Thursday/Friday 5 – 25/26 - 23
Verse(s) for today:
Strength and honour are her clothing; And she shall rejoice in time to come. She openeth her mouth with wisdom; And in her tongue is the law of kindness.
Proverbs 31:25-26 KJV
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
John 14:1-3 KJV
Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16 KJV
Thought(s) for the Day:
Canada's Political Approval of Covid "Vaccines" is Fraud:
Shawn Buckley is a Canadian Constitutional lawyer with extensive experience regarding the regulation of drugs and health products in Canada.
Testifying to the National Citizen's Inquiry, Constitutional Lawyer Shawn Buckley explained the politically motivated, fraudulent approval of the not-safe, not-effective, not-a-vaccine, toxic genetic injections, which were forced into Canadian's bodies.
[The Trozzi Team]
Breaking News from Newsmax:
2. Special: Even Fox News Is Banning This Book!
[News Max Media]
Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told:
Discover the Unseen Side of the Pandemic:
Did you know there’s solid data showing that miscarriages have increased by 300% over a 5-year average? That there’s a 300% increase in cancer, and an over 1000% increase in neurological cases?
While it typically takes many years to develop a vaccine, COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out under emergency-use authorization after a much shorter testing period than usual.
What are the consequences? The world is witnessing a growing epidemic of COVID-19 vaccine injuries that can no longer be ignored.
For the first time, The Unseen Crisis provides an intimate, uncensored look into vaccine injury stories you were never told.
Through expert interviews, whistleblowers’ statements, and government health statistics, The Unseen Crisis reveals evidence of fraud in the vaccine clinical trials and the indifference and inactivity by government agencies.
YouTube has banned this documentary — they even removed the trailer immediately after it was posted. So why don’t they want you to see it?
Watch the trailer now and find out, or get immediate access to the full documentary for just $1.
[The EPOCH Times Media]
Former Child Star Speaks Out About Satanic Ritual Sacrifice
Ricky Schroder just uploaded a video sharing a childhood story about Satanic human sacrifice in Hollywood
David YEO:
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City of Calgary folds, reinstates firework show following outrage:
The City of Calgary is reinstating its Canada Day fireworks display after widespread outrage over its decision to axe the show over apparent racist and climate impacts. The backlash included a letter from Calgary Nose Hill MP Michelle Rempel Garner and a petition launched by Common Sense Calgary. “We have heard from many Calgarians as well as members of City Council that while the pilot program is valued, they would also appreciate aerial fireworks display to celebrate on July 1,” said Calgary City Manager David Duckworth.
“We are working with partners to confirm an appropriate site and will share details as they become available.”
The cancellation was pitched as a pilot to address cultural, community, and environmental issues experienced with traditional Canada Day fireworks, city staff said. The city also said there are cultural sensitivities around fireworks displays in relation to Truth and Reconciliation and with July 1 marking the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Immigration Act. A petition launched by Common Sense Calgary over the weekend calling for the fireworks to be reinstated has garnered almost 12,500 signatures.
In response to the petition, Calgary city councilor Kourtney Penner said having a fireworks show on Canada Day would be “upholding colonialism and racism.” “This isn’t nonsense,” she wrote on Twitter. “It’s being actively anti-racist, working at truth and reconciliation, and being responsive to the diverse community Calgary is.”
“Nonsense is ignoring that Canada Day can be more than what you think you’re entitled to.”Rempel Garner said Calgarians can still celebrate Canada while acknowledging and addressing “reconciliation and the longstanding impacts of colonialism and racism.”
“When our leaders make this choice a binary one, that as a people we can only do one at the expense of the other, we further divide our country instead of solving its problems. Suggesting that Canada Day shouldn’t be a day for any celebration does just that, and I won’t allow my community to be pushed into that corner,” she said in a statement. At a UCP campaign announcement on Thursday morning, candidate Rebecca Schulz says she’s been hearing at the door while campaigning that Albertans like the opportunity to come together and celebrate Canada Day. With the fireworks show back on, Calgary says it “remains committed to considering cultural sensitivities while respecting the diverse make-up of Calgary.”
“These and other considerations, such as concerns about late-night traffic, noise, over-crowding, wildlife, and the environment will be factored into the decision on a final location for the aerial fireworks display.”
The city will also offer diverse, educational and inclusive programming. Plans to feature an enhanced pyrotechnic show at Fort Calgary will move forward, including a display of lights and sounds that will be launched from the main stage at Fort Calgary during the headliner act.
“Programming will be a mix of participatory, celebratory, and reflective experiences,” said Jeff Chase, Director of Partnerships with the city. “Calgarians will have a variety of options to observe July 1 in a way most meaningful to them.” [TNC News Media]
Joe Biden just told one big lie about his son that had America’s military heroes fuming:
Joe Biden has long struggled with telling the truth. There’s not much he won’t say if he thinks it’ll benefit him politically. But Joe Biden just told one big lie about his son that had America’s military heroes fuming.
President Joe Biden has a habit of saying anything he believes will help advance the radical left-wing agenda.
White House staff frequently have to walk back his remarks. While on a trip overseas last week, Biden visited U.S. troops stationed at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni in Japan. President Biden spoke with several U.S. servicemen currently stationed at the base, and during one conversation, Biden committed stolen valor by lying about the way his son, Beau, died.
“My son was a major in the US Army,” Biden told the troops. “We lost him in Iraq.”
Of course, there is one major problem with Biden’s claim.
While it is true that Beau Biden served in Iraq, he died of brain cancer in 2015, not on the battlefield.
Unfortunately, President Biden’s handlers kept the press corps too far away to record the audio.
“The traveling press corps, which has faced repeated access issues while covering the nation’s oldest-ever president, was kept far enough away that the remarks were inaudible,” The New York Post reported. “The White House press office did not put out an official transcript, almost allowing the error to escape public notice.”
But this was not the first time Biden lied about his son’s death.
During a trip to Colorado last year, he paid tribute to American soldiers in World War II, and also claimed his son died in Iraq.
“I say this as a father of a man who won the Bronze Star, the conspicuous service medal, and lost his life in Iraq,” Biden claimed at the time.
After President Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, he also lied about Beau when meeting with the parents of the 13 soldiers who died at the Kabul airport. It’s clear that Biden is either a compulsive liar or has grown senile with his advanced age. Neither of the two are acceptable for the Commander-in-Chief. And Joe Biden’s lies could get him booted from office in 2024.
[Conservative Underground News Media]
Breaking News:
Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes gets 18 years for Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy:
Stewart Rhodes, the leader of the far-right Oath Keepers, was sentenced Thursday to 18 years in prison for his involvement in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol — the longest sentence handed down to date and the first for a charge of seditious conspiracy.
“You, sir, present an ongoing threat and a peril to this country, to the republic and to the very fabric of our democracy,” said U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta, characterizing Rhodes as a uniquely powerful driver of the threat to democracy that day. “You are smart, you are compelling, and you are charismatic. Frankly, that is what makes you dangerous.”
Rhodes, 58, is the first of 14 Jan. 6 defendants, including nine Oath Keepers, to face sentencing after being convicted of — or pleading guilty to — seditious conspiracy. Enrique Tarrio, who was the national chairman of the far-right Proud Boys on Jan. 6, was convicted of the charge earlier this month.
Prosecutors say Rhodes masterminded a weekslong effort to derail the transfer of power from Donald Trump to Joe Biden, marshaling dozens of allies across the country to descend on Washington on Jan. 6. Rhodes and his allies spent weeks pressing Trump to forcibly prevent Congress from certifying the election — and girded for violence even if Trump refused. Rhodes also encouraged Oath Keepers to assemble an arsenal of weapons just outside of Washington that could be deployed to the city if necessary.
Ultimately dozens of members of the Oath Keepers surged with the pro-Trump mob into the Capitol, while Rhodes rallied them from outside the building.
It was a brazen attack that threatened the most important and vulnerable part of American democracy, prosecutors said, urging Mehta to issue a sentence of at least 25 years.
Mehta largely agreed with prosecutors’ characterization of Rhodes’ role as a leader of the Jan. 6 attack and agreed to classify his crimes as an act of terrorism against the government, a categorization that sharply increased his ultimate sentence.
“What we cannot have — we absolutely cannot have — is a group of citizens who because they didn’t like the outcome [of the 2020 election] were then prepared to take up arms in order to foment a revolution,” Mehta said. “That’s what you did.
As he prepared to be sentenced, a defiant Rhodes lashed out at the case against him, casting himself as a martyr in a war for the survival of America — the same message prosecutors say Rhodes used to dupe his followers into preparing for battle on Jan. 6.
“I am a political prisoner,” Rhodes said, comparing his plight to Trump’s. “I feel like I’m the lead character in Kafka’s ‘The Trial.’ I feel like it was a preordained guilt from Day One. … My goal will be to be an ‘American Solzhenitsyn’ to expose the criminality of this regime,” Rhodes said, invoking the Soviet dissident and author of the “Gulag Archipelago.”
Mehta sharply rejected Rhodes’ characterization, saying the evidence in the trial convinced a jury of his peers to convict him of seditious conspiracy — and that Jan. 6., one of the “blackest” days in American history.
“People should not forget that,” Mehta said.
Thursday’s sentencing was a pivotal moment in the Justice Department’s efforts to punish those who planned and led the violent assault on the Capitol, stoking the mob of supporters that Trump himself assembled in Washington with his exhortation to “stop the steal.” Assistant U.S. Attorney Kathryn Rakoczy described Rhodes’ sentencing as the most significant step yet toward holding the leaders of the Jan. 6 attack accountable.
Mehta has, in previous sentencing hearings for misdemeanor defendants, lamented that those who duped or radicalized “ordinary, hard-working Americans” to commit crimes on Jan. 6 had yet to be held accountable. He has specifically identified Trump’s own role in perpetuating lies about the election results as a driver of the riot. Rakoczy said that the sentencing of Rhodes and his co-conspirators is the start of the accountability Mehta said he has sought.
Rakoczy also emphasized that Rhodes has continued to profess the views that led his supporters to Washington on Jan. 6 — even just four days before his sentencing when he addressed a gathering of supporters outside the D.C. jail. Rhodes told the group that the election could be stolen in 2024 and that the government was leading a “terror campaign” against its political adversaries.
“Most of us, across the political spectrum and throughout this great nation, desperately want to believe that Jan. 6 was an outlier,” Rakoczy said. “Not defendant Rhodes.”
During an eight-week trial last fall, prosecutors revealed thousands of messages sent between Rhodes and other Oath Keepers leaders in advance of Jan. 6, painting a picture of a group bent on violence and prepared to do whatever it took to prevent Trump from leaving office. Rhodes tried repeatedly to contact Trump and urge him to invoke the Insurrection Act, which Rhodes contended would empower him to deputize the Oath Keepers as a government-sanctioned militia. But Trump never acknowledged his outreach and ultimately declined to invoke the Civil War-era law.
Nevertheless, prosecutors say Rhodes galvanized his allies, orchestrated their travel to Washington and directed their movements toward — and eventually into — the Capitol.
Rhodes and Florida Oath Keeper leader Kelly Meggs were convicted of seditious conspiracy in that trial, while three others — Florida’s Kenneth Harrelson, Ohio’s Jessica Watkins and Virginia’s Thomas Caldwell — were acquitted of the charge but convicted of other significant felonies. Four other Oath Keepers were convicted as part of Rhodes’ seditious conspiracy in a second trial that ended in January, and three more pleaded guilty to the charge over the past year.
Throughout his pretrial incarceration and since his conviction, Rhodes has remained defiant, contending that the group is being punished for incendiary speech despite little evidence that its members engaged in or encouraged violence that day. He contended that the group didn’t intend to interrupt the transfer of power — they were in Washington, he claimed, to perform security details for speakers at Trump’s rally — and that the weapons the Oath Keepers amassed at a Comfort Inn in Arlington, Virginia, were meant to be a “reactive” force in case violence broke out on the streets.
“If you want to put a face on J6, you put it on Trump, right-wing media, politicians,” Rhodes’ attorney Phillip Linder said.
Mehta swept aside those claims, citing messages and trial testimony showing that Rhodes repeatedly contemplated taking steps to disrupt the transfer of power from Trump to Biden and that the firearms arsenal had dual purposes.
“If he doesn’t use the Insurrection Act to keep a ChiCom puppet out of the white house, then we will have to fight a bloody revolution,” Rhodes told allies in a Dec. 14 message to Georgia Oath Keepers.
Similarly, Rhodes told an associate on Jan. 10, 2021 — four days after the attack — that he regretted not bringing arms to the Capitol.
“We could’ve fixed it right then and there,” Rhodes said in a conversation that was recorded and played for jurors. “I’d hang Pelosi from the lamppost.”
Mehta repeatedly emphasized that Rhodes — a Yale Law graduate and military veteran who ran the Oath Keepers with a hierarchical discipline — clearly knew about and approved of the actions of his co-conspirators. He said the evidence underscores that Rhodes would have known about or foreseen that two dozen Oath Keepers would go inside the Capitol as part of an effort to disrupt Congress’ counting of Electoral College ballots.
When that occurred, the group split into two, with half charging toward then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office and the rest surging toward the Senate chamber. Outside Pelosi’s office, the group — led by Meggs — confronted Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn, who testified in the trial about his encounter.
Mehta said their presence outside Pelosi’s office coincided with a frantic effort by security officials to evacuate staffers who were cowering in a locked conference room from the mob assault.
Other officers have ascribed injuries — both physical and emotional — to the conduct of the Oath Keepers, including two who were stationed at the Columbus Doors when the mob broke into the Capitol, two in the rotunda who were assaulted by Oath Keeper Joshua James, and one in the Senate hallway who was part of a police line that pushed against Watkins and other members of the mob.
Our heroes deserve our Thanks:
Throughout American history, millions have sacrificed their comfort and even their lives for the sake of our freedoms-the rights of us all. And yet, sadly, far too many government officials today are taking actions that dismantle the very rights these heroes gave their lives for. Memorial Day and flying our country's flag is about honoring those heroes.
Memorial Day rekindles an appreciation for the freedoms so many laid down their lives for. And it's a reminder that freedom is precious-and that we must be vigilant to ensure that our children and grandchildren are free to live their lives according to the truth and raise families of their own without fear that the government will try to force them to violate their conscience. We are eternally indebted to the heroes who laid down their lives for our country. And just one way you can honor their legacy is by protecting freedom today.
By committing to make a monthly gift of $15, $25, $40, $75, or any amount, you help protect what they fought for. If you give today, your first gift will be DOUBLED while matching funds last. As a special thank you, you'll receive a beautiful three-by-five-foot American flag to proudly display. Right now, there are growing threats to your ability to live and speak the truth. This is not what generations of Americans gave their lives for. It can't be. But you could play an important role in revitalizing the freedoms they fought for. Let others know you're proud to be an American by claiming your flag-and help us defend your First Amendment freedoms and other God-given rights at every level of the court system. We need partners like you to stand on a monthly basis to protect our God-given rights. Please prayerfully consider making the commitment of a monthly gift. If you commit today, your first gift of $15, $25, $40, $75, or any amount will be DOUBLED while matching funds last and you'll be sent your own American flag to proudly display. Help protect what so many died for and what our flag symbolizes. You are a valued and important part of our mission to protect freedom of speech, religious freedom, life, and the family. And that's why we're inviting you to be a part of our team of "Flag Bearers for Freedom" by making a monthly commitment of support.
[Not the Bee Media]
Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors: Rumors:
This is just ‘Informational’ and YOU
must make up YOUR OWN MIND!
General Summary:
Apparent Timeline:
· Thurs. 25 May some Bond Holders received their packages by Federal Express and the rest will receive them over the next few days. …Bruce
· **According to the USAFCC the US Military was under orders to enforce Martial Law by Memorial Day Weekend. Activation of the Emergency Broadcast System was imminent. …USAFCC
· Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) are supposed to receive notification to set appointments any time after Markets closed Thurs. 25 May and it should happen over the weekend. …Bruce
· “I was told they are trying to have us start our appointments around the 30th and 31st. …MarkZ
· **On Fri. 26 May Trump will Tweet something like “The Storm is Upon Us. We are awaiting the new Republic.” …Bruce
· **On Sat. 27 May Iraq will publish their budget in their Gazette and make their new Dinar International rate public on Sun. 28 May. …Bruce
· By Thurs. 1 June all 209 countries will be connected to the new Quantum Financial System. …Bruce
· **Thurs. 1 June the US would run out of cash according to Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury. The day was being referred to as a Financial Armageddon. It was also a day when we would see the implementation of ISO20022 International Payment System where money can be transferred from one financial institution to another on the new Quantum Financial System. …Janet Yellen, Secretary of US Treasury
· Yellen also said that all chaos would ensue including a Stock Market crash – that likely would never recover according to the White Hats, who were taking down all corporations involved in Child Sex Trafficking.
· Tues. 13 June Q’s Timeline: (30 days from Mother’s Day) to MOAB attack the king and queen.
· Thurs. 16 June was the Back Wall for GESARA to be announced and implemented, with full collapse of IRS and all tax orgs.
· Sun. 18 June was a Back Wall for EBS Disclosure implementation.
· Sun. 23 July was set to be the Inauguration of Pres. Donald J. Trump and his VP, JFK Jr, a celebration where all in the World Protection Program coming out.
· Tues. 25 July was set to be Queen Diana’s Coronation.
· Access to Med Beds for the General Public was coming in June 2023.
The Real News for YESTERDAY… Thurs. 25 May 2023:
· **Documents/Blueprint Red Pill for family and friends. This is a first dose for those who need a quick Military and Federal Law and Order summary to get them to start reading and understanding what the heck is taking place and has been going on for now 7 years, and how to apply it to their lives currently and for their future!
· Special Forces Spotted Near Ukraine Front Lines:
· Millions in Mexico Prepare for Evacuation as Volcano Blankets Town:
· Poop Everywhere in San Francisco:
· **Chinese Communist Party Attacking US Communications Infrastructure:
· Black Lives Matter Hitting Hard Times:
· Capitol Police Attempt Power Grab via Nationwide Force | Horizon Post