2020 Total Deaths in the USA same as the Last 10 Years
Despite the virus, US deaths this year are literally no worse than they've been for the last 10, and may even be on track to go DOWN.
2010: 2.5M
2011: 2.5M
2012: 2.5M
2013: 2.6M
2014: 2.6M
2015: 2.7M
2016: 2.7M
2017: 2.8M
2018: 2.8M
2019: 2.9M
2020: 2.5M (as of Nov.)
So… Why are we LOCKING everything down AGAIN?
[Thank You – David Yeo]
Tues. 15 Dec. President Trump Will NOT Concede, All Winning Cards Including Insurrection Act in Play:
==> 15 Dec’s Trump Tweets Said It All:
In Jan. 2020, The USA Government was made aware of “Conflict-of-Interest” with the Biden Family! Where were the Main-Stream Media [1-yr]? They hid-suppressed-buried this News!
Pam Bondi argues Biden corruption concerns are legitimate | Trump impeachment trial [at beginning of yr].
[Thank You – Billie Jo]
***Must See Video*** Parallel electors chosen by 7 states as Trump accelerates ops to seize evidence:
Trump fired them all with an Executive Order:
All Government Agencies to Permanently Close Dec. 24.
https://rumble.com/vbvpmb-massive-ccp-leak-potus-warns-electoral-college-2018-eo-will-change-everythi.html ==>EO Continuation of National Emergency Re:
Foreign Interference in National Election:
https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/09/11/2020-20315/continuation-of-the-national-emergency-with-respect-to-foreign-interference-in-or-undermining-public Tues. 16 Dec. Charlie Ward:
Tues. 15 Dec. Charlie Ward:
More Censorship Anyone? Google Announces Any Video’s Mentioning Election Fraud Will Be ‘Banned’
‘The genie is out of the bottle’:
Texas AG says SCOTUS left questions of election integrity unanswered
Forensic proof exists that votes were flipped. Call 202.224.3121 & ask for your Rep & Sen. Report:
https://beta.documentcloud.org/documents/20423772-antrim-county-forensics-report Kevin McCullough@KMCRadio EVIDENCE: Here is the forensic audit report of the Dominion Voting machines in Michigan. In one county where 33% of the vote was switched electronically from @realDonaldTrump to @JoeBiden Results: Electronic flip. An attempt to erase records Antrim County Forensics Reportbeta.documentcloud.org Pastor Mark Burns@pastormarkburns BREAKING: President Trump will pardon Julian Assange. Rep. Jim Jordan@Jim_Jordan If Joe [B]iden had nothing to do with Hunter [B]iden’s business dealings, then why did Hunter request that his dad have a key to the office? And better yet, why doesn’t the media cover the story? Murray@Rothbard1776 Let the record reflect that @realDonaldTrump did everything in his power to be merciful. He issued multiple warnings to current + former gov’t officials, the media & corrupt third party actors. He gave them EVERY opportunity to come clean & do the right thing. They chose poorly. Kayleigh McEnany@kayleighmcenany Joe Biden has some nerve to shout about “assaults on democracy.” The greatest “assault on democracy” is what Democrats have done to President @realDonaldTrump for four years! Lauren Boebert@laurenboebert Besides the video footage, voice recordings, data analysis, statistical impossibilities, sworn affidavits and eyewitness testimony there is absolutely no evidence of voter fraud. Newt Gingrich@newtgingrich Why would Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger refuse to release the list of newly registered voters? What is he trying to hide? Why? Georgia legislature should demand list asap. Anna Kraken@Annakhait NEVADA VOTED FOR TRUMP!! Murray@Rothbard1776 Tide status: TURNING. @SidneyPowell1was right. George Papadopoulos@GeorgePapa19 BREAKING: John Durham, the current special counsel, has expanded his team to include numerous federal prosecutors. I like the sound of the patriot party Matt Couch@RealMattCouch BREAKING: A Signature Audit had been ORDERED in Georgia! O. Ye of Little Faith :-) Disclosure: Latest Wikileaks Dump:
https://file.wikileaks.org/file/?fbclid=IwAR3-UC7S15lhmLfm_Cf8AnpvETK58E1gAMdLyhIeOxbL6OfBxw02CollOtE https://file.wikileaks.org/file/?fbclid=IwAR0sZsAQNVJKLE9FmfuDrWWZBdUS02TH0rmB5Dewls57dymJdVzZhA1OuFM Trump to Declassify All Re: Democrat Treason:
https://eraoflight.com/2020/12/15/president-trump-claims-he-will-declassify-everything-over-democrat-lying-and-treason/ Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell - Kraken is Out:
https://truthvendor.com/2020/11/19/kraken-released-trump-legal-team-drops-info-nukes-at-press-conference/?utm_content=12051542&utm_medium=Email&utm_name=Id& McConnell's Link to Chinese Communist Party, Nygard Arrested for Pedophilia, Trump's Latest Tweets:
https://rumble.com/vbx7bx-mcconnell-link-to-ccp-and-i-will.html 7 States GOP Alternate Electors and What It Means, New AG & Deputy AG Military Tribunals:
https://rumble.com/vbwvrt-7-states-gop-alternate-electors-and-what-it-means-new-ag-and-deputy-ag-mili.html Dinar value falls as Iraq contemplates currency devaluation - Iraq Oil Report:
https://www.iraqoilreport.com/news/dinar-value-falls-as-iraq-contemplates-currency-devaluation-43398/ Behind the Vatican's Christmas crib - Vatican News
In 2020 St Peter's Square the Vatican's Nativity scene was more symbolic of Astronauts & "Stars Wars" than traditional sets. Could "The Alliance" be sending a message? Space Force? Victory? "May The Force Be With You." Mon. 14 Dec. Simon Parkes Update:
https://youtu.be/10B06wdQPxs 2020 ElectionFraud:
Dominion Machines Show Massive Fraud:
https://www.theepochtimes.com/trump-audit-of-dominion-machines-in-antrim-county-shows-massive-fraud_3619029.html Supreme Court Asked to Review Election Lawsuit:
https://www.theepochtimes.com/pennsylvania-republicans-ask-supreme-court-to-again-review-election-lawsuit_3618992.html Dominion Voting Machines Audit Shows Massive Fraud:
https://www.theepochtimes.com/trump-audit-of-dominion-machines-in-antrim-county-shows-massive-fraud_3619029.html Pro-Biden Shift in Counties that Used Dominion:
https://www.theepochtimes.com/fraud-analyst-flags-pro-biden-shift-in-counties-that-used-dominion_3619566.html Mon. 14 Dec. Biden Ignores Voter Fraud, Claims Victory:
https://www.theepochtimes.com/biden-denies-voter-fraud-claims-election-victory_3618848.html Electoral Process Not Finished:
COVID-19 Vaccine Warning Update – Doctors Speak Out:
https://www.brighteon.com/923e022e-1b74-48a9-878c-8c2304f9e216 International Organization of Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists Against COVID-19 Government Measures:
https://operationdisclosure1.blogspot.com/2020/12/new-international-organization-doctors.html#more Tues. 15 Dec. Coca Cola Tests Positive for COVID-19 In Austrian Parliament:
FDA approves first over-the-counter COVID-19 test that delivers near-instant results: https://nypost.com/2020/12/15/fda-oks-at-home-covid-test-that-offers-near-instant-results/
Forensics Report on Mich.
County’s Voting Machines Claims Dominion ‘Intentionally and Purposefully Designed’ for ‘Fraud’
So How Does the Electoral College Work?
A Step-by-Step Guide to Monday's Vote; and What Comes Next
When those who preach science… ignore the data.
Durham investigation heating up with additional prosecutors: 'Excellent progress'
This is HUGE!
Positive - 'This was a gift to us': Ivermectin effective for COVID-19 prophylaxis, treatment
Positive - Dr. Pierre Kory, president of the FLCCC Alliance testifies before Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs looking into early outpatient COVID-19 treatment
“It will all be needless death from here on out, given that there is a readily available scientific solution to the pandemic," Kory says.
NEGITIVE - No evidence ivermectin is a miracle drug against COVID-19
Biden’s Brother, James Biden, Also Under Federal Investigation
https://richardsonpost.com/howellwoltz/19481/can-joe-biden-stop-the-trump-train/ [Thank You – Patrick Bestall]
==>Trump’s Executive Order 13848 [Well Written] {this is Trump’s “LANDMINE”!}
[Thank You – Patrick Bestall]
Republican electors in contested states cast votes for Trump
Democrat DEMAND Republicans that Supported Trump Be Ejected from Congress
Vaccine History… Good to know!
[Thank You – Donna Fawcett]
https://truthcomestolight.com/dr-christiane-northrup-on-covid-vaccine-once-those-nanoparticles-go-in-youre-suddenly-programmable/ [Thank You – Donna Fawcett]
Miscellaneous Items:
Justin likes to Spend $$ (4 Min)
https://www.bitchute.com/video/PZTHOWlMpLcG/ [Thank You – David Yeo]
UFOs & Aliens Exposed as NWO Agenda (22 Min)
https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=YGO2NMYG7W15 [Thank You – David Yeo]
Pfizer CEO Un-Vaxxed:
" You go first, my time hasn't come yet." (1 Min) [Ouch!]
https://www.bitchute.com/video/kw28Pl1e9RRB/ [Thank You – David Yeo]
