temporary peace and security prophesied by Ezekiel.

 #3  The Legs of the Statue Daniel saw belong to 2 different epochs of time.


The Book of Daniel chapter two describes the vision of a statue representing who would rule the known world from then until now.  It had legs of iron, most often described as the Roman Empire splitting into east and west.  But the Roman Empire disappeared centuries ago.  Some bible scholars say "ya but it turned into Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christians who continued to crush nations".  They say this despite the fact that the west was invaded by barbarians more than once to pillage Rome, and by Moslems who captured Constantinople and the east. Or they just skip the historical Roman Empire completely and say it's a Revived Roman Empire coming out of the European Union.  That's the only way they can make it apply to today.


But you don't have to contort history to match it to the statue.  The "fourth empire" of iron was actually iron and bronze (Daniel 7:19) which was when Romans spoke Greek.  When that empire fell it was taken over by the Knights Templar in the west and the Ottomans in the east.  They evolved into the Shriners who control the Freemasons today, who started the European Union, the Club of Rome and just about every other globalist group.  If they didn't actually start it, they infiltrated it. To be a Shriner you have to rise to the highest degree in Freemasonry.  This lady explains the history of the Shriners quickly in just one hour (skip the first 15 minutes if you must).


Brotherhood of Wickedness A review of these secret societies, Baphomet and their connection to Islam.

ALSO: Watch THIS video that I recorded last year:Shriners and Islam, by Sonia Azam7 (August 2019)    • The Shriners | Mecca Kaaba | The ISLA...   

Patrick Bestall





Melania Trump Leaves New York To Spend Election Night In Florida With Donald Trump:

Former First Lady Melania Trump was seen loading her luggage into a black SUV in New York City, marking the start of her journey to Florida.


The New York Post reported that Melania Trump traveled with her son Barron from New York to South Florida to join her husband for the November 5 election night.

Melania Trump's departure from Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan was a carefully orchestrated event, as staffers loaded multiple Louis Vuitton suitcases and garment bags—some bearing the presidential seal—into the vehicle.


The luggage, clearly filled with necessities for the trip, was tightly packed into the crammed back of the SUV. The scene outside Trump Tower drew attention from passersby and the media, underscoring the public interest in Melania's rare appearances.


A motorcade was then seen escorting Melania and her young son Barron to LaGuardia Airport, where a private jet awaited them. This level of security and coordination highlighted the importance of their journey.

The private jet took off from LaGuardia, destined for West Palm Beach, Florida. Their arrival in Florida was planned just in time for the Election Night festivities set to occur at the nearby Palm Beach County Convention Center.


Election Night Festivities At Palm Beach

Located just 3.5 miles from Mar-a-Lago, the Palm Beach County Convention Center is the chosen venue for the night’s events. It is expected to host a large gathering of supporters and campaign staff, all eager to watch the results come in.

Melania Trump’s involvement in the election night event has been highly anticipated, given her infrequent campaign trail appearances this year. Her last public appearance with Donald Trump was on October 27 at Madison Square Garden.


At that event, she introduced her husband before his speech, which was one of the few times she took to the stage during the entire campaign. Her participation in campaign activities has been selective, including attending the Republican National Convention but not speaking onstage.


Melania’s travel plans come after a relatively quiet period spent in New York, where she returned in September. Her time in New York was primarily focused on Barron, who began his first semester at NYU's Stern School of Business.

Barron has been living at Trump Tower and commuting to his classes, a decision that reflects the family’s focus on providing stability during his studies. His mother’s trip to Florida, therefore, marks a significant departure from their routine in New York.


This journey not only signifies important familial support at Donald Trump’s side but also a rare break from Melania's usual low-profile lifestyle since leaving the White House.


Barron’s New Academic Life In New York

The quietude of Melania’s campaign presence has been noticeable, with more focus seemingly placed on family matters and her son's education. However, her presence at the election night event is a poignant reminder of her role within the Trump family dynamic.


The decision to join her husband for this pivotal night speaks volumes about her support during these crucial moments, despite her general absence from the campaign trail. It's a testament to her selective engagement in public political events.


Melania's journey from New York to Florida encapsulates a blend of personal commitment and public expectation, as she steps into the limelight once again for a significant political milestone.

American Digest




Secret, Dirty Pandemic Deals Happening Right NOW:

As you read this, global elites are meeting at the 12th—and potentially final— session of the World Health Organization Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB). They’re secretly plotting to force through the UN’s Pandemic Treaty.

Decisions that could change your life are being made right now, behind closed doors, by a handful of globalists who want to control us all—and they’re moving fast to prevent you from fighting back.

They have until November 15th to finalize this power grab, and after that, they could call an emergency session to push it through for good.

But just as in May when we stopped them cold, CitizenGO is watching every move—and with your support, we can once again block their dirty plan.

Let me be clear: This isn’t about health—it’s about control. Control over your freedom to travel, worship, eat, and even what you’re allowed to say online.

You and I both know what these unelected UN bureaucrats are after—they want to strip Canada of its sovereignty and hand billions of your tax dollars to the WHO.


Sign the petition today—time is running out to stop this power grab!


It makes my blood boil to think about how tyrannical things got during COVID—lockdowns, closed schools and churches, people forced to get shots of poorly tested vaccines, families separated, older people dying alone, and businesses destroyed. 


All of it justified in the name of “public health.”

If you’re like me, you remember the chaos. And now, the Pandemic Treaty aims to make those terrible measures standard during "health emergencies," forcing you to comply through experimental vaccines and lockdowns.


In May, you and I, alongside hundreds of thousands of CitizenGO members, stopped their momentum. But now they’re desperate to get their scheme back on track.


At the recent World Health Summit in Berlin, the WHO secured nearly $1 billion from governments like Germany, France, and Norway. They’re using your tax money to fuel this power grab to control your life.

I was right there with the CitizenGO team, and trust me, they’re going in full force with this.

They’ve got until November 15th to lock in this treaty, and after that, we could be facing an emergency session to make it official.


You and I will be in a very dangerous position if the Globalist elites succeed. As more governments sign the treaty, the WHO will have unchecked power to declare new pandemics and dictate how you live—just like they did during COVID.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO director-general, is already talking about the need to “combat misinformation”—which is code for silencing anyone who speaks out against this treaty. Remember how they censored any COVID information that didn’t fit their narrative—only for much of it to be proven true later?

This is a permanent grab for power and money—but we can stop them if we act right now.


What outrages me most is that they’re using your money to steal your freedoms. It’s a massive global get-rich-quick scheme.

It’s designed to funnel billions and billions of your tax money into the hands of global elites while they dictate how you live, eat, make health decisions, and work.


You may be asking yourself, how exactly?

This treaty gives the WHO authority to force your government into accepting experimental vaccines and products—untested and unsafe, yet pushed by the same global elites who will profit from this treaty.

Imagine this: your government forced to buy a specific product, and you left with no choice but to comply—all while global elites sit back, cashing in on the profits. And it doesn’t stop there.


They’re demanding billions of your taxes to fund bloated bureaucracy and questionable 'research,' like the experiments at Wuhan’s lab in Communist China—where COVID likely started. This is where your money is going—don’t be fooled.

All of this is happening right now, and they’re betting we won’t act in time to stop it. But CitizenGO is here to give YOU the opportunity to stop them.


Thank you for standing with us in this critical fight. This is our moment, and together, we can protect our freedoms.

Sebastian Lukomski and the entire team at CitizenGO


P.S. The WHO is racing to ram through this treaty before the year ends. You and I have stopped them before, and with your help, we can do it again. Time is running out—sign here now!






The U.S. presidential election is tomorrow. Here are the latest updates and key things to know:

With Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in a dead heat nationally, the battle continues for swing states and key constituencies ahead of Nov. 5

èGLOBE & Mail


‘We are scared’: Gen Z may hold the keys to the White House, and the parties know it: 


It felt like his future was at stake when 18-year-old Carter Fay cast an early ballot in the United States election.

“The reality is that our democracy, I truly think, is on the line. And so do people in my generation,” said Fay, who’s from the battleground state of Georgia.

“To put it straight, we are scared.”


Fay is among an estimated eight million generation-Z voters who can take part in a presidential election for the very first time. There’s power behind this generation, which is angry at the current political system and worried about its future.


And the race to the White House still looks to be a dead heat.

Many young people were dismayed when it appeared the election would be a repeat of the 2020 matchup between President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump.


Trump had been chipping away at the Democrats’ hold on the youth vote, making inroads among young white men without college educations. He was also seeing some increasing support among young Black and Latino men.

Democrats were concerned younger voters who felt apathetic about two older candidates might not even show up to the polls.


There was a tumultuous turnaround after a disastrous presidential debate, and Biden removed his name from the Democrat ticket. Vice-President Kamala Harris catapulted into the candidacy boosted by a swell of memes, viral moments and the excitement of younger Americans.


Polls suggest young people are overwhelmingly supportive of Harris, with a ratio of around 60-40, said the University of Pennsylvania’s Marc Trussler. But there is a significant gender divide.

“Young men are much more pro-Trump,” said Trussler, director of data science for the university’s program on opinion research and election studies.


“But even amongst young men, it’s probably tied between Harris and Trump, maybe a little bit pro-Harris.”

Evan, who attended a recent Trump rally in Pennsylvania, said it was his first time voting for president. The 20-year-old, who didn’t give a last name, said he has been running a business since he was 12, and it’s difficult under the current administration.


“Seeing the prices of stuff, inflation up-down, up-down,” Evan said. “Now, it’s like it’s finally our turn to have money in this world, do the things we want, and … (we) can’t afford nothing.”

Trump has strategically tried to reach out to voters like Evan who are frustrated about their future prospects and concerned with what they call the “woke” culture of the left. He’s appeared on “bro” podcasts like the wrestling-themed Six Feet Under, the sports-themed Bussin' with the Boys and “The Joe Rogan Experience.”


His rallies have a vibe more akin to a monster truck rally than a political event. His celebrity support includes Kid Rock, Hulk Hogan and local rap artists from battleground states.

Trussler said he connects with first-time voters but also people who aren’t traditionally interested in politics and cast a ballot infrequently.

“I think we've seen both candidates pursue strategies that wouldn’t have been considered in previous elections,” said Trussler, who is Canadian.


Harris has also appeared on podcasts like “Call Her Daddy” and has celebrity support from Beyoncé and Taylor Swift. The vice-president and her team have been praised for their success on social media, where they connect to viral moments.


“The campaigns have appointed social media (people) to do these kinds of strategies,” said Melissa Haussman, professor emeritus at Carleton University in Ottawa. “It doesn’t just sort of organically grow.”

Democrats are meeting first-time voters where they’re at, Fay said. The University of Toronto student said his generation grew up on platforms like TikTok and Instagram. It’s where they got into politics and activism.


“There hasn’t really been a real way to see the things changed that we want changed,” Fay said. “The fact that my generation now has this ability in gen Z to start to get out and actually vote is a really big deal.”

Fay said many of his peers care about climate change, social justice, education and gun laws – things that affect their future.


“My generation has grown up having to go to school and actually fear for their lives,” he said, pointing to the Apalachee High School shooting in September.

They also care about freedoms. Young women in his generation have fewer rights than the generation before, Fay added.


Polling also suggests peer influence could be a key factor in voter turnout.

A poll from the institute of politics at Harvard Kennedy School says 79 per cent of youth plan to vote if their friends are. Only 35 per cent plan to participate even if their friends don't.

That could prove critical, said Trussler. Generally, the turnout among young people is lower than other groups.


But about 55 per cent of voters aged between 18 and 29 cast a ballot in 2020, a major increase from the previous election. They played a key role in Biden winning battleground states and taking the White House. If youth head to the polls in droves again, it could prove a boon for the Democrats on Nov. 5.


George Constantine, 20, said young Republicans are motivated and talking to their friends, too.

“If they love Trump, keep following Trump,” Constantine said at the recent Trump rally in Pennsylvania.

“Don’t let your friends, school, online tell you other things. What’s best for your heart is what you think.”

Globe & Mail


Today’s headlines:

1.      The daughter of a Canadian woman killed by Hamas urges the government to stop linking ceasefire to hostage release

2.      Party leaders condemn violence at a Hindu temple in Brampton as Indian consular officials visited

3.      Danielle Smith solidifies her hold on Alberta conservatives with a UCP leadership win

Globe & Mail




Biden-Harris Administration Secretly Signs Up for UN World Governance, Internet Censorship:


On September 22, unnoticed by most Americans, the Biden-Harris administration adopted the United Nations Pact for the Future to transform global governance, which introduces the foundations of a world government. There was no debate, no media coverage, no press releases, and no interviews about the Biden-Harris administration's surrender of United States sovereignty to the UN.


These agreements usher in a dystopian future, where the UN -- an active supporter of terrorism and arguably the world's most corrupt international entity... in partnership with the unelected and unaccountable World Economic Forum, led by Klaus Schwab... is given unprecedented power over the peoples of sovereign countries, who have had no say whatsoever on the contents of this pact, because it has been kept hidden from them.


Americans were apparently not supposed to find out.





Eric Trump Offers Barron Advice On Dating Amidst Public Scrutiny:

In the whirlwind of political campaigns and public scrutiny, Eric Trump shared personal dating advice with his younger brother, Barron Trump.

The Irish Star reported that Barron Trump, now a key figure due to his involvement in their father's political campaign and bachelor status, received brotherly guidance amid heightened public attention.

Barron Trump's increased role in Donald Trump’s campaign has not only drawn the media's eye but also sparked public curiosity about his personal life.

As the youngest son of the former president, Barron's every move is now intensely watched, with particular attention to his status as a bachelor.


Eric Trump Cautions Barron On Intense Public Scrutiny

Eric Trump, aware of the intense scrutiny that comes with their family name, has cautioned his younger brother about the pitfalls of public life.


"My advice to Barron is you are the most watched person, probably the most watched bachelor in the world right now," Eric stated, emphasizing the need for caution.

"Just be careful. There are a lot of eyes on you," he continued, highlighting the unique pressures faced by Barron as he navigates adulthood under the public microscope.

Barron Trump, a freshman at New York University, has opted for living arrangements that differ from the norm for college students.


Choosing privacy over the typical college experience, he resides in Trump Tower instead of the NYU dorms.

This decision reflects his family’s ongoing efforts to protect him, a sentiment echoed by his mother, Melania Trump, who has historically worked to keep him out of the public eye as much as possible.

Comparing his experiences to what Barron might face, Eric Trump shared insights from his own time as a bachelor. Married to Laura Trump, the RNC co-chair, for ten years now, Eric remarked on the evolution of media attention over the years.


"I’m really lucky. When I was a bachelor, we had a lot of attention but not quite the attention that he’ll have—especially if in 12 days we win," he said, indicating the potential increase in interest should their father's political campaign succeed.


The Role of Family and Public Figures

The Trump family dynamics continue to attract public intrigue, with Barron being labeled as "the most eligible bachelor anywhere in the world" by his brother. Such statements amplify the spotlight on Barron, drawing even more attention to his personal and public life.


Meanwhile, figures like Nick Fuentes, a controversial white supremacist, have unhelpfully dubbed Barron as the far-right's 'only hope,' complicating the public narrative surrounding him.

Despite the complexities of his public image, those close to Barron have shared warmer, more personal anecdotes. A young woman, claiming to have been Barron’s first girlfriend, described him as "very nice" and recalled memories from a White House field trip he had organized.


This glimpse into his personal interactions offers a contrast to the often harsh spotlight directed at his public persona.

American Digest




Republican Kari Lake Pulls Ahead In Crucial Arizona Senate Race:

In a dramatic shift in the Arizona Senate race, Republican Kari Lake has surged past Democrat Ruben Gallego according to a recent poll by Data Orbital.

The Telegraph reported that Kari Lake now leads Ruben Gallego as the battle for Senate control intensifies with only days remaining until the election.

The closely watched contest between Lake and Gallego has become central to determining Senate control. With the Senate currently held by Democrats with a slim majority of 51-49, the stakes are incredibly high.

Data Orbital's latest poll, conducted from October 26-28, indicates Lake has 45.2% of the vote, narrowly surpassing Gallego's 44.5%. This margin, while within the poll's error range, marks the first lead for Lake since July.

The survey included 550 likely voters, utilizing both phone and online methods to gather a diverse array of responses.


Kari Lake's Political Resilience Shines Through

Kari Lake's political journey has been marked by her refusal to concede the 2022 governor’s race, a topic she recently addressed in a contentious exchange with CNN. Despite these controversies, her focus remains steadfast on the future.

“Why are we looking backward? I’m looking forward,” Lake stated, emphasizing her forward-looking campaign approach.

Her rhetoric suggests a shift from past grievances to current issues that resonate with voters.

“You say I can’t get over it, and it looks like you can’t,” she added during the interview, deflecting criticism about her past election disputes.

Lake has been a controversial figure within her own party as well. Her ongoing disputes with the family of the late Senator John McCain highlight the fractures within Arizona's Republican ranks.

Furthermore, her staunch support for claims of election fraud, including backing an audit of the 2020 presidential race, has placed her at odds with more moderate party members.

These actions culminated in her filing a lawsuit over the 2022 governor’s race results, reinforcing her image as a fighter unafraid of legal battles.


Race for Crysten Sinema's Former Seat Intensifies

The seat up for grabs was formerly held by Crysten Sinema, who announced her departure in July, triggering fierce competition. Sinema's 2018 victory was a significant Democratic win in what was considered a Republican stronghold.

This year's election could similarly reshape Arizona's political landscape, depending on whether Lake's surge translates into a victory on election day.

Lake and Gallego are both vying to capture the independent and moderate voters crucial for securing Sinema’s former seat.

In her campaign, Lake has focused on the issues central to Arizona’s future, distancing herself from her controversial past remarks. “I’m actually thinking you meant to ask me about the issues people cared about,” she told reporters, indicating a strategic pivot towards more pressing electoral topics.

As the election draws near, both candidates are ramping up their efforts to sway the undecided voters who may very well decide the outcome of this critical Senate race.

The impact of Lake's late surge on the Senate's balance of power remains uncertain, making the Arizona Senate race one of the most closely watched contests in the nation.



The One Percenters 



A staggering 99% of people born between 1930 and 1946 (GLOBALLY) are now dead.


If you were born in this time span, your ages range between 77 and 93 years old (a 16-year age span) and you are one of the rare surviving one-percenters.


You are the smallest group of children born since the early 1900's.


You are the last generation, climbing out of the depression, who can remember the winds of war and the impact of a world at war that rattled the structure of our daily lives for years.


You can remember milk being delivered to your house early in the morning and placed in the "milk box" at the front door.


Discipline was strictly enforced by parents and teachers.


You are the last generation who spent childhood without television and instead, you "imagined" what you heard on the radio.


With no TV, you spent your childhood "playing outside". There was no city playground for kids.


The lack of television in your early years meant that you had little real understanding of what the world was like.


We got "black-and-white" TV in the late 50s that had 3 stations and no remote.


Telephones (if you had one) were one to a house and hung on the wall in the kitchen (who cares about privacy).


Computers were called calculators; they were hand-cranked.


Typewriters were driven by pounding fingers, throwing the carriage, and changing the ribbon. INTERNET and GOOGLE were words that did not exist.


Newspapers and magazines were written for adults and your dad would give you the comic pages after he read the news.


The news was broadcast on your radio in the evening. The radio network gradually expanded from 3 stations to thousands.


New highways would bring jobs and mobility. Most highways were 2 lanes and there were no Freeways.


You went to the city to shop.


You walked to school and back.


Your parents were suddenly free from the confines of the depression and the war, and they threw themselves into working hard to make a living for their families.


You weren't neglected, but you weren't today's all-consuming family focus.


They were glad you played things like Fiddle Sticks, Grab, Monopoly, Marbles,  and Jacks by yourselves. They were busy discovering the postwar world.


You entered a world of overflowing plenty and opportunity; a world where you were welcomed, enjoyed yourselves.


You felt secure in your future, although the depression and poverty were deeply remembered.


Polio was still a crippler. Everyone knew someone who had it.


You are the last generation to experience an interlude when there were no threats to our country. World War 2 was over and the cold war, terrorism, global warming, and perpetual economic insecurity had yet to haunt life.


Only your generation can remember a time after WW2 when our world was secure and full of bright promise and plenty.


You grew up at the best possible time, a time when the world was getting better.


More than 99% of you are retired now, and you should feel privileged to have "lived in the best of times!"


If you have already reached the age of 77 years old, you have outlived 99% of all the other people on this planet. You are a 1% 'er!


Al Hobbs

Bell Canada - RETIRED









RUMOURS Circulating out there...:

You need to MAKE-UP Your own MIND!





What we know as of today...


Be Ready, Prepared, Expectant

Military Coup Underway

Expect Chaos on Election Day Tues. 5 Nov. 2024:

White Hats vs. Deep State Democrats Armed With Their Army of

Illegal Migrants, plus Deep State FBI, CIA, Globalists Behind a

Planned False Flag Event For Patriots, MAGA?

EBS, Martial Law Imminent

National Guard Deployed To Major Cities, Fencing Surrounds US Capitol, White House

Meanwhile, Global Currency Reset Tier4b Has Been Activated in a new Gold/asset-backed Global Financial System Designed To Defund The Bad Guys

It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, cash, medicine and essential items on hand for yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency.


Note: Despite an extensive Democratic Deep State Cabal voter fraud campaign, Trump appeared to be maintaining leads in most states according to the White Hat Global Military Alliance that was counting official water-marked ballots.


In such an event that their voter fraud didn’t work as it did in 2020, the Cabal had planned a nationwide Cyber Attack and Blackout to disrupt the 2024 Election voting on Tues. 5 Nov. 2024 – though the White Hat Alliance may have other plans.


According to intelligence sources this Democrat Deep State had let into the country, armed and placed at least a million illegal aliens in major cities set to begin riots on Tues. 5 Nov. voting day. Their goal was to not only interfere with voting, but give a reason for Biden to implement Martial Law and keep the Biden/ Harris Administration in office.


It was literally a war against Good and Evil. Dementia Biden and cackling can’t-make- a policy- statement-let-alone-complete-a-sentence Harris were obviously only puppets to the Puppet Master Deep State Illuminati S***n Worshipping Cabal.


To accomplish that end of creating chaos, last 27 Sep. 2024 the Biden Harris implemented Department of Defense Directive 524 that authorized the US Department of Defense to use deadly force against American citizens if they protested results of the election.


On the White Hat side and for over a week, the DC area has been preparing for their own form of Martial Law that would protect the citizens, placed fencing around the US Capitol and US Treasury while building up the presence of their deputized National Guard in those major cities.


The White Hats have already implemented Project Odin which took control of US Taxpayer Dollars paid to the Cabal since 1918, while activating the new gold/backed Quantum Financial System that gave the monies back to The People.

·        Sun. 3 Nov. 2024: Biden/Harris’s US Inc. was sending $425 million more in military assistance to Ukraine, yet all they have given to North Carolina disaster victims were $750 loans that had to be paid back within a year, or their property would be confiscated. Knowing that politicians including Biden and Harris tend to have foreign aid money laundered back to themselves, that tells you a lot about their priorities.

·        Sun. 3 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 3, 2024 – The US Military News  

·        Sat. 2 Nov. 2024 Situation Update (video): WTPN SIT/UP 11/2/24 “DC BARBED FENCING, NATIONAL GUARD, MARTIAL LAW, VT INTEL” 


Possible Timing:

·        Wed. 30 Oct. 2024: Tier4b funds released in Brazil.

·        Fri. 1 Nov. 2024 Michael Jackson on Telegram: “You have four days (to Tues. 5 Nov. 2024 Election Day ) to prepare for Total Darkness. A Worldwide Blackout. No Power. No Internet. Nothing. According to President Trump,“ Tues. 5 Nov. will be the biggest political event in the history of the United States.” (notice he said “EVENT” not “ELECTION”) Welcome to the Great Awakening.

·        Also on Fri. 1 Nov. 2024 Texas, the possible site of the new US Republic Capitol, transferred it’s money into gold-backed currency.

·        Tues. 5 Nov. 2024: According to three intelligence sources, the Cabal has threatened a Cyber Attack on Tues. 5 Nov. to create a Nationwide Communication Blackout to interfere with Election, No Phones, No Internet. “Three national security sources confirmed that intelligence agencies widely anticipated a nationwide 9/11-style Cyberattack against the U.S. around Election Day.” …The General on Telegram


The below were rumored dates which were subject to change (anything could happen):

·        Tues. 5 Nov. 2024 Cyber Attack, election results, change of President, get 800s

·        Wed. 6 Nov. 2024 Martial Law, EBS

·        Thurs. 7 Nov. 2024 begin scheduling Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) appointments

·        Tues. 12 Nov. 2024 begin Tier4b appointments

·        On Wed. 20 Nov. 2024 Nuremberg Trials 2.0 to begin.

·        Tues. 17 Dec. 2024 has been designated by the World Court as a very important date. World Court legal docs demanded that high up Government officials must immediately resign or face arrest. Lower level Government persons have until Sun. 1 Dec. 2024 to resign or face arrest. …Striker


Global Currency Reset:

·        Sun. 3 Nov. 2024 Wolverine: “I can tell you with 100% assurance that things are moving. This is our week. One of the seven big leaders of this movement told me this morning that it was happening this week, probably at least by Friday 8 Nov. 2024.”

·        Sun. 3 Nov. 2024 MarkZ: “A source in the Middle East says that Sudani just said that the currency transition should be completed by Victory Day Tues. 10 Dec. 2024. This means that things will be going very soon if it is to be completed by then.” … “A bank employee said that they had been signing a lot of NDAs, all of the employees were under a gag order and couldn’t talk about (Nesara) and would be transitioning to a wealth management location. They also said they have completed their training, have a new Delarue Machine and the money comes out in November.”


Global Financial Crisis:

·        Sun. 3 Nov. 2024: The United States Treasury is spending roughly 3% of GDP on interest payments for the national debt, marking the highest ratio since 1996. The national debt is now nearly $36 trillion.


Restored Republic:


Sun. 3 Nov. 2024 America is not Free, Charlie Ward on Telegram

·        US Inc. in Washington DC is legally a British Colony

·        All US Taxpayer monies were sent to Deep State’s Crown of England and the Vatican

·        American Bar Association Lawyers pledge total allegiance to the Deep State’s British Crown.

·        A new Harris Federal Directive allows the military to use lethal force against Americans.

·        In Florida and North Carolina the Deep State Cabal’s FEMA, FBI and CIA are in an all-out gun-shooting war with the US Military’s White Hats and Red Hats.


Fri. 1 Nov. 2024: Statement of Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. under orders from President Donald John Trump. John Fitzgerald Kahlooni (JFK) Q @Real_POTUK_JFK @realDonaldTrump @Real_JFK_Jr

·        King Charles III has advocated his Throne, and all his immediate family have no royal entitlement.

·        The United Kingdom Government, Parliament and Crown Corporation, now have no authority or power.

·        The United Kingdom, Isle of Man Government and corporate government workers, all have to stand down in 7days from the 29th October 2024 (to Tues. 5 Nov. 2024).

·        If they don’t stand down they can be arrested and executed, and the military ordered to take control.

·        They will close all corporate bodies down as part of the rebirth of the New Kingdom, and will be replaced in the new Sovereign Kingdom of Britain.

·        We will not be under the United Nations any more. This means that we are a new Sovereign nation that stands under new Sovereign Common law bringing justice for everyone.

·        Your new President and Commander in Chief for the Kingdom of Britain is John Fitzgerald Kahlooni. He is Britain’s first President.


Wed. 30 Oct. 2024 The entire Royal Fleet was seized in November 2019 under Trump Executive Order 13818. The Fake Biden kept renewing these Executive Orders. The United Kingdom dissolves. Scotland, Ireland and Wales leave England and join Spain. The Fleet will be moved to Fleet Base East and Fleet Base West in Australia to be under the US Kingdom.


Sun. 3 Nov. 2024: Dr. Jan Halper DOD Task Force states “Democrats Are Planning An Insurrection.”


Want to hold a seat in the United States of America Republic?


2024 Election Voter Fraud:

·        Sun. 3 Nov. 2024 Texas: Voters in Tarrant County, Texas are reporting that the voting machines are flipping their votes from Trump to Kamala Harris. The voters are urging everyone else to check their printed ballots before submitting them. “Reports were that people who selected Trump on the screen were seeing Harris on the printed ballot.” – This is according to Tarrant GOP Chair. This stuff boils my blood. Why does Tarrant County utilize such an obviously vulnerable system? This also shows that it’s not just Dominion machines that are corrupt. ALL voting machines are intrinsically evil. We need to go back to voting in person on election day, with human hands as the counting method. So far, we have seen reports of flips like this happening in Tennessee, Georgia, and now Texas. This sets a precedent for us to demand the publicizing of all the machine data and the proprietary software. It’s a good thing we’re catching it before the election and NOT after.

·        Sun. 3 Nov. 2024: Donald Trump is fired up, calling out alleged election fraud unfolding in Pennsylvania with the support of “fake news.” He points to several counties and states now saying it could take days or even weeks to finish counting. Trump insists that election results should be finalized by 9-10 p.m. on Election Night. The mainstream media has already hinted at a potential “red mirage,” which may initially make it look like Trump is winning, only for a possible Democratic victory to emerge later, much like in 2020.


Wars and Rumors of Wars:


The Real News for Sun. 3 Nov. 2024:

·        Sun. 3 Nov. 2024 Thousands of Angels Have Been Released:

·        Sun. 3 Nov. 2024 The Countdown Has Begun – Brace for a Major Shock, Charlie Ward, Derek Johnson, Jason Q:

·        Sun. 3 Nov. 2024 Judge Joe Brown in Atlanta, Georgia: “They can now murder you if you protest the election through the Kamala Harris DOD initiative that legalized the use of Deadly Force on Americans. One of the specific categories that is mentioned is dissent or refusal to accept election results. I wanna bring something to everybody’s attention. It’s Department of Defense directive 524 0.01 implemented by the Biden Harris administration September 27th last month. It authorizes the US Department of Defense on the authority of a representative no higher in rank than a colonel, to use deadly force against American citizens. One of the specific categories that is mentioned is dissent or refusal to accept election results. You’ve got the media that is completely out of control. And instead of trying to implement a free speech situation, they’re trying to destroy it. We hear a candidate talking about they want to get rid of the first amendment”

·        Sun. 3 Nov. 2024 Corrupt Judge Juan Merchan (who found Trump guilty of a federal offense) has been caught red handed taking $100,000,000 in bribe from Democrats through his daughter. The audio recording is provided by Tucker Carlson: 

·        Thurs. 31 Oct. 2024 Oklahoma: In what can only be described as a bizarre situation, an entire police department in Oklahoma resigned Thursday, causing a great deal of confusion among town officials.


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Globalist Depopulation Agenda 2030:

Sun. 3 Nov. 2024 MASS MURDER IN PROGRESS: The Elites Are Actively Depopulating the Planet—Klaus Schwab, Chemtrails, and Bioweapons: The WEF’s Plan to Wipe Out Billions Exposed! …John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram

·        The WEF Depopulation Agenda isn’t a distant threat; it’s here, right now, in every crisis shaking our world. This is a full-scale war on humanity, and you are the target.

·        They’ve unleashed weapons designed to eliminate us—slowly, covertly, relentlessly. The World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, and their shadowy controllers are orchestrating a diabolical plan hidden in plain sight.

·        Weather Modification? This isn’t “cloud seeding”; they’re manipulating storms, droughts, wildfires with military-grade tech to destabilize nations, ruin crops, and starve the masses. Every hurricane, every disaster—engineered to control population.

·        Illegal Immigration? It’s not about “refugees.” It’s an engineered invasion to overload systems and destabilize economies, leaving fewer people to resist. Chaos, instability, and fewer births—their goal is clear.

·        Fluoride in your water? It’s not for your teeth. Long-term exposure lowers IQ, decreases fertility, and ensures compliance. Generations are being turned into sterile, docile sheep, and IQ levels are plummeting as infertility rises.

·        Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) isn’t about fairness. It’s a psychological weapon to divide society, crush values, and stop population growth. This is a war on unity and family.

·        Let’s talk about GMOs. These aren’t harmless crops; they’re weaponized organisms designed to damage health and fertility. Chronic illnesses aren’t random—they’re part of a death-profit cycle fueled by Big Pharma, which sells the disease and the “cure.”

·        Chemtrails? Those streaks in the sky aren’t jet fuel. They’re aerosol attacks loaded with deadly toxins like barium and aluminum, raining down on cities. Every breath brings us closer to an early grave, creating a sick, compliant population.

·        Climate change isn’t about the environment; it’s a control tactic. The carbon footprint myth is meant to guilt us into poverty, leaving us dependent on the elites’ system. They’re enslaving us under the guise of environmentalism.

·        The Great Depression was a test run. Now they’re engineering poverty globally—housing crises, manipulated food prices, inflation. They want us broke and unable to resist.

·        And the deadliest tool? Bioweapons. “Emerging” diseases? Planned releases. C***d was just the beginning. The next wave will target genetic markers, ensuring mass casualties and total control. Meanwhile, they sit safe in bunkers, watching as chaos unfolds.

·        Their media empire glorifies degeneracy, mental illness, the breakdown of family. Hollywood, propaganda machines—they’re all in on it, pushing a culture of decay.

·        The Global 2000 Population Reduction Plan is in motion. The roots run deep—Rockefellers, Kissinger, the Club of Rome. Klaus Schwab, the latest face of this agenda, carries the torch forward.

·        This isn’t theory—it’s real, and it’s here. Wake up! The storm is here, and they’re coming for all of us.


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Sun 3 Nov. 2024 BQQQM!!! QTSR Behind the Scenes! Brace for an Attack on U.S. Patriots/MAGA: FBI, CIA, and [DS] Operators (Globalists) Preparing to Create a Huge [False Flag] Event We All Knew Was Coming! …Gitmo TV on Telegram

·        Breaking news: Global power struggles are intensifying as deep state operatives, advanced military technology, and hidden alliances prepare for an onslaught. From Project Blue Beam and CIA mind control (MK-ULTRA) to election interference, blackouts, and civil unrest, the world faces a storm. Secret military operations, ancient hidden tech, and quantum microchips linked to time travel are now exposed, connecting the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, and the Vatican.

·        Patriots, brace for the Great Awakening as humanity fights for control in a battle of military coups, human t*********g exposés, and the race for zero-point energy. Stay sharp as global history rewrites itself before your eyes.

·        Military Game Theory Operations The enemy’s plan is a massive false flag event, and military operations are using their actions against them to expose and dismantle their network. This involves: Letting the enemy expose itself through its own moves. Using strategic traps and ambushes to reveal corruption. Preparing military intervention if necessary to safeguard the nation.

·        The Role of Intelligence Agencies Within the CIA, 50% are compromised, with 20% “white hats” (loyal) and 30% neutral. The FBI faces corruption issues but has more loyal members. Agencies like DHS, NSA, and Military Intelligence are standing against deep state operatives.

·        Deep State’s Event: The deep state’s upcoming false flag operation could involve election interference, military coups, and targeting conservative groups. These scenarios have been war-gamed to counteract their strategies.

·        Global Power Struggle A power struggle between deep state forces and loyal factions is ongoing. Influences from powerful entities, including Rockefellers, the UN, and NASA, aim for total control. Operation Blue Beam is a major piece of this, using advanced tech for mind control, manipulating consciousness through frequencies, and implanting artificial thoughts to control populations.

·        Prepare for a Revelation Patriots, the curtain is about to be lifted, exposing the darkest secrets. Military operations are set to intervene. Stay vigilant, as the truth about these powers and their grip on society comes crashing down. This is the moment we’ve been waiting for—the time to stand strong, resist, and let the Great Awakening unfold.



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