Monday 5 - 15 - 23
Verse(s) for today:
Strength and honour are her clothing; And she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; And in her tongue is the law of kindness.
Proverbs 31:25-26 KJV
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1 John 1:9 KJV
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
John 1:12 KJV
Thought(s) for the Day:
Will you be part of this revival?
Our nation needs REVIVAL.
These are dark and trying times for America, and now more than ever, we need to turn to our great God for peace... for hope... for victory. That’s why TPUSA Faith has launched our Kingdom to the Capitol Tour -- a series of live worship events in ALL FIFTY STATE CAPITALS over the next several months designed to ignite the flame of REVIVAL in bible-believing Americans across the country!
We’re traveling from state to state and gathering tens of thousands of believers together to seek the face of our Heavenly Father and invite his blessing to our great nation. And we’re praying for the partnership of friends like you as we continue building momentum for this movement.
In fact, we can’t do it without you!
Your generous partnership will enable us to promote these powerful worship events far and wide in our upcoming cities ... to fill local church buildings with worshipers ... and to send an army of believers back into their communities with renewed hope and power to bring revival to our nation when it's needed most.
Whether it’s the spread of socialism, gender ideology in public schools, the scourge of abortion, or the recent tragic shooting at a Nashville Christian school, you don’t have to look hard to see the darkness plaguing our country when it drifts from the truth of scripture.
But followers of Jesus know the promises that the Lord has made to the nation that turns back to him. We know that he is gracious to forgive us, and to lavish his mercy and blessings on his people. And that’s exactly what we’re pleading with the Lord to grant as we seek His face in worship at these powerful events.
Together, we can make these the first of many thousands to have their hearts and lives invigorated by these powerful worship events.
Right now, we have events scheduled in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Austin, Texas; Topeka, Kansas; Madison, Wisconsin; Springfield, Illinois; Indianapolis, Indiana; and many more. These important events, empowered by the Holy Spirit and made possible by your generous partnership, have the potential to bring the hope of the Gospel to every state capital in America.
These are desperate times for our nation. Now is the time to bring God’s kingdom near. That’s exactly what TPUSA Faith is doing with our Kingdom to the Capitol Tour.
Just imagine the national revival that our great God could begin through us!
God bless you,
[Charlie Kirk]
[TPUSA Faith]
HFT Connect
May 14, 2023
Verse of the Week
“For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”
Psalm 139:13-14
Ministry Update
Read our free daily devotional, Meditations in the Psalms on our home page (right hand column) at!
Hope for Today Radio
David starts off our week on radio completing his message, Our Sins Testify Against Us. Then from Isaiah chapters 60 and 61 he’ll help us discover The Light to Come and what it means to be Anointed to Preach! Listen locally or online and tell a friend!
Fragile Gaza Truce Between Israel, Islamic Jihad Holds into Sunday!
A fragile Egyptian-brokered Gaza truce between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad to end the five days of fighting between them that went into effect at 10 p.m. on Saturday night, held into Sunday.
Israel’s Home Front Command began relaxing restrictions on southern Israel in the hours after the ceasefire was announced.
National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi thanked Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on behalf of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and expressed Israel’s appreciation for Egypt’s “vigorous efforts to bring about a ceasefire,” the Prime Minister’s Office said. Hanegbi clarified that “quiet will be answered with quiet. If Israel is attacked or threatened, it will continue to do everything it needs to do in order to defend itself.”
The Palestinian and Arab media published a five-sentence text from Egypt of the ceasefire announcement, which spoke of an end to targeting civilians and demolishing homes once the truce goes into effect. The Joint Operations Rooms of the Palestinian Resistance Factions in Gaza also announced an end to the current round of fighting, in a statement it issued late Saturday. The group, which consists of a number of terror groups in Gaza, said the Palestinians entered and exited the battle united and strong as ever. It warned Israel against carrying out additional targeted assassinations, saying that our fingers are on the trigger.
The Beginning of True Wisdom and Knowledge, by David Hocking
What is the fear of God? I am going to use the Bible alone to tell you. Number one, I read in Proverbs 1:7 that it is the key to knowledge and wisdom. In Proverbs 15:33 and Psalm 111:10 we find that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge. If you want to be smart, really smart, really understand life and what it is all about - the meaning and purpose of it and how everything functions and works - if you want wisdom and knowledge, the Bible says, "you need the fear of the Lord." You might ask me, "What is the fear of God?" It is the key to wisdom and knowledge. And we desperately need it.
In Proverbs 15:33 it says, "The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom, and before honor is humility." The last phrase is a parallel statement. The "honor" here would be, "being wise." And before that honor is humility, "which is the fear of the Lord.” It is a type of parallelism in Hebrew poetry that shifts subject and direct object in the two parallel statements. The fear of the Lord is humility, and wisdom is the honor. So, before you get wisdom, before you are honored that way, you need humility, which is what? It is the fear of the Lord. So, there you are getting some insight into what it is. But the key thing to notice is that whoever has the fear of God in his life is being constantly instructed in wisdom. So those who fear God are going to be much smarter and wiser, especially in terms of the application of knowledge, than those who do not.
Number two, turn back to Proverbs 2:5. You say, what is the fear of God? Well, it is the key to knowledge and wisdom. But the Bible teaches that it is the knowledge of God Himself. When we say, "fear of God," we are not talking simply about being scared; but we are actually talking about knowing God, and fear is the consequence of that. In verse 4 it says, "If you seek for wisdom, like you search for hidden treasure (you are really after it), then you will understand the fear of the Lord (parallel statement again) and find the knowledge of God." What is the fear of the Lord? It is the knowledge of God.
Now turn to Proverbs 9:10 to read even a more pointed statement. It says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." That is how we started the book in Proverbs 1:7. Now Solomon picks it up again and says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (here is a parallel statement) and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."
So, what is the fear of the Lord? It is the knowledge of God Himself.
When you fear God, you have decided that knowing who God is more important than anything else in life. Are you following? And isn't it interesting that our culture is bonkers - I mean, I am going to find another word to just describe their obsession - but they are bonkers with regard to learning about man and self. And we wonder why we are not wise. We wonder why we do not have the wisdom and knowledge of God. What is wrong? Well, the pursuit is wrong. If you are pursuing knowledge of yourself, to find out who you are, to really get your act together, first of all, is a dead-end street going nowhere. It leads to that which is not wise. You will learn fast and rapidly that with this type of pursuit you will never discover the real wisdom that God wants to give you. Real wisdom comes through knowing God.
Hope for Today’s May Resource Package!
This month we’re offering a special DVD video package of 25 messages covering the life of our Lord Jesus in Matthew chapters 1-13. And it’s just $20! Watch how Jesus ministered during his earthly incarnation! For more information, to purchase or make a donation go to Or call 1-800-75BIBLE (24253). In Canada, 1-888-75-BIBLE.
[Dr. David Hocking]
Fake news, or hoax news, refers to false information or propaganda published under the guise of being authentic news. Reposted due to playback issues with the original video
What angers me are the useful idiots laughing that all these news people reading off the samescript! I won't ever watch the legacy media anymore.
This is HUGE… FOLK: [Fil Beorchia]
[BitChute News Media]
The Potter & the Clay:
For those who want to take a VERY DEEP DIVE
It is a good thing that GOD knows what He is doing…
Septuagint to the rescue once again! In the Greek, Romans 9:22 reads differently than translations based on Hebrew originals.
Thus, the drift would be, "What If God, while willing to exhibit his wrath and manifest his power, endured with much long-suffering vessels of wrath that had become fitted [not that God made fit] for destruction (Pulpit Commentary).
In other words, that had turned out fit for destruction (due to their own attitude & actions).
I clued into this when reading the much longer analysis below (I quote a few paragraphs):
Now I don't want to get too deep, and I just want to give you one or two thoughts. Notice, there are vessels of wrath, at the end of verse 22, fitted to destruction. In verse 23, vessels of mercy which He had prepared to glory. Now in the Greek you have two serious distinctions here in the Greek tense and you must recognize them. I should say in the Greek voice which is similar to English. You realize the difference between active and passive? In active, the subject does the acting and in passive the subject receives the action. Now notice, verse 22 is a passive, vessels of wrath fitted to destruction. God is not the subject. The verb is passive. Verse 23, vessels of mercy which He had prepared to glory. God, there, is the subject and the verb is active.
NOTE:[It is God who makes us ‘New Creations’ having accepted His Provision (His Son) through Faith by Grace].
Eph_2:8For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Gal_6:15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.
Eph_2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace.
More detail can be gleaned from the above Website LINK!
Here is a quick History:
After the Tower of Babel… when all of Humanity came against God under Nimrod… God’s response was to confuse their Languages and scatter these groups pf People all over the GLOBE… He put an Angel over each group… Over time the Angels began to rebel and keep Glory for themselves… from time-to-time, God called them collectively to Heaven and addressed their waywardness.
There came a time when God Himself chose a Group of People… He called Abraham to cross over the Euphrates River and come to a land that God would show him… You and your descendants will be “My People” and I will be “your God’! They became known as “God’s Chosen People’! Their position was ‘First’!
An example of an Angel being over a Group of People can be observed in the Book of Daniel… Gabriel is sent with an answer to Daniel’s Prayer… BUT… he explains to Daniel that he had been delayed for 21-days by ‘The Prince-of-Persia’!
In His time… God sent His son as the SOLUTION to the problem of Sin occasioned by Adam and inherited by all of Humanity. Joh 1:11 He came into his own world, but his own nation did not welcome him… these were His Chosen People [Israel & Judah]… They were the FIRST who now became LAST!
Joh 1:12 Yet some people accepted him and put their faith in him. So, he gave them the right to be the children of God… these were the Goya [Last… who now became FIRST]
Joh 1:13 They were not God's children by nature or because of any human desires. God himself was the one who made them his children… This is US!
The Mystery of Israel's Salvation
Rom 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
Rom 11:26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer [Jesus], and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
Rom 11:27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.
Rom 11:28 As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers' sakes.
Rom 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.
Rom 11:30 For as ye in times past have not believed God, yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief:
Rom 11:31 Even so have these also now not believed, that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy.
Rom 11:32 For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.
Rom 11:33 Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past finding out!
Rom 11:34 For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?
Rom 11:35 Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?
[So, the First who had become Last… are finally moved from Last to First again]
Rom 11:36 For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory forever. Amen.
Wrap it all up…
I think John Calvin didn't understand the difference between equal rights and equal opportunity. And progressive Christians today confuse it with equity.
Here is an excellent translation: Your quote from the Contemporary English Version says it simple enough for anyone to understand. I really like it and recommend you replace the above with it (bible readers can hit the link to read the above).
Here is the Contemporary English Version [CEV]...
Rom 9:22 God wanted to show his anger and reveal his power against everyone who deserved to be destroyed. But instead, he patiently put up with them.
[Don Brooks]
[Patrick Bestall]
My Way vs. The Higher Way:
See how you helped me complete the attached. After I read your response to Romans 9:22 I got it right in just two lines (#48).
The page is the result of me reading other people's writing and combining it all with some of my own thoughts. I'd been working on it for the past three weeks.
Much thanks! [Patrick Bestall]
Be sure to take a copy of this one…
National Bank has some explaining to do after a mind-boggling accusation against Conservatives:
Here is an {A-I} SUMMARY:
The Left have gone completely bonkers. That has led to growing polarization throughout the society and the economy. Now a national bank has some explaining to do after a mind-boggling accusation against conservatives. The Left have become so authoritarian, they are creating the need for a parallel economy.
A shareholder resolution has been sent to JPMorgan Chase over claims it closed accounts belonging to religious groups. The bank terminated its relationship with the National Committee for Religious Freedom and asked the nonprofit organisation to reveal donors, while a card processor owned by Chase closed an account belonging to conservative group the Family Council. David Bahnsen of investment advisory firm the Bahnsen Group claimed in his resolution that such actions were prompted by “woke” middle managers rather than senior executives and hindered access to markets.
READ the Original Article following:
The Left have gone completely bonkers.
That has led to growing polarization throughout the society and the economy.
Now a national bank has some explaining to do after a mind-boggling accusation against conservatives.
The Left have become so authoritarian, they are creating the need for a parallel economy.
Conservatives and counter-narrative liberals have been silenced and “canceled” and denied basic services like Facebook, Uber, Airbnb, and various payment processors.
They have even been barred from using bank accounts.
Such was the case when conservatives and religious groups were “de-banked” by Chase, and now a portfolio manager wants answers from the bank.
Shareholder resolution sent to JPMorgan Chase over alleged targeting of religious groups
David Bahnsen of the Bahnsen Group sent a resolution to the shareholders of JPMorgan Chase, challenging the bank’s curtailment of civil liberties.
Chase terminated its relationship with the National Committee for Religious Freedom and asked the nonprofit organization to list its donors.
Also, a credit card processor owned by Chase closed the account belonging to the Family Council, a conservative organization focused on traditional family values.
Bahnsen wrote in the resolution, “When companies engage in this kind of discrimination, they hinder the ability of individuals, groups, and businesses to access and equally participate in the marketplace and instead skew it to their own ends…Moreover, they risk giving fringe activists and governments a foothold to demand that private financial institutions deny service under the sweeping, unfettered discretion that such policies provide.”
Woke middle managers called out.
Bahnsen believes that the de-banking is not coming from senior executives, but from “woke” middle managers, or at least middle managers attempting to boost Chase’s Corporate Equity Index (CEI) score from the Human Rights Campaign, a far-left LGBTQ organization.
Bahnsen claimed, “I am convinced these discriminatory things are happening, and that senior management is not behind it at all…I believe they have a breakdown at a more local and regional level causing this, and they internally are going to have to rectify it.”
It is not uncommon for VPs to go rogue when senior management is not paying attention.
Bud Light is currently in a tailspin after marketing executives entered into a sponsorship deal with controversial transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney.
The radical politicization of banking came into focus when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau temporarily froze the bank accounts of people who participated in the Trucker Convoy to protest COVID vaccine mandates.
If banks are going to openly discriminate against conservatives and Christians, then “woke” banks are going to get some competition.
[Unmuzzled News Media]
Likewise, through the Five Eyes mechanism, the US exerts direct influence over Canada’s intelligence service, the CSIS,which in turn, then cooperates with and manipulates the Canadian mainstream media through newspapers such as the Globe and Mail. This has long been revealed in detail by Canadian investigative website The Canada Files.
Who is behind Canada’s state-level Sinophobia?
Ottawa has kicked out a diplomat for ‘foreign interference,’ but its constant spats with Beijing are themselves instigated from abroad.
This article was originally published on The Anti-Empire Project Newsletter.
Written by: Justin Podur
Breaking Canada-China science connections as prologue
The death throes of Canadian multiculturalism began on February 2023 over China-Canada science connections. Canada’s Innovation Minister said Canadian universities shouldn’t do research with China’s military, as 50 of them have since 2005. “I am not happy and it’s unacceptable,” Minister Francois-Philippe Champagne said, quoted in a February 2 Globe and Mail article “Ottawa vows to curb research with Chinese military scientists”. Champagne reminded Canadians that there are new national-security reviews for scientists since 2021 - also designed for China. Michael Chong, the foreign affairs critic with the Conservative party, called for a ban to all research collaboration with China’s military.
One Canadian research fellow said that “Everyone recognizes the importance of academic freedom but Canadian researchers should be thinking within their souls, not partnering with Chinese researchers who maybe are helping to develop military equipment." What will these Canadians find in their souls?
It didn’t take long for Champagne to give these souls a nudge, announcing the ban Michael Chong had asked for on February 14. “Grant applications that involve conducting research in a sensitive research area will not be funded if any of the researchers working on the project are affiliated with a university, research institute or laboratory connected to military, national defence or state security entities of foreign state actors that pose a risk to our national security.” In case you were wondering, the shifty category of “foreign state actors that pose a risk to our national security” does not include the US, UK, or Israel - military research with these partners continues, of course.
Indeed to try to substitute “the US” or “Israel” for China anywhere in this story would render it incomprehensible. When a group of Palestinian students started a lecture series asserting that Israel was an apartheid state, it was denounced by every mainstream Canadian politician including Trudeau himself and official parliamentary motions. As this very story unfolds a disabled, Black NDP candidate, Sarah Jama, is under attack for criticizing Israel when she was a student activist. Israel, apparently, might be a “foreign state actor”, but no one thinks it “poses a risk to our national security” - on the contrary, Canadian politicians must be vetted and disqualified if they are critical of Israel.
Chinese Canadians must prove they are loyal to Canada and not China; Canadian politicians must prove that they are with Israel and not the Palestinians.
The Globe and Mail didn’t stop with mere government declarations. They got quotes from CSIS, Canada’s spy agency, and also a report from a “US strategic intelligence company Strider Technologies Inc” that stated that “Researchers at 50 Canadian universities… have conducted and published joint scientific papers from 2005 to 2022 with scientists connected to” China.
No questions asked about why a US strategic intelligence company is studying Canada-China research connections for these guardians of Canadian sovereignty.
Fife, Chase, and their CSIS source break the 2021 election story
On February 13, Robert Fife and Steven Chase published a story in the Globe and Mail “CSIS warned Trudeau about politician’s alleged ties to China.” In this story, the reporters cite “two national security sources” making accusations against a Canadian Liberal Party politician Michael Chan, saying that CSIS “has a dossier on Mr. Chan that contains information in the 2019 and 2021 federal election campaigns and meetings with suspected Chinese intelligence operatives.” This dossier made by the intelligence agency has now been entered into the public record. Chan fired back hard: “Your own statement to me about a recent briefing by CSIS to Prime Minister Trudeau, serves only to ignite xenophobia and cause continued, unwarranted and irreparable damage to my reputation and the safety of my family," he said.
He added: “CSIS has never interviewed me regarding their false and unsubstantiated allegations. However, I am aware that they have conducted intimidating interviews with my friends and acquaintances and then instructed them to keep their mouths shut."
That might have been the end of it, but the story has legs. What follows in Fife & Chase’s report - and in the growing scandal in Canada - is a narrative where every sentence begins or ends with the phrase, “CSIS believes”. Michael Chan met with Chinese diplomats, who CSIS believes are “suspected intelligence actors”; “security sources” told Fife & Chase that they had told the prime minister’s office that Chan should be “on your radar”. They briefed the prime minister on “foreign interference, tactics and Chinese tradecraft.”
Reporter Robert Fisk said, in the run-up to the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, that all newspapers should change their name to “US officials said”, since their reporting relied solely on unnamed US officials using their newspapers to generate support for the war. Perhaps the Globe & Mail should change its name to “CSIS believes.”
Fife & Chase repeat a set of sinister phrases, all citing back to their source in CSIS who is leaking them “top secret” information - a cachet that adds undeserved weight to their assertions: “CSIS has repeatedly warned that China has been conducting foreign interference operations in Canada, including efforts to influence the political process.” They quote CSIS director-general of intelligence Adam Fisher: “They are not necessarily relying on trained agents. They use cutouts. They use proxies. They use community groups. They use diaspora organizations and community leaders," he said. They quote Cherie Henderson CSIS assistant director of requirements “They will use whatever avenue they can to achieve their objectives". The story’s sourcing is principally their unnamed CSIS leaker, backed up by official statements… also by CSIS officials. The total impression given by this set of quotes is that an informed Chinese Canadian who effectively pushes back against Canada’s belligerence towards China will automatically become a prime suspect for Chinese collusion.
Michael Chan protested to Fife & Chase that he is a “loyal Canadian” - a phrase with historical resonance for anti-racists. Chinese Canadians must prove their loyalty - ideally, by publicly denouncing the Chinese state.
Then, the bombshell on February 17, 2023. Fife and Chase again, in a report titled “CSIS documents reveal Chinese strategy to influence 2021 election.” This breathless story reports as if established fact that China was working for the Liberals and against “Conservative politicians considered to be unfriendly to Beijing”. The basis of Fife & Chase’s story is the usual: “The full extent of the Chinese interference operation is laid bare in both secret and top-secret Canadian Security Intelligence Service documents viewed by The Globe and Mail.”
Fife & Chase call it “an orchestrated machine” run by the “Chinese Communist Party leadership in Beijing” to use Canadian organizations “while obfuscating links to the People’s Republic of China.”
From February on, the Globe and Mail with its reporting duo of Fife & Chase, its TV network, and its CSIS source, have worked to create a national media scandal. Let’s call this network CSIS-GM.
As with the 2014 Trojan Horse Affair in Britain or the Dreyfus Affair 100+ years ago in France, the flimsy basis of the accusations isn’t questioned. The Trojan Horse Affair and Dreyfus Affair were based on outright fake documents. In contrast, Fife & Chase and their paper, the Globe and Mail, are working with a secret faction inside CSIS in ways that will incite racist attacks on Chinese Canadians, and they do not appear to care. If they cared, their standards for evidence would be much higher.
Since the CSIS leaker is anonymous, we don’t know his goal. Here’s a guess for what this CSIS-GM operation could accomplish: better Canadian state control and monitoring of contact between Canadians, especially Chinese Canadians, and Chinese people. The unelected and unaccountable CSIS retains its personnel and infrastructure regardless of who is in the Canadian parliament. With centralized control over Canada-China contacts, CSIS will make a better asset for its real master, the US, in the latter’s ever more aggressive and dangerous confrontation with China.
Interlude 1: A reminder of the major problem with Canadian elections
For Canadians worried about whether electoral outcomes reflect the popular will, there are some real questions. Why is health care being privatized when no Canadians want or voted for that? Why did the Green Party - a minor party nowhere near power - seem to self-destruct when a pro-Palestine candidate made a good showing in the leadership race?
Canada’s wealthy donors and corporate lobbies certainly have their say through electoral financing, though they have to work creatively around spending limits. More powerful, though, is the revolving door of corporate boards and the chance to own privatized businesses, with former Ontario premier Mike Harris in the Long-Term Care business, a Toronto public school board leader being part owner of a private school, former Toronto police chief Julian Fantino cashing in on legalized marijuana, etc.
The parties’ processes of vetting candidates also help ensure a unanimity of ideology. When, for example, candidates with a pro-Palestine past (something that usually only happens on the left, ie., in the NDP, like the aforementioned Sarah Jama) become controversial, they are purged by the party apparatus. This has been going on for years and perhaps decades - I wrote about it in 2015.
Perhaps even more important is the intense concentration of Canadian media. The Canadian Media Concentration Research Project reported in 2021 that “The top six Canadian companies—Bell, TELUS, Rogers, Shaw, Quebecor and the CBC— accounted for 69% of network media economy revenue last year; in contrast, the “big six” US-based Internet giants’ combined revenue in Canada of $14.5 billion gave them a 15.3% market share.” What Canadians see and read come from six Canadian and six US corporations, all of which share the same view of the world and of the place of various peoples in it. Good thing we’ve banned Chinese-owned TikTok, right?
Can a concentrated media, careful ideological vetting, and a wealthy class that can offer the riches of Croesus to retired politicians who have done them good service have any influence on elections? Should Canadians worry about that? Never mind! Focus on Chinese interference, says CSIS-GM.
CSIS-GM accusations grow.
Back to our story. By February 20th Fife & Chase, with the same CSIS sourcing - remember the phrase: “secret and top-secret Canadian Security Intelligence Service documents viewed by The Globe and Mail “, were describing an ever-more terrifying system of “ Chinese government espionage that employs blackmail, bribery and sexual seduction, with the country even enlisting the Bank of China in its foreign-influence activities.” What they called an “orchestrated machine”, three days later was a “a broad Chinese strategy to interfere in Canada's democracy and gain influence over politicians, corporate executives, academics and vulnerable Chinese Canadians.” A national security expert, Akshay Singh, sounded a frightful alarm: “It's about different levels of government. It is about academia. It is about civil society and it is about private enterprise." The Chinese, it seems, were everywhere.
On February 21st, Fife & Chase’s reporting had won results. Their report that day, “Committee to probe Chinese interference in 2021 election”, described how a parliamentary committee would convene on Chinese interference. Opposition parliamentarians demanded the committee investigate the 2021 election based on Fife & Chase’s “shocking revelations.”
The same day the Globe and Mail’s editorial board began to drive the political line for the scandal. “Stand up to China, Mr. Trudeau.” The editors asserted that Canadians didn’t care about the spy agency leaking “top secret” information, but about the Chinese undermining democracy. Apparently the Globe and Mail editors thought Canadians valued precisely what the Globe and Mail had given them and Canadians weren’t suspicious at all of the CSIS leaker or the corporate media pushing the story. The paper collaborating with the spy agency to generate suspicion of all Chinese Canadians cast itself as the victim in the editorial because Trudeau had said the CSIS reports, whose “top secret” status was hyped up by the Globe and Mail to add energy to their story, shouldn’t have been leaked.
CSIS-GM counter Trudeau’s threat to investigate the leaker - with another leak.
Fife & Chase stepped up the game again on February 28 breaking another story, again from their CSIS source:
“The source said the Canadian Security Intelligence Service captured a conversation in 2014 between an unnamed commercial attaché at one of China's consulates in Canada and billionaire Zhang Bin, a political adviser to the government in Beijing and a senior official in China's network of state promoters around the world.”
“They discussed the federal election that was expected to take place in 2015, and the possibility that the Liberals would defeat Stephen Harper's Conservatives and form the next government. The source said the diplomat instructed Mr. Zhang to donate $1-million to the Trudeau Foundation, and told him the Chinese government would reimburse him for the entire amount.”
The Trudeau foundation provides scholarships and has nothing to do with elections. It is named for the current prime minister’s father, who was also prime minister of Canada decades ago. The foundation returned the donation days after the story broke.
Interlude 2: A review of the difference between evidence and intelligence
Perhaps we should review the different standards of evidence. To meet the standards of a court of law, evidence has to be very good, since someone could go to jail based on it. To meet the standard of publication, evidence also should be good, since lives and reputations could be ruined. Intelligence agencies, meanwhile, are allowed to give their briefings in secret because they can then assess threats and probability freely without worrying about destroyed reputations or innocent people going to jail. They can produce reports that would be libelous (false and defamatory) if published but might be useful for a government scanning the horizon for threats to sovereignty. What they should not be allowed to do is hide behind anonymity to spread secret evidence, inciting racism against a whole group of people who, according to multicultural theory, are as Canadian as Fife & Chase or their CSIS leakers.
Some Canadian intelligence officials have tried to sound some warnings about the difference between evidence and intelligence, but the scandal keeps growing. At any given moment, if the political climate is right for it, the publication of intelligence materials as established fact will be enough to cause a public scandal.
In the case of this CSIS-GM operation, this is bigger than an intelligence agency leaking their threat assessments to a corporate media monopolist to challenge an election outcome.
The end of Canadian multiculturalism
There’s more at stake because Canada has a history of Chinese Exclusion, of anti-Chinese racism, and a recent history of multiculturalism which is now coming to an end.
Beginning in the 1970s (with the current prime minister’s father) multiculturalism was the framework for integrating immigrants into Canada and has always carried both an anti-racist and a sinister element. It is based on the belief that people from any country of origin could become as “Canadian” as the British colonists who seized it in the name of the English Crown. The resulting Canada would be a “mosaic of cultures”, not a melting pot that pressures people to sever ties with the old country and assimilate as happens in the United States.
On the sinister side, the multicultural idea is used to try to lower the special status of First Nations down to the level of any other part of the mosaic and hide the fact that they retain sovereignty over the land. If Canada is to be a mosaic, immigrants would have to be invited by First Nations on their terms, not by the state that stole their land.
Canadian multiculturalism is also used to weaponize diasporas for campaigns against their home countries, wherever those home countries are in the crosshairs of the US. These diaspora communities of the mosaic are assumed to have homogeneous politics as regards foreign policy: their visible leaders and their community media are of course vocally against the Chinese government, but also pro-US sanctions and wars, anti-Communist, against Palestinian sovereignty, etc.
Multiculturalism was strained by the War on Terror decades as Canadian police and informants infiltrated Muslim communities and entrapped them in terror plots the same way the FBI did in the US, but Canada didn’t go as far as the UK did with its Trojan Horse Affair. Sinophobia in Canada has a much deeper tradition, with race riots in British Columbia and the Chinese Exclusion Act.
CSIS-GM are working towards an open parliamentary inquiry on Chinese interference. This would be like the McCarthy inquiry for Canada. And as James Bradley noted in his book The China Mirage, McCarthyism in the US did indeed begin as an anti-China initiative. So, we’re back full circle. A simple protectionist measure has been debated: expelling Chinese diplomats. The problem with that, Canada’s foreign affairs minister said, was that China would then expel Canada’s diplomats, which would “harm Canada’s ability to have ‘eyes and ears’ on the ground in China.” (that’s from a March 10th report by… Fife & Chase). What a colonial dilemma for poor Canada, who needs to maintain its “eyes and ears” to spy and interfere in China and cannot risk losing this access even to protect Canadians from alleged Chinese spies and interference!
After last weekend’s removal of the Toronto MPP Vincent Ke from the caucus of the Ontario Tories – under the pressure of unnamed intelligence sources pushing against all in Canada who were born in China, or have Chinese connections, through the instrument of willing media operatives – a respected reporter on party politics, Chantal Hébert, could not help but call this what it is. Canada’s latest yellow-peril purge was becoming a “witch-hunt,” she told CBC (as it operates in Quebec), “and not just a political witch-hunt but a witch-hunt to which the media is contributing.”
“At what point,” she joined a usually servile media corps in asking, “does one stop being an investigative journalist and start being the secretary of a source that dictates to us things that we don’t verify . . . ?” In other words, even journalists who accept as given the need for a new Cold War patriotism against China are starting to feel some palpable unease. “Think on it well,” Hébert warned her colleagues: “we know where it starts, but do you know where it ends?”
If the Globe and Mail and CSIS get the national scandal they are working to generate, it will be the end of multiculturalism in both its positive and negative aspects. Minorities, starting with Chinese Canadians, will be made to understand just how conditional the multicultural embrace really is. As both living standards and educational institutions in China continue to improve (ending Canada’s joint research will have absolutely no negative effect on China’s progress), Chinese people will increasingly avoid Canada. Chinese firms will be kicked out of the Canadian surveillance capitalism market so that work can be done by American and Israeli firms. Maybe that, and not some narrow partisan advantage gained by questioning the government’s electoral legitimacy, is the desired endgame of this campaign.
Whatever the real CSIS-Globe and Mail game is, it is a dangerous one that is already out of control. Chinese Canadians are the target - but the whole thing will not end well for Canada.
Editor’s note: The Canada Files is the country's only news outlet focused on Canadian foreign policy. We've provided critical investigations & hard-hitting analysis on Canadian foreign policy since 2019 and need your support.
We’re aiming to get up to $4000 CAD per month in support, up from $1417 CAD per month at present. Please consider setting up a monthly or annual donation through Donorbox.
Justin Podur is Associate Professor at York University's Faculty of Environmental Studies and a writing fellow at Globetrotter, a project of the Independent Media Institute.
David YEO:
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Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors:
This is just ‘Informational’ and YOU
must make up YOUR OWN MIND!
General Summary:
Sat. 13 May NASA Did Not Land on the Moon, White Hat Intel
· Former head of Roscosmos says NASA did not land on the Moon. Dmitry Rogozin ex-director general of Russia's main space corporation explained, he asked his leadership team to look into whether NASA had actually landed a dozen astronauts on the Moon in the late 1960s and early 1970s. After all, Rogozin reasoned, "It was not clear to me how the United States, at that level of technological development of the '60s of the last century, did what they still cannot do now?"
· This comes after NASA admitted they can't go to the moon again because of Technology that was lost after the 1960s (what kind of technology could have been lost, while one of today’s Smart Phone is more advanced than all NASA computers combined together of the 1960s) .
· Dmitry Rogozin investigation team found not one evidence NASA landed on the moon. Russia had the technology to see where the moon landing was and knew the specific landing site, but in real time of the moon landing there was no photographs or documentation of the site, and a half century later there is still no evidence or photographs of any trace landings of NASA on the moon.
· Dmitry claims a coverup with Russian space agency and NASA took place and Russia did not want to EXPOSE NASA as fraud because they had good relations and Russia was scared to break international ties with NASA.
· With only one photo of the Earth taken by NASA in 30 years (now there are a few photographs the past 25 years but still the photos are time lapsed photos and spliced together in sections , with the same excuse> because of clouds) since the moon landings , its reported the one photo in existence was stripped together in pieces due to clouds. _Today thousands of professional photographers and editors use Editing tools and can change the exposure of photos on computers and can clearly see the photos of the moon, the Earth from the 1960s as cut and PASTED .. Even photos from the 90s of Earth are clearly computer cut and pasted.
· In today's fast-moving world of the internet and leaks hundreds of videos emerge of NASA Astronauts who are caught using green screen. Floating with hidden wire harness, dropping objects in a supposed zero gravity environment of space and so many other videos of Flies , mouses in NASA videos in space.
· Is it coincidence that Prescott Bush (Bush family) funded Hitler (this is in U.S. Archives and Google also has the data) and Operations Paperclip brought the NAZIS over to the U.S. And created NASA. And was it coincidence that Prescott Bush was inside YALE'S SKULL AND BONES secret society that help create the CIA and years later George h w Bush would be the director of the CIA and was also part of SKULL AND BONES (that was once considered conspiracy but now proven a true secret society).....
· Is it all coincidence how NASA was created with NAZI'S?
· How did Apollo 11 travel 500,000 (half a million miles) miles to the moon and back with one tank of fuel? and travel through 25,000 miles of the radiation belt and the radiation did not affect the electrical system? Why did NASA never go back to the moon? Then claim they lost the technology to travel back to the moon?
· 50 years ago, NASA had technology in Shuttle crafts to travel 230,000 miles away to the moon. This Shuttle needed only one tank of gas and could easily (supposedly) travel through the Van Allen radiation belt with no problems//// today [they], [NASA] can and has ONLY travel 1/Thousandth of the distance since 50 years ago.. back then [they] had technology that was only 1/millionth as strong and capable of today's Smart phone...
· Today all EVIDENCE of APOLLO 11 Shuttle craft/ blue prints and original videos have been destroyed.... (Nothing has been saved from this historic journey and records) ... All that remains are edited videos of a moon landing that show three different shadows from the different lighting sources in some clips. No stars in the background (later added).
· Only one photo of EARTH was made public for 50 years.
· The astronauts were WARNED not to give interviews and seldom do.
· By FACT If NASA did go to moon 50 years ago, they would have technology and videos to this day of life traveling to MARS & beyond now... But NASA can't even duplicate their APOLLO 11 journey, even with the most sophisticated computers and technology to this day that is 1 million times stronger than in 1969.
· All APOLLO 11 equipment DESTROYED. DESTROYED all original video Tapes Original Blueprints. No one would ever do this destruction of a historical landmark and journey in U.S. /World history unless they were destroying evidence.
· Today you can't get good phone service in the forest or far from the city in high terrains or canyons or the oceans but evidently back in 1969 you had perfect technology to speak with astronauts 150,000 miles away?
· The Radiation Field between the Earth and moon is 125,000 miles thick. To this day they don't have the technology to travel through the Radiation Belt NASA Astronauts Col. Terry Virts, Dr. Kathleen Rubins, and Dr. Kelly Smith (NASA Engineer) say in official NASA videos that no one has gone beyond low Earth orbit yet, through the Van Allen Belts of dangerous radiation.This means no one has landed on the Moon yet. (Now all three NASA employees are banned from talking to the public).
· Think: how can a small Space Shuttle LEAVE the Earth. Which is spinning 1000 miles on it's axis and flying through the universe at 4× times the speed of a bullet. How does a NASA shuttle leave Earth to travel a half million miles round trip on a tank of gas, make through 25,000 miles of Radiation Belt, have perfect radio communication in 1969 when NASA only had less than 1/millionth of computing power of today's Smart phone? Why was all EVIDENCE of APOLLO 11 destroyed?
· This isn't about another election. This is about the End Game of false lies of the Cabal and Fall of the Deep State, NASA, CIA, World Banks, Big Pharma, Big Tech, DARPA, NASA and Deep State Military Intelligence Agencies.
The City of London, Ed:
· The City of Londonis an independent State with its own police force & justice system.
· It is the source of the UK Deep State, the centre of world finance.
· It's statushas allowed it unfettered fraud, conversion, blackmail & pedophilia torture.
· It has financed & started a multitude of wars for profit. It has destroyed & manipulated government ministers & Prime Ministers worldwide. It is the source of Masonic evil dating back 800 years.
· The City in Londonis the nerve center of world finance, with the Bank of England and Commonwealth offshore tax havens directing trillions of dollars of drug money laundering, terrorist financing and other corrupt practices globally.
· It has impoverished the UK populationwith thousands of tax frauds. And used these taxes to bribe & influence events all over the world.
· It has captured & exploited whole countries & held them in its vice-like grip.
· The use of its control of the world economy has devalued every currency in the world & caused famine, drought & intentional mass murder.
White Hat Intel:
· The Military Alliance is pulling the strings of Trump and RFK Jr. Their public distance is important as over 20% of DEMOCRATICS are behind RFK and growing.
· RFK Jr gives world recognition to Trump as the best informed and intelligent Debater for over the past 160 years since Lincoln.
· Robert Kennedy Jr. said Trump" 'asked me to chair (lead) a commission on vaccine safety"
· The Washington Post had an article and video on January 10, 2017 with Rfk Jr. Immediately after the interview and RFK Jr. statement the Deep State MSM went into a meltdown and attacked RFK Jr. as a Conspiracy Theorist and an Anti-vaxxer and pushed for the narrative to remove RFK Jr. from holding any public leadership role on vaccine safety.
· Today RFK Jr. is running for President of the United States and publicly tries to distance himself from Trump and at the same time gives him admiration for being the best Debater.
· The STAGE was set long ago that Trump and RFK Jr. would not work together (though they know each other and talked several times but unknown to current internet checks), but they are working together through a Mil. Alliance that is going after DARPA. (GOOGLE created by CIA with Clinton's).
· As RFK Jr. for President he WILL also go after GOOGLE DARPA (by going after the vaccines agenda and censorship and fake fact checking that responsible for millions of deaths and millions of more deaths and cover up).
· JKK Jr. is currently splitting the DNC party voters into divisions. Sources reveal JFK Jr. has got inside Military Intelligence Docs that point to the vaccines and connections to Gain of Function and the papers that connect Bill Gates, Fauci, Banks, the Pentagon and CIA. to creation of the Virus and vaccines.
· With Trump and the military initiating Operation Warp Speed (WARP means to bend or twist of shape that leads to destruction and speed is the mirrored equivalent to Deep State. Operation Warp Speed was a Military code that the war against the Deep State was initiated worldwide.
· The Deep State initial plan was to start a World War through Hillary Clinton and then at the same time release the virus and bring in the death vaccines, until 2023-2024 (when enough of the real deadly vaccines were made and enough was created by 2023).
· But With Trump winning the election things changed. Still, the virus was in so many countries prepared for release (underground laboratory in Ukraine. EU Africa) and the CABAL still had to release the virus, but much earlier than expected and with not enough death vaccines ready.
· With Trump unexpectedly initiating the early release of the vaccines more than 85% were forced Placebos: Saline water/fake infective vaccines. Trump and the Alliance Military knew there wasn't enough real death vaccines made, but they had to release the vaccines in order to cause chaos through the Deep State CIA Systems and Banking Systems that weren't ready for the early release.
· This caused massive confusion among the World Banks, pharmaceutical companies that weren't ready and a collapse began as panic hit the Rockefellers/ Rothschilds CIA Plan-demic lockstep operations and trillions were lost, stolen, and used in the Plan-demic as the Rothschilds, Vatican, Rockefeller Elites throughout the world stole money from each other.
· There were many reasons for the release of the vaccine’s operations under White Hats guidance. The biggest reason was it would lead to Military Tribunals and Crimes Against Humanity.
· This was always in the Plan. One day Trump will stand before world military courts and give declassified information that connects the Game Theory Operations to expose the Deep State CIA Democrats involved with the creation of the virus and how things HAD TO BE THIS WAY (Q) in order to bring down the World Deep State Cabal.
· As we head into unsecure elections (that aren't expected to take place by mili. Intel assessments), but rather head into Civil War being pushed by the Deep State to continue cover up of the Plandemic connected to DARPA, CIA, Rockefellers.
· This journey leads to the exposure of the Plandemic Vaccine deaths, World Bank Money Laundering Systems, Worldwide corrupt System intertwined with Epstein Blackmail, Pedophilia Ring and Trans-humanism Projects.
· Everything connected to the CIA, Wars, Crimes Against Humanity and creation of the Virus Gain of Function.
· Trump and RFK Jr. were part of Military Operations to the CIA, DARPA. Why do you think JFKs nephew is involved and exposing the CIA and Trump is doing the same thing?
· The Military is going after DARPA, CIA, Google, Epstein and connections to the Banks, CIA, Biden Laptop, stolen elections.
· Military Alliance Next Moves: Musk hands over keys to TWITTER, to WEF Deep State Military Intelligence CIA new CEO just as the Military Alliance Operations planned to hand over the elections to Biden in order to expose the corruption of the CIA, FBI, Deep State Military Intelligence collusion with a stolen election and DARPA controlled the Social Media platforms with back doors and how the Biden Regime initiated a war with Ukraine and Taiwan and how a World banking systems collapsed under a corrupt Biden CIA regime.
· Even Trump admitted in public, that if he had stayed in office the CIA mainstream media corruption would have blamed him for everything and nothing would have changed. But under Biden the collapse of the U.S. and financial institutions and corruption is happening and continuing and is being exposed and will continue to expose Treason, stolen elections and corruption in the Ukraine Money Laundering Operations and proxy wars.
· The stolen elections of 2020 was military operations to monitor the corruption and Treason that will connect to military tribunals and operations.
· Musk will hand over TWITTER to the Deep State because when the White Hats captured Twitter they put in programs, servers, military operations and back doors hidden throughout the World Twitter systems.
· TWITTER will implode on itself and expose itself to full CIA DARPS Operations connected to the Plandemic and the next Plandemic and vaccines they are trying to release.
· In the next months TWITTER will go back to DNC, CIA, Deep State protocols and create massive chaos inside of the TWITTER world and bring near civil war digital event inside of one of the world’s biggest platforms.
· In the end game Musk will expose TWITTER as being run with the CIA DARPA Operations connected to the World Economic Forum, UN, DAVOS, and Obama’s Five Eyes Intelligence Agencies.
· The White Hats will let DARPA stage their Alien invasion and at the same time the White Hats will wake up sleepers and Whistle Blowers throughout the World who will let countries know the Alien Invasion is a massive False Flag Disclosure Event. This will happen after the fake one-mile-long UFO makes its appearance.
· The Fake Alien Invasion is needed to bring down DARPA. Government agencies which planned the Event will also bring in classified information on the technology behind the floating, levitating manmade UFOs.
· After the failure of the Alien invasion and Military Tribunals the secrets of technology connected to levitation, Infinite energy, Point zero energy, true Tesla energy will come in. This is connected to real Med Beds.
· What if there were fifty-three miles of hidden books that connected to the hidden Bibles that the Vatican suppressed in thirty-five thousand volumes of catalogue from twelve centuries-worth of documents? What if those books housed under the Vatican tunnels (Vatican’s Secret Archives), are the stuff of historical legend and tell the complete story of Time Travel, Zero point energy and that Jesus was trying to tell you how to tap into the God Source of existence?