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Sunday... The beginning of another BIG WEEK!

Writer's picture: donbrooks777donbrooks777

10-9/10-21 Saturday/Sunday -


The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Main-Stream Media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

James 5:16 KJV

Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power:

for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

Revelation 4:11 KJV

This is my commandment,

That ye love one another, as I have loved you.

John 15:12 KJV


For your ease in getting to Information that you are interested in… I have divided the following Material into three Groups: It is not necessary that you read every Article… scroll down and pick what interests you! Little to none of these are found in the Main-Stream media {MSM}…

Disclaimer: All articles, videos,and images posted in this BLOG – site, are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed in this BLOG and we do not support, represent, or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted herein.

💥 💥💥💥💥

Thought of the Day!

Tip of the day:

Invest a few more minutes today than usual into prayer or meditation. Listen to what the Holy Spirit wants to tell you.

It is always guiding you toward your highest good. We just often are not listening and hearing the “voice”.

Be open to listening to it today and move forward in that direction. You might feel more alive than you have in a while

Sections divide Material into meaningful Groups

First… PRAISE:


#2. COVID-19



La Palma 3.1 half an hour ago:

This website scrolls all the world's quakes across the top, and alternative websites for La Palma across the bottom.

Data for the same earthquake reported by different agencies

Info: The more agencies report about the same quake and post similar data, the more confidence you can have in the data. It takes normally up to a few hours until earthquake parameters are calculated with near-optimum precision.

[Patrick Bestall]

Canary Island Catastrophic Volcano Eruption Tsunami Warning:

Tenerife tsunami warning: ‘Catastrophic’ volcano eruption could ‘devastate’ Canary Islands. SCIENTISTS have warned that a volcanic eruption in Tenerife could trigger a tsunami that could cause “catastrophic effects”.

The volcano there is erupting with increasing intensity and is doing so in a manner that is increasing the chances of a massive tsunami hitting the East coast of the US etc.


My Eldest Son JOHN is now HOME from Victoria HOSPITAL...

Praise the Lord!

Please keep praying for his full healing!

Thank you One & ALL!


Argentinian Doctor Shares His Ivermectin Experience:

Argentina has extensive medical experience with ivermectin. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, it was used to treat dengue fever, which is endemic in Argentina

Early in the pandemic, Dr. Hector Carvallo, a retired medical professor in Argentina, devised two ivermectin trials to assess the drug’s usefulness against SARS-CoV-2. His treatment protocols are used in five Argentinian provinces. In one province, the death rate was reduced to one-third in less than a month, in the middle of the outbreak.

When used preventatively, ivermectin is administered in conjunction with carrageenan, which also has antiviral properties

When treating mild cases, ivermectin is administered with aspirin; in moderate cases with aspirin and corticosteroids, and in severe cases, ivermectin is given with enoxaparin, an anticoagulant drug

These drug combinations were selected based on what was known about other viruses that cause similar health effects as SARS-CoV-2, such as the rhabdovirus’ effect on neurology, the paramyxovirus, which causes hyperinflammation in the lungs, and the dengue virus, which overamplifies the immune system. [Dr. Mercola]

Oval Office Mission Impossible:

Skip the first hour and watch how realistic fake masks can be these days.

Since his speech is picked up by one microphone, it would be easy to use a computer to make him sound like Biden. Here's a previous email (BELOW) about blackmail using "Deep fakes" created by A.I.


Or how about framing someone by putting the target's face on a porn actor's body, and using it to blackmail the target (a politician, news editor, doctor etc.)? The Chinese Communist Party could quickly copy the face of anyone using Zoom which they created.

#2. COVID-19

F0000d (1 Min)

[David Yeo]

0ne Shot NBA Players Don't want to Take (11 Min)

[David Yeo]

Excellent Documentary:

Global Warning 2021 0n BS**19 (148 Min)

Note: This is a good 0ne. This gives the whole Picture.

[David Yeo]

Revealing Comment in BC (2 Min)

[David Yeo]

Dr. Young:

Microscopy & Graphene 0xide (55 Min)

[David Yeo]

Fired Western Prof. Dr. Julie Ponesse & Doc Bridle (127 Min)

[David Yeo]


Take It or Leave (2 Min)

[David Yeo]

Vaxx Injuries Compilation #5 (45 Min)

[David Yeo]


They R Trying 2 Release the Beast (43 Min)

[David Yeo]

The Brain (2 Min)

[David Yeo]

Dr. Tom Cowan:

Recent talk on B$*19 Myths (36 Min)

Note: He says it Does Not Exist

[David Yeo]

Another Whistle-Blower from 5zer 0n using Fetal Tissue (5 Min)

[David Yeo]

Meanwhile in 0z (1 Min)

[David Yeo]

MTN Biker can't Ride now (12 Min)

[David Yeo]

They Took them 2 Court & W0N on Mask Rules (1 Min)

Note: Not sure where this is in NA.

[David Yeo]

TV D0C Says N0 (1 Min)

[David Yeo]

Science & the 1 World Religion (29 Min)

[David Yeo]

Nearly 1/2 of the COLORADO BS** 19 deaths were not due to BS**19 (1 Min)

[David Yeo]


Is Hospital Protocols Killing Patients!

Oh, my goodness! Dad Ardiss has even more information that may surprise you. It certainly verifies what many of us have believed all along. This VIDEO is lengthy but I would recommend that you watch it. [Laura Lee Thompson]

[Billie Jo Green]

Vaxx Horror is Real - "It's Alive"!

Video claims to show what appears to be metallic looking string capable of movement after it was extracted from a US soldiers body was revealed on the Stew Peters Show.

During an interview between Stew Peters and a woman named Amanda, who says she is the wife of a US soldier who was required to receive the controversial vaccine, Peters aired video appearing to show what was described by Peters’ guest as a metallic parasitic looking “organism” that was extracted from the vaccinated soldiers body.

[Patrick Bestall]

VAERS – The REAL Story:

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System does not catch all the reports (less than 1% some estimate) but it does show there's more events when there's more jabs. Here are the easy-to-read charts for the USA. There are more bad effects and deaths from the shots than from the Covid virus!

"The World Health Organization reports over 2 million adverse reactions to Covid vaccines"

Thanks again to Tony on GTTR



AI-powered DoD Data Analysis Program Named “Project Salus” SHATTERS Official Vaccine Narrative, Shows A.D.E. Accelerating in the Fully Vaccinated with Each Passing Week!

An AI-powered Dept. of Defense program named Project Salus,” run in cooperation with the JAIC (Joint Artificial Intelligence Center), has analyzed data on 5.6 million Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 or older. Data were aggregated from Humetrix, a real-time data and analytics platform that tracks health care outcomes. Legal analysis from Thomas Renz of is included in a breaking video interview, below.

The alarming findings show that the vast majority of covid hospitalizations are occurring among fully-vaccinated individuals and that outcomes among the fully vaccinated are growing worse with each passing week. This appears to fit the pattern of so-called Antibody Dependent Enhancement, where the treatment intervention (mRNA vaccines) is worsening health outcomes and leading to excess hospitalizations and deaths.


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