9-2-21 Thursday - thebrookstruth.com
The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material from the “Restored Republic” report issued by Judy Byington. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:21 KJV
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: But fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 1:7 KJV
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15 KJV
For your ease in getting to Information that you are interested in… I have divided the following Material into three Groups: It is not necessary that you read every Article… scroll down and pick what interests you! Little to none of these are found in the Main-Stream media {MSM}…
Disclaimer: All articles, videos,and images posted in this BLOG – site, are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed in this BLOG and we do not support, represent, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted herein.
💥 💥💥💥💥
Thought of the Day!
"It wasn't until I needed Him that I finally understood,
why He had to be there when the nails hit the wood"
Richard Mickolwin
Sections divide Material into meaningful Groups
First… PRAISE:
#2. COVID-19
London West - I've flipped!
💥💥I was going to vote PC in London West because I figured Rob Flack had a record of proven of success in leadership and management. This was the first thing I read in the mail from him. And he's a staunch Catholic. His bio looks impressive, yes?
Since then, all I've received is literature about the PC Party, not about Rob, and I don't like the national leader nor platform.
Since then, I've learned Rob chaired Peter McKay's leadership campaign, and I don't like McKay.
Since then, I found my Christian friends are backing Mike McMullen the People's Party Canada (PPC) candidate.
Since then, I learned that leader Maxime Bernier got baptized a month ago when our house was praying for a political to become a born-again Christian! Baptized by a pastor who had a vision of Maxime. It doesn't get better than that - hallelujah!
Since then, I read the email below which says Mike is buying time with the major London radio stations. And that's huge too! Radio is still the most effective way to convince people. Marketing experts know this. Signs appeal primarily to existing backers. I have files full of research on the subject. This means Mike actually has a running shot at winning London West! I'll donate and vote for him! Feel free to pass this email recommendation on to your friends.
Since then, I finally read Mike's bio and found a wealth of experience in business but not politics. A Trump kinda guy. Bonus!
PS - I still think Steve Gallant, PC candidate for London North Centre is the best candidate because I spent hours talking to him and read his testimony in the book he wrote about leading a platoon on a survival expedition in the Arctic. The People's Party candidate for London North Centre is Marc Emery, founder of the marijuana movement in Canada and founder of City Lights Bookstore downtown (and I remember the occult books and sex magazines he sold when he owned it). He's a better candidate for the Libertarians. I don't think Maxime would approve now! [Patrick Bestall]

Maxime was BAPIZED about 3-weeks ago... Now watch the PPC Platform come into alignment with Scriptural principles!
Buying Airtime with the Major Radio Stations:
💥💥First of all, thanks to everyone for their tremendous support.
We are looking to buy up as much airtime as possible, and we were quoted at 4k to do it all!
We are asking again for more donation to cover the cost!, if you can spare a few bucks that would AWESOME!
Contributors also qualify for a generous tax credit on their federal tax return.

London West Campaign Team
Peoples Party of Canada
Good move! I wonder if Andrew was the influencer. But I hope it won't split the vote so neither PPC or PC wins. I'm going to donate, if for no other reason than to prove radio works! [Patrick Bestall]
Medical Propaganda Handbooks?
AMA Propaganda Handbook EXPOSED! Doctors Brainwashing "Pandemic" and "Vaccine" Language (rumble.com)
💥💥It's the "new language" dictionary. I bet they have similar booklets for journalists and for politicians, and for TV show writers. In fact, I know they do. They all get instructions on what words to use or change. It started with government mandates for politicalcorrectness.
This is fascinating. Listen for 5 minutes, you'll probably stay for the full 15 minutes.
[Fil & Patrick]
Ford is such a Bad Lier:
💥💥Everything Ford announced yesterday is contradicted by the doctor in this 2-minute video. And also, by the video I sent you yesterday morning which revealed the plans made last year for vax-passports just announced today "in light of new statistics". Yeah, pre-planned statistics. [Patrick Bestall]
#2. COVID-19
A military doctor from the United States reports with genuine concern that more soldiers have already died from vaccination than from Covid-19, many soldiers have severe side effects.
💥💥💥Governments are now openly admitting that they are experimenting with our children, and they plan to put initiatives in place to ensure there is NOTHING we can do about it!
The largest law firm confirms that the FDA deceived America with its incomprehensible “approval” of the Pfizer vaccine.
💥💥When the US Food and Drug Administration announced on August 23 that it had fully approved the first Covid vaccine under the brand name Comirnaty, the mainstream media immediately started reporting on the events. Joe Biden jumped in front of the microphone and told businesses that they should “strengthen” the mandatory introduction of vaccines for their employees. Dr. Anthony Fauci told national media that he expects a number of new “mandates” that will be triggered by the approval of the Pfizer vaccine. There is only one problem. The FDA “approved” the wrong Pfizer vaccine that is currently available on the American market. Some people looked under the facade and checked the facts of what the FDA really did, and not what the media and the Joe Biden administration said. On August 27, Liberty Counsel of Orlando, Florida, arguably the most respected Christian law firm in the country, issued a press release confirming the deception. https://lc.org/newsroom/details/082721-fda-does-a-bait-and-switch-with-covid-shots
“The FDA has taken the bait by announcing that it has approved its “first vaccine against COVID-19” in order to advance the requirements of the “vaccine” and protect the pharmaceutical company Pfizer from legal liability. However, there is currently no fully licensed COVID vaccine on the US market. Although this is confusing, and probably intentional, it summarizes the current status of Pfizer-BioNTech injections: All existing Pfizer vials (hundreds of millions) remain under the Federal Emergency Use Permit (EUA) (which means that people have the “option to accept them or refuse”. The third or” booster” injection of Pfizer is identical to the one above and remains within the EUA with limited use for certain categories of people. BioNTech has received FDA approval for people aged 16 and older under the name Comirnaty, but there are no Comirnaty doses available in the United States. In other words, there is CURRENTLY NO FDA-approved COVID-19 injection in the United States. All COVID vaccinations in America are subject to the EUA law, and thus people have a “choice to acceptor reject” them. Even when COVID vaccination approved by the Food and Drug Administration becomes available, people are protected by federal law and the laws of many states from being forced to receive these vaccinations based on their sincere religious beliefs or rights of conscience.”

Morning Update:
💥💥A government letter between two deputy ministers, which was obtained by The Globe and Mail, showed that Canadian embassy staff in Kabul asked in 2012 for a special immigration program “in recognition of the dangers they face in Kabul as a result of their employment with the Government of Canada in Afghanistan.”

The world will soon be divided
Between the damaged vaccinated and the undamaged unvaccinated
💥💥Vaccine pushers are trying to divide the world into vaxxed vs. unvaxxed by denying unvaccinated people access to society (via vaccine passports). But they're in for a shock... and a twist. The real division that will unfold is between the damaged vaccinated people vs. the undamaged unvaccinated people.
Those who keep taking spike protein injections will soon come to realize their "vaccine passport" is actually a ticket to unrelenting human suffering as their brains, bodies and hearts start breaking down.
It won't be long before millions of Americans are unable to function in society in any meaningful way. They will become the new disabled, damaged by spike protein injections and needing constant care.
Meanwhile, the unvaccinated will inherit the Earth and be able to function at seemingly "super power" levels in society, thanks to their normal, healthy functioning brains, hearts, reproductive organs and more.
* Super Important Vid re covid / Standing Up to Employers! *
(Please forward to all in your life who would benefit to know this info!) 💥💥Super important video here re standing up to your employer during these covid-19 times. These are some amazing freedom fighters who have already been 'on the case' re "masks, distancing, vaccines, testing" for quite some time. If you're ready for the battle, here's an excellent place to start getting to know what to do that's best for you. Same video follows below, just different links to it. See which works best for you to be able to view.
https://vimeo.com/594751965 <--- you may have to open a Vimeo account to view…
[Lisa Tocker]

The RIGHT WAY to wash-your-Hands:
Federal Mask Mandate (Do THIS To Stay Safe) By order of the White House, government agencies have recently reinstated mask mandates at federal buildings. This comes on the heels of surging COVID cases, in part due to the spread of the "Delta" variant. While data suggests that wearing masks does help reduce the spread of COVID-19, health experts continue to champion frequent hand-washing as an effective way to reduce your risk of contracting the virus. The #1 thing I recommend to do frequently is regular, thorough hand-washing with warm water and soap. But there is one important step most Americans ignore, and this can go a long way toward keeping your body safe. It's so important that your hand-washing technique may be leaving you vulnerable to illness or even death... Click here to watch the quick video where Dr. Joshua Levitt explains the RIGHT way to wash your hands if you want to keep your health protected. (No, it’s not another lathering technique, or a little song you can sing… I promise you’ve never heard about this.) I think you’ll wonder why you didn’t start doing this months ago… Let me show you the one critical step for the right way to wash your hands and protect your immune system. PS - Did you know that the way you wash your hands could be making things worse instead of better? Watch the quick video and see if you’re unknowingly “leaving your fortress unguarded” and putting yourself at risk. [Mask Warning]
