Summary as I am able:
5-11-22 Wednesday

💥Thoughts for TODAY!
Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
Ephesians 6:2-3 KJV
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
Isaiah 41:10 KJV
Our VIDEO will be RELEASED on 24th May ‘22
Check this out:
Don Brooks and Patrick Bestall are ready!
· After 3 years of researching and writing for our booklet, "Church-Coming of Age" (published Spring 2015)...
· After 7 years of updating the chart on page 11, "Six God-made Cycles of History - Repeating Again"...
· After 4 months of rehearsing and adapting that chart for an easy-to-understand presentation...
· After several thousand dollars invested in professional video and audio production companies...
We're going to release the "Kracken" on Victoria Day weekend and we'll send you a link to watch it on YouTube and Vimeo
Better than that, we're searching for a place to show the video to an audience so you can:
· ask questions
· take the booklet home
· examine a copy of the chart in detail
· see the history of Christianity in more detail buying a copy of James Kennedy's book "What If Jesus Was Never Born"
Preferably a place that doesn't mandate masking, but respects freedom of choice.
If your pastor might be interested, we can email the 40 minute video, and discuss the possibilities. We will do it for free because we can sell the books we bring with us, and we'll pass the plate for donations to the church.
Before starting our presentation, we'll offer copies of our pamphlet called The Trading Post.
It's an invitation to come to meetings to Buy, Sell, Trade or Borrow - no cash required! In fact members will get paid credits to use with each other, have fun together and learn how preppers are going back to the days before cell-phones and computers, to using CB's and growing their own food again.
Let's find out who's hot and who's not up to learning from our past.

CDC Admits Well Over Two-Thirds of Americans Not Fully Vaccinated:
It’s very easy to feel gloomy with all of the horrifying news that keeps coming out about the COVID mRNA “vaccines.” There’s a lot of bad news on that subject. And it’s only going to get worse as years go by and we start finding out the long-term effects of rewriting human DNA with an experimental medicine. But every once in a while, we come across a story that brightens our day. And this one should brighten yours a lot.
Guess what? A large majority of Americans are not fully vaccinated!
Just a few months ago, the CDC was telling us through their media apparatchiks that fully 80% of the American population was now fully vaxed. Sit down and brace yourself. The CDC was lying. I know, shocker, right?
The CDC has inadvertently (because inadvertently is the only way the CDC says anything truthful these days) revealed that somewhere between 55% and 70% of Americans are not fully vaccinated. The truth turns out to be nearly the direct opposite of what the CDC told us. Instead of an 80% fully vaxed population, we could have as much as 70% not fully vaccinated.
It takes three shots (two plus a booster) to be considered fully vaccinated by the CDC. About 74.2 million Americans are still purebloods who opted not to allow a single one of those shots into our arms. 157 million Americans who got the first COVID shot refused to take a second or third dose. That’s 70% of our 330 million population right there. The number might only be 55% though, because we don’t know how many young children who are ineligible for the vaccines are included in the numbers that the CDC accidentally released.
No matter what the rate is, 55% to 70% unvaccinated is really good news for the long-term health of the country. We don’t even know what sort of catastrophic long-term health problems these shots are going to cause. We’re still finding out the short-term catastrophes!
It’s hard to even catalog all of the negative effects of these shots so far, hence the gloominess mentioned up above. Here are just a few off the top of my head…
· A huge spike, numbering in the tens of thousands, of babies are being born with congenital heart defects.
· Untold numbers of babies are spontaneously aborting after their mothers take the shots before or during pregnancy. The breast milk of some vaccinated moms is turning blueish green. (Because that’s normal, right?)
· Tens of thousands of military members developed neurological diseases after Biden’s military vaccine mandate kicked in last August.
· Nearly 800 pro-level athletes, who would seem like pretty healthy folks, have collapsed from heart failure, myocarditis and other heart-related conditions in the past year. This happened on the playing field and often on camera as horrified fans watched.
· Teenage and pre-teen girls have spontaneously developed vaginal ulcers after getting the shots. In many cases, this has required surgical removal of tissue. Newborns are developing a new strain of life-threatening hepatitis from their vaccinated mothers’ breast milk. Teenagers are developing that strain of hepatitis as well, after receiving at least one COVID shot.
· An unknown number of airline pilots has been grounded due to vaccine-induced heart problems. The airlines won’t give us an exact number, but we know there’s approximately a 30% shortage of pilots this year. [For the Right NEWS]

Dr. Oz to Newsmax: Trump Warned They'll Attack Me 'as an Outsider'
Running with a lead in a hotly contested Pennsylvania Senate GOP primary has made Dr. Mehmet Oz a target of political attacks, but former President Donald Trump warned Oz this would come for the political "outsider."
Oz is fighting them back and taking his case straight to the GOP voters in Pennsylvania in the final eight days before the primary concludes May 17, he told Newsmax.
"A lot of them want to clarify these fake ads that have been running against me," Oz told Monday's "Greg Kelly Reports" of his final days on the primary campaign trail. "And President Trump warned me.
"I don't blame him for warning me – now that I have understood it – he said: 'They're going to hate you because you're an outsider and the insider establishment will try to confuse people with these ads.'
"So, I'm making sure they know exactly who I am and defending myself. I'll tell you it's going well. We've got a lead in the polls, and I'm gonna keep campaigning, running through the tape, the last moment of the last second on the 17th of May."
Fed-up man climbs over pew, stops red-robed pro-abortion demonstrators in their tracks:
A decidedly annoyed man was caught on video climbing over a pew and stopping red-robed pro-abortion demonstrators in their tracks, cutting short their disruption of a Catholic mass Sunday in Los Angeles.
What are the details?
A parishioner told the Catholic News Agency that protesters dressed in "huge hats" and "red, hooded gowns" disrupted morning mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. The cathedral is the mother church of the Los Angeles Archdiocese, and CNA said an archdiocese spokesman confirmed the incident late Sunday.
The protesters' red robes and white bonnets symbolize enslaved women who are raped and forced to give birth, the outlet said, and are inspired by Margaret Atwood’s dystopian novel, “The Handmaid’s Tale.”
The parishioner who spoke to CNA, Bradford Adkins, said the demonstration began shortly before communion.
“I was getting ready for a stampede, and I glanced near the exits,” Adkins told the outlet, adding that the demonstrators held a large green banner, though he could not see what was written on it. CNA said cathedral staff and parishioners intervened. Cellphone video posted on Twitter captured the moment one man dressed in jeans and a blue and white checkered shirt climbed over a pew to confront the demonstrators in an aisle: [The Blaze Media]

Don’t let Trudeau Censor Internet:
Have you had a chance to sign our petition yet?
Over 8,000 Canadians have already signed in condemnation of Bill C-11, which threatens to regulate social media - especially the social media of groups that don’t support the LGBTQ agenda.
But it’s not just us who have spoken out on the dangers of Bill C-11…YouTube is speaking out against it!
The head of government affairs at YouTube Canada has stated that the draft law’s wording makes it so that amateur YouTube videos may be in danger of regulationif Bill C-11 passes (link).
CitizenGO has a YouTube channel. How do you think the left-wing elites in Canada are going to regulate our videos with titles like “No Drag Queens in Primary schools” or “Equality begins in the womb”? I’d rather not find out!
The Trudeau government seeks to impose censorship in our country, but we at CitizenGO won’t be quiet, and we hope you won’t be either.
[James Schadenberg]
and the [entire CitizenGO Team]
7-months-pregnant store owner chases shoplifting thug. He throws bottle he took at her — just missing her belly — and runs off, calling her 'Chinese b***h.':
Surveillance video shows a 7-months-pregnant store owner in Oakland's Chinatown chasing out a male shoplifter, who then threw at her a large bottle of hand sanitizer he had taken — just missing her belly — and ran off while calling her a "Chinese b***h," KGO-TV reported.
What are the details?
Eva Liu and her husband own Yuda International Logistics, which specializes in shipping and receiving items to and from Asia, the station said.
On the afternoon of April 25, surveillance video shows a man quickly entering the store and moving toward a stack of customer packages, KGO said. "This person came in, and he was trying to grab those packages," Liu told the station through a translator.
She can be heard yelling "sorry, sorry, sorry" to try to get the intruder to stop; she then grabbed an air hornfrom her desk, stood up, and moved toward the intruder, KGO said.
"I couldn't afford to be afraid because I wanted to protect those packages for the customers," Liu added to the station.
Video shows the shoplifter grabbing a large bottle of hand sanitizer from a shelf near the door while exiting the shop.
When Liu gets to the doorway, the crook hurls the bottle at her.
"I was trying to protect my stomach, so I turned, and it hit my ribs," she told KGO.
Liu added to the station that the man called her a "Chinese b***h" as he was running off — and that she didn't know the term's meaning until it was translated for her days after the incident.
She also sounded the air horn, and KGO said its noise scared away the intruder and also got the attention of a nearby volunteer security team — the Blue Angels. [The Blaze Media]

David YEO:
No+h!ng N3w Under Th3 Sun (1 Min)
D3L & J3ff: Xp0$e N!H's Fr@nC!s C0LLins (2 Min)
R3!ner FullM!ch: LecTure**Cr!m3$ Ag@!n$T Hum@n!+y (94 Min)
3L0N: 'M3rg!ng w/ A!' (3 Min)
D0c TuL!0: B@k!ng S0da & C@ncer (43 Min)
T0m R3nTz: Th# M!LiT@ry H@$ b33n Cr!pLed (17 Min)
S0ng: C@rT00n B@LL (4 Min)
C0rbett: Th3 Truth 0n D0n@Ld's C0nn3c+!0ns (8 Min)
D0n@Ld br!ngs J&J and 0z 0n+o th# $+@ge @ R@LLy (5 Min)
!nd!a: G!ven Cho!ce (1 Min)
CL@u$: !mpL@nT$ !n 10 Y3@r$ (1 Min)
R3-P0$T: C00p3r 0n Ag3 0f D3cep+!0n**AL!en$ (11 Min)

The following information is found on the internet and is usually not referenced by the Mainstream media [MSM]. It is my intention to present this information so that one has a better knowledgebase from which to make judgements. These are not necessarily my views; however, they need to be considered if one is not to become biased as only one side of a discussion is presented. Much of the content of this BLOG is re-printed Material. Consider, do your own research, and make up your own mind.
Here is what is circulating on the Inter-Net:
Status as we understand it:
· Supreme Court Considering Overturning 2020 Election Due to Voter Fraud in all 50 States. Trump in, Biden out by Mon. 16 May? 2,000 Mules: Election Fraud 2020 - What Happened? | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News (
· Mass Arrests Imminent.
· Emergency Broadcast System to be Activated.
· Fall of the Cabal Parts 1-10 Full Documentary:
· On the Global Currency Reset: Tier 4B was expected to be notified to set redemption/exchange appointments somewhere from the middle of this week to Sun. 15 May.
· On Tues. 10 May Bruce indicated Tier4B should be notified at the same time Bond Holders get access to their funds, which was now scheduled for Wed. 11 May afternoon, with appointments beginning immediately thereafter.
· Stock Market was Crashing.
· COVID-19 Vaccine Producer Hid Evidence of Problems:
· Pfizer Documents: Over 1,200 People Died During Pfizer Vaccine Trials: "Following the release of the Pfizer documents, it’s now confirmed that 1,223 people died within the first 28 days after being inoculated with the BioNTech Pfizer vaccine during trials — and it was still approved for use:
· Increase in Mysterious Hepatitis Cases in Children After Vaccine Jab:
· From new Pfizer data: "270 pregnant women have been tested, 238 jumped off for unknown reasons. Of the 32 remaining, only 1 baby was born alive. Others are various cases of spontaneous abortion and fetal death."
· Proof That Rothschilds Patented Covid-19 Biometric Tests in 2015 and 2017. Both were filed and updated years ago, but they were scheduled to be made public in September 2020. This is sufficient evidence that they knew in 2015 what’s going to happen in September 2020! Proof That Rothschilds Patented Covid-19 Biometric Tests in 2015 and 2017. First Registration: Netherlands, Oct. 13, 2015
The Real News for Tues. 10 May 2022:
· A professor has exposed Colgate toothpaste as a dangerous substance to use and makes an appropriate public warning. Fluoride in toothpaste is a slow poison that destroys the immune system and even causes cancer. Fluoride also has a huge impact on the work of the pineal gland, which is responsible for our connection with subtle matters and spiritual development.
· Handwritten notes from Peter Strzok disclosed by the Department of Justice in federal court yesterday show that the operation against Michael Flynn was ordered by President Barak Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in the Oval Office on Jan. 5 2017. This is Treason.
· Satanic Temple to argue abortion is a ritual in legal challenges:
· Australia: Breaking news! Australian Northern T CM Gunner has resigned!!! Best news… White Hats in control, open your eyes people, we are winning.
· Here's Where SCOTUS Stands on Roe v. Wade After Backlash Following Draft Leak:
· World Doctor Alliance: The government admits that in order to meet the Paris Agreement they needed to spray the sky with chemicals that reflect sunlight. Who in hell gives them the right to block out our sun?
· "The proposed global rollout of Vaccine Passports has nothing to do with your health. Vaccine Passports are a Trojan horse being used to create a completely new type of controlled and surveillance society in which the freedom we enjoy today will be a distant memory. It's time to stop this plan in its tracks." This Pivotal Moment - Episode 1 - YouTube Lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
· Ad-hoc 24 of the Investigative Committee. Interview with Andrew Napuat & John Salong. We spoke with two members of parliament from Vanuatu, a remote island nation in the South Pacific, and gained some very interesting insights into the Corona related situation there as well as well as the gaps in the official narrative that are relevant for all of us. Ad-hoc 24: Interview with Andrew Napuat & John Salong (
· Sadhguru looks at the history of Freemasonry and what people refer to as Illuminati today:
· World's First Outer Space Hotel Scheduled to Open in 2025:
· The embattled Head of the UN Office for Project Services resigns amid probe into the agency’s questionable loans:
· Today Tues. 10 May 2022, the Department of Energy (DOE) announced America’s Blueprint for the Quantum Internet. When developed with DOE’s National Labs and private sector partners, the Quantum Internet will offer a world of new possibilities and opportunities.
