Summary as I am able:
12-31-22 Saturday
💥 💥
God’s WORD for TODAY!
And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:
2 Corinthians 9:8 KJV
…but they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31 KJV
Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2 Corinthians 3:17 KJV
💥💥💥Holiday news rush! 💥💥💥
Politicians like to rush during the holidays to make moves you won't notice because of your own busy schedule.
We also just had a news storm during the snowstorm that took your attention. What a rush! I couldn't begin to show you all the life-changing reports. But Alex Jones could and did. Like "don't count on Congress to go after Biden", and "your city council decisions have been bought and paid for by international agreements".
I screen-captured some of the dyno-mite he explodes. Here's your chance to feel the wind! And hopefully your head won't explode when you hear and see the rest.
40 minutes - includes a lot of talk about Canada
💥💥💥This is a GREAT SUMMARY of NEWS that is BREAKING over the HOLLIDAYS when the PUBLIC is far to busy to NOTICE the CONTENT!
[Patrick Bestall]
Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson:
Live with Dr. Olle Johansson:
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Post settings Labels No matching suggestions Published on 9/27/22 12:45 PM Permalink Location Search Description Options Custom Robot Tags Post: Edit
Posted by Laura-Lynn
Post a Comment: [Laura-Lynn]
Breaking News from Newsmax:
More Links:
💥 Article #1 is excellent and thought provoking
Vatican News on Twitter: "“With sorrow I inform you that the Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, passed away today at 9:34 in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in the Vatican. Further information will be provided as soon as possible.”" / Twitter [Vatican News]
Twitter Censored Top Doctors for Challenging Fauci:
Today's Headlines
David YEO:
BOB-ELVIS: Bound For That CITY (3 Min)
Young HEARTS #29: DOCTORS Speak 0ut (15 Min)
FE: Antarctica is KEY**Sorry We're CL0SED (30 Min)
Pele**Fully Pumped (2 Min)
The Germ Theory Paradigm Trap (24 Min)
FLATTEN the Curve**Testimonies by Professionals (91 Min)
Thank U Truckers (2 Min)
Hugggoooo: The L0ST Sheep (7 Min)
What’s the Greatest Conspiracy? **Zeitgeist Exposed (12 Min)
The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.
Disclaimer: All articles, videos, and images posted on here were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. All statements, claims, views, and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.
Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:
There is MUCH coming soon!
A Different Perspective:
This is out there – floating in the Network…
💥 💥
You need to make up your own mind!
💥 💥
Restored Republic:
· We Are Defeating the New World Order: 2022 Was The Year Conspiracy Theories Became Facts:
· The Pentagon, CIA and other US intelligence and law enforcement agencies have been deeply involved in censorship of the American People for the benefit of the Leftist Agenda according to recently released Twitter Files.
· The dangerous chemical Hydrofluorosilicic Acid is regularly added to the water supply in the US.
· Proponents of the New World Order want LED everywhere because we are electro-magnetic beings and they can manipulate us using light, TV, monitors, etc.
· The CIA in cooperation with M15 developed the Samsung Smart TVs ‘Fake Off” mode, which records conversations and sends them over the Internet to a covert CIA server. …QAnon – the Great Awakening on Telegram
· According, not only to NASA, but a team of Russian scientists as well, the moon reacts to objects striking it (landing on it) as if it were hollow. It is said to ‘ring’ and its surface ‘ripple’.
· Just one day after Tate exposed Greta Thunberg and her lies and the globalist lies to brain wash teens into climate change to tax the sun for being too hot. The number one searched man in the world wide net, Tate was arrested the next day for human trafficking ? It’s no coincidence that the GLOBALIST and Rockefellers, Rothschild who created climate change back in early 1900s at Bohemian Grove created climate change through Greta Thunberg great-grandfather Svante Arrhenius created greenhouse theory after being part of Bohemian Grove gatherings and was placed by ROCKEFELLERS family as green house gas guru, so it’s no coincidence the [ DS] came after Tate after he EXPOSED Greta as brainwashing teens into the climate hoax and then saying using these teens to bring in the taxation of human civilization because the sun is too hot. Man, that was quick! How the Deep State CABAL arrested Tate as everything he says goes viral.
· The Brunson Brothers have gained a hearing from the Supreme Court on their petition that revolves around the question, “Did Congress honor their oaths to protect the Constitution when a foreign entity tried to change the vote in the 2020 Election?” In fact, 100 Congress people filed Election Fraud complaints, but Congress refused to investigate before they certified the 2020 Election. A positive ruling on the Brunson case could take down the Biden Administration and all of Congress.
· A Call To Action, Juan O Savin: Did you send your letters? Imagine if SCOTUS received one million letters from ordinary Americans. Would that indicate the pulse of the nation? How about if ten million students, grandmas, aunts, moms and dads sent them a note of encouragement?